Zaragoza today takes place in a meeting of the United Left parliamentary groups to bring together the various initiatives being carried out against the economic crisis in the various regional parliaments, in Congress, Senate and Parliament.
primary campaign in the context of the European elections of June 7, Willy Meyer IU candidate, has been enveloped by hundreds of parliamentarians from several regions, including Agnes Sabanés, Member of the Assembly of Madrid, Joan Josep Nuet senator IU, Gaspar Llamazares, Member of Congress and Adolfo Barrena, a deputy in the Cortes of Aragon and host of the event.
At a news conference, Meyer wanted to emphasize that "UI in this campaign will focus our proposals with citizens and stakeholders European construction. Spain is paying the consequences of the governments of the PP and PSOE. For them the state was the problem, for this reason launched a process of liberalization and privatization of public services. In this we were the smartest students. "This model," continued Meyer-is what has led Spain into one of the worst crises the EU, doubling the level of unemployment in the EU. "
" It's very implausible change model proposed by Zapatero, when it takes 5 years to the Government of Spain, and in these 5 years has continued and even expanded this aggressive policy against the workers and basing economic growth in the construction residential real estate speculation? "Meyer explained," In this there is no difference between the PP and PSOE.? "United zquierda we will not only address the consequences of the crisis, but we will highlight the causes, are going to the root problem.
We are proposing that the state is not a problem but the solution, the state must intervene and rescue the strategic sectors such as banking, automobile, telecommunications, postal services, water, sectors that were privatized during the administrations of PP PSOE and interchangeably.
And it is also necessary at EU level, we need public consortia of strategic sectors, to to avoid situations such as the Renault company, where aid to the French government has granted the company leave at a distinct disadvantage to workers in factories in other countries like Spain. "Willy Meyer argued that" European aid must be globally and must be accompanied by public presence in the boards of these companies in order to ensure its future. "
The candidate ended his speech by challenging Zapatero:" If this change is real model proposed to come to Aragon and is positioned against Gran Scala project, the English Vegas, located in the Monegros, "the largest operation utime speculative, even legislating a la carte. Zapatero challenge to go to Seseña and make it as an example of good work in urban area.
For his part, Gaspar Llamazares Zapatero has drawn a "disguised as Robin Hood, a strong advocate of change in words, but practical commitment to the continuity of policies that have led to the crisis. "Inés Sabanés
wanted to stress the importance of this conference to coordinate the response to the crisis from the United Left, which is based on" the requirement an increase in social protection to more than 4 million unemployed and stops and the million people who do not receive any benefit, investment in renewable energy as a strategic sector, the change in fiscal policies, which should be progressive and the creation of a public housing stock to absorb the housing problem in the Autonomous Communities.
Throughout this afternoon are expected to work each of the parliamentarians from the different Autonomous Communities with the presence of the General Coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara.
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