Izquierda Unida presented his electoral campaign for European elections on June 7. This morning Sevilla hosted the presentation of the election campaign of Izquierda Unida for the next edition of July 7. Juanjo
Tellez presented the event, along with Jose Antonio Nunez, United Left candidate Andalucía, Pedro Chaves, Director of the Europe of the Citizens Foundation, Jaime Aja, a member of the electoral commission, Diego Valdez, General Coordinator Izquierda Unida-Los Verdes-Call Andalusia, who accompanied the candidate training, Willy Meyer.
Pedro Chaves presented the program, which he said "is a domestic contract with society. The green left has been driving the process of European integration, but the question remains what the European Union we want?".
"We have built a program to provide concrete answers from Europe to the biggest problem facing us today: the crisis." Pedro Chaves developed the backbone of the program, emphasizing the democratic re-foundation of the Union and the commitment to "a pact of solidarity and employment pact against convergence." Diego Valdez commended the work done by Meyer during the previous legislature, who "from the lack of means, has entered the European Parliament debate the defense of labor and social rights, land use planning, agricultural policy, environment and sustainability, the fight for equality and international solidarity. "
Valderas said "Izquierda Unida has a speech invincible, but invisible. We must make visible our discourse in the battle between David and Goliath, which are the next European elections." Izquierda Unida's bid to make his address visible passing through "door to door campaign, mobilizing and direct contact, and where cibermovilización imaginative takes on a role." Jaime Aja presented the general guidance and communication tools of the campaign. "Our campaign is focused on participation in the mobilization of the people, of our membership, our supporters, of all working people who see their rights endangered the crisis. "
As the newest element is the creation of" a cyber network to forward the proposals and campaign materials for IU, but also generate their own content and make us reach the people's concerns which are reflected in the network. "Willy Meyer, MEP and the United Left candidate, closed the event, saying" The left can not miss a vote on Europe, we need to recover and unite all real and anti-capitalist left, and United Left is the only useful vote for all victims of the crisis. "For the candidate, IU should go for Victims of the system" do not have to turn to those who know and denounced for years the causes of this crisis, but those affected. Izquierda Unida is the voice of workers in Europe. "
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