During the day the electoral caravan de Izquierda Unida ha recorrido tierras extremeñas. El recorrido comenzó esta mañana en Plasencia donde el candidato nº1 al Parlamento Europeo por IU, Willy Meyer, acompañado por el coordinador regional Pedro Escobar y el local, Luis Ranilla, ofreció una rueda de prensa sobre las vías del tren de la Ruta de la Plata, actualmente en desuso, en la que apoyó la reivindicación de IU- Extremadura de reabrir esta ruta de ferrocarril y denunció el incumplimiento del Plan Oeste, anunciado por Zapatero.
Al igual que en la apertura de campaña Meyer apeló a la movilización del electorado de IU, al que llamó a "salir a la calle y convencer también al electorado desencantado the PSOE. "MEP pointed out that there are fourteen member states in the recession, as a result, in his view, a political choice that was made fifteen years ago by the main political forces, namely not to intervene in the economy, based on speculation , wage moderation and job insecurity.
The candidate told the paper on the crisis issued by the CCOO and UGT which stressed that contains the "essential" to the proposals made by IU in the last debate on the State of the nation as a progressive tax reform, the fight against tax fraud, the creation of a public bank or active policies job creation, that allow "those who have benefited from the crisis provide." Meyer noted that unions and UI agree "end the crisis without hitting the workers and the workers."
He accused the PP and the PSOE and its "common agenda undercover" to be responsible for the crisis. Meyer argue that both parties have "different proposals but do not fall into the causes of the crisis" and instead announced that UI if you are "going into the causes of the crisis: the non-state intervention in the economy" by making privatization as an example. Lopez Aguilar accused of making "toast to the sun", since according to the group Meyer Socialist MP in the last legislature "has supported the strategy that prevented government intervention in the economy," Meyer explained the fact that Germany's worst economic performance of the EU has not destroyed jobs, and Spain with better data is at the head of unemployment, "the PP and the PSOE left the naked state."
During the noon meal MEP participated in fraternal groups of women, with whom he discussed about the campaign to collect signatures for the decriminalization of abortion and a publication on the prevention of gender violence to distribute in the health centers, with ecologists quienres shared his concern about the extension of the operation of the Almaraz nuclear power plant, licensed for operation should be completed in 2010, but will be extended for ten to fifteen years.
During the afternoon, the caravan traveled to Cáceres election where the candidate gave another press conference with Pedro Escobar and Milagrosa Carrero, candidate for European elections IU Extremadura, who also spoke at a public event that put finale to the first day of campaigning. Before a packed auditorium demanded the "re-nationalization of Endesa, Renfe, Posts and part of the steel and automobile sector." Meyer also opposed Fortress Europe claiming that the "Directive of Shame criminalizes people who come to Europe to work" can be jailed up to 18 months passed before a judge, including minors.
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