Willy Meyer, IU MEP and candidate for European elections of June 7, today visited the Autonomous Community of Valencia with a busy schedule.
Morning has
visited the region of the Vall d'Uixó, particularly affected by unemployment in the porcelain industry, linked to the construction sector. Meyer, accompanied by the General Coordinator of the País Valencià Esquerra Unida Marga Sanz, met with the committee companies of Arcelor Sagunto, a company affected by a redundancy to all staff, and where 300 aid workers have been fired. Meyer, that the week last met with the Committee of the steel company in Gijón, has said that "the status of Arcelor ERE is a symbol of what happens when companies are privatized strategic sectors such as steel, dependent on the automotive and construction The two most affected by the economic crisis. "
"The State" continued Meyer-should keep part of the productive sectors in order to curb the predatory logic of the market. Unlike Asturias, where IU in government makes the problem of the steel industry is a priority for the government in Valencia the PP seems to be more concerned with their problems of corruption or the Formula 1 over the crisis affecting the productive sectors such as steel, which contributes 30% of GDP in the Valencian Community. "
For its part, Marga Sanz has decided to call participation on 7 June," because this time all votes count, and the only useful vote is the United Left. We are the only ones who are proposing a paradigm shift that breaks with the logic of consensus in Brussels between social and popular, based on utility privatization and deregulation and labor flexibility. Izquierda Unida want to regain citizenship policy, putting workers, small and medium businesses and self in the center of European politics. "
the afternoon, in a public ceremony in Alicante Meyer has been accompanied by Esther Lopez, candidate for the European EUPV, Joseph A. Cabello, local coordinator EUPV and Consuelo Navarro CCOO district secretary. In his speech Meyer stated that "based on Eurobarometer data, in Spain provides the highest abstention from the story: 73%. Of course, what citizens feel excited about going to vote for a Europe that is saying you have to increase their working hours, that he will cut their pensions or to be flexible in their working conditions?. This is not Europe citizens, not the Europe that defends the United Left. "
" We propose a Europe that addresses solutions to the crisis from the point of view of the problems of workers. And it is necessary to rescue strategic sectors such as transport, telecommunications, metallurgy, energy sector, water, mail, as security for these policies in the interests of citizens "- defended Meyer.
Meanwhile, Esther López explained that "the crisis situation in Spain is even worse for the case of Valencia, since their governments have prioritized the development model based on the brick instead of betting on the productive sectors. In this regard he referred to the recently approved in the European Parliament Auken report, which condemns all English authorities about the serious environmental consequences caused extensive urban planning in Spain ".
Lopez has shelled the main proposals UI program for these election special emphasis on "the consequences that this has on the mercantilist logic university model. IU demand reverse the Bologna process and opt for a free, quality university. ".
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