Monday, May 4, 2009

Labelling Part Of Ship


Meyer made this assessment during the conference and the subsequent responses to questions from those attending the breakfast briefing organized by the Forum Europe event which featured the presentation of the federal charge of External Communication and Electoral Angel Pérez.

IU's candidate and current MEP elaborated on his message that state's two main parties are the European elections with a "shared strategy" and a "common agenda hidden" whose consequences are the "existence of a model that sees the state as a problem and points to the privatization of the company. "

illustrated this view with examples, as the similarities between both parties in its support for policies of moderation room ria l, to complete the process of privatization and divestiture of public enterprises, the sacralization of surplus in times of economic prosperity against social deprivation or to avoid public support for agricultural production, among others.

For Meyer, PSOE and PP will try to use the campaign to "wear each other at national level", ignoring the major national issues and the European debate, while hidden "share the common agenda on economics, foreign policy or European security. If you do a virtual debate and, most likely will not invite the public to vote and there is talk that abstention may reach 60 percent. That's not the way of building Europe. "

Meanwhile, IU focused priorities, "where we are very concerned about what warning indicators in the sense that in 2010 Spain pod would reach 5 million unemployed. Labour Minister , Celestino Corbacho, said that was never to 4. It is striking that has not yet resigned. "

United Left advocates noted that an alternative project for Spain and for Europe as compared to PSOE and PP, "there are more options to bet at a time when Europe is at a crossroads."

"The integration process Europe is exhausted, "he said he can not respond to the demands of citizens. Unlike projects without dominating the political scene in Europe are responsible for the current state of the Union. Below the EU need to, but not on this EU. We say from where we are absolutely IU Europeans. "

In his view, the EU is only able to complete its integration process and social and territorial cohesion by modifying the existing current production model and allows for public intervention. Therefore the EU should opt for market intervention in strategic sectors, with a Stability Pact and progressive tax policy.

added that does not understand that the Socialists, "who say they left", voted as the Directive Bolkestein measures, nor to support Durao Barroso to head the Commission.

also spoke to the Presidency EU to reach Spain on 1 January. He remembered that it is this the planned date to collect the fruits of the so-called Lisbon Strategy to create 20 million jobs work or GDP 3 percent. So said he would like that the first words of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero as president shift of the EU were "we were wrong", while inviting to create a new strategy based on intervention in the economy and the recovery of strategic public sectors have been privatized.

suggested that the Lisbon Treaty "should be frozen and that there are a constituent elections with a European Constitution that is not below that of every nation."

"We have to rebuild the project so that it remains useful, more budget, strengthening the social and economic conditions improve with public intervention. We need a real constituent process emanating from the public. We call for a recasting social, democratic and EU environmental, to correct a course that takes us down the wrong path, "he said.

Willy Meyer called for a European energy public consortium, which would mean "more fuel efficiency, more investment in research into renewable and hybrid engines, thus ruling out commitment to nuclear energy."

In the area of \u200b\u200bleadership, UI MEP appreciated that "we need strong leadership in Europe right now does not exist. This it could lead Oskar Lafontaine. Could lead a change of economic model and, with citizen participation, could build an EU social freedoms, with the core values \u200b\u200bof civilization. "

Meyer was very optimistic with the results in this election and predicted that the coalition 'The Left' that he heads and which includes IU, ICV and Republican Left, you get a "very positive."


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