MEP and candidate for United Left today gave a lecture at the Royal Elcano Institute in the context of the forthcoming European elections. Meyer explained that "in the current global economic crisis Europe is at a crossroads: continue to maintain the current model has led us in Spain to more than 4 million unemployed, a model based on non-public intervention in the economy, privatization of public services and labor market flexibility, or take a 180 degree turn towards a European public instruments to place the interest of citizens in the center of policy.
"I was surprised that the discussion on the state of the nation Europe was largely absent seven months ahead of Spain assumes the EU presidency." "The French and Dutch noes Constitutional Treaty and the Irish no to Lisbon Treaty represent a rejection of European citizens to European integration as has been done," Meyer argued.
"In this regard, the United Left propose a real constituent process, where citizens are to pick a European parliament with real legislative power to draft a constitution for all and all Europe, not a text as intended by the Treaty of Lisbon drawn between European leaders back to citizen. "" Europe has been guided by the liberal theory of Thatcher and the U.S. 70-80 years in which the state was the problem and was left to market regulation of all activity. This model has failed, "continued Meyer.
Candidate IU Izquierda Unida has explained that" we believe in government intervention to rescue those sectors that were privatized by the governments of the PP and the PSOE as energy, tough naval, through the European public consortia, whose profits go toward the social benefits, investment in alternative energy and fuel efficiency. "
" This logic marked by the Lisbon Strategy has affected all sectors: automotive, steel, or agricultural policy, designed to prevent the production aid where multinationals are benefiting at the expense of small producers. "In the automotive sector Izquierda Unida "we disagree with the injection of direct payments without the possibility of participating in the boards of companies, if they did not have occurred blackmail situations like the SEAT Martorell. Bet on a public bench, you do get the money to small and medium businesses and self-employed, instead of giving it to banks and large companies to keep their huge profits. "
Regarding foreign policy, security policy and the Neighbourhood Policy Meyer has referred" to the controlled blasting of international law with preventive war outside United Nations, recognition of the unilateral independence of Kosovo, or impunity for the violation of war crimes by the State of Israel. All of this creates a framework of uncertainty because the rules are broken. Europe at the international level plays a limited role and connected to the Atlantic Alliance. Izquierda Unida still bet more than ever by the dissolution of NATO, because it is a product of the Cold War. IU advocate for demilitarization of security and make the use of force to the UN mandate "
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