Renault workers MEP explained the situation in the factory the company has in Palencia where a staff of 3000 employees 400 have been affected by an ERE. Meyer has picked up the same concerns regarding European works councils, and she explained that "through his group GUE / NGL MEP has always argued that for companies that are in more than one Member State Works must be binding and enforceable, and not just a mere advisory body. "
On the situation in the automotive sector Meyer has described as" immoral that these large multinational companies have made in recent years multibillion dollar profits, in many cases having received public funding, and now lay off workers. "In this regard Willy Meyer referred to the "blackmail has submitted the SEAT Martorell their workers, asking them to approve a wage freeze in exchange for guaranteeing the production at the plant. It seems that nobody remembers the group SEAT-Volkswagen in the year 2008-and in crisis-registered 4,600 million euro profit. "
Meyer In a press conference stated that "the current recession, the worst since the postwar period, has a cause and a responsible and these are the two major parties, who enthusiastically supported the Lisbon Strategy which envisaged measures as wage restraint, freezing the pension age increase retirement or the extension of working hours. "
Meyer wanted to encourage more than 4 million unemployed to go to vote next June 4 and "vote to punish those responsible for the crisis."
"I publicly challenged the candidates of both parties, PP and PSOE to meet in a public debate and analyze the cause of the current crisis and identify the responsibilities, because so far no one has assumed. I hope that when Mr. Zapatero in 2010 to assume the Presidency of the EU, the first words are "Gentlemen, we have been wrong." Because it seems that the figure of more than 4 million unemployed and projections for 2010 of the European Commission to reach more than 5 million, 20%, do not go with him. " "The current and previous government are responsible for deciding not to intervene publicly, privatization of strategic sectors, postal services, water, electric energy sector." "Since the United Left propose that the current model has proven to have failed, and that the solution is government intervention in the economy and the rescue of these strategic sectors, starting with the banking sector and ending with a part of the automotive sector." "We need a real bench to help the self-employed and small and medium-sized companies rather than pumping money into private banks that has profited profiting at the expense of citizens. "
Regarding the automobile sector MEP has argued that aid allocated to this sector" are comprehensive and address the problem at European level so that workers of a non-compete with another, as happened to Renault, where the French government grants has been to the detriment of workers from other European plants. "
Finally Meyer has analyzed the day, along with several members of the last farmers' union COAG reform of common agricultural policy, where they agreed on the consequences dire for farmers and ranchers have the decoupling of subsidies from production. By giving aid acreage and not the quantity produced is conducive to the multinationals and big distributors and end with small farms.
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