United Left candidate to the European Parliament, Willy Meyer, began yesterday afternoon his round of visits Arousa Galicia. Meyer, after an emotional visit to the monument erected in Vila Xoan Comrade Moncho Patiño, attended a public meeting in the Youth House Vilagarcía, accompanied by John M. Fajardo, councilor and county Coordinator of Izquierda Unida de Arousa.
Meyer said during the action "feel at home, surrounded by comrades in difficult times" and summarized the 5 years of work in the E uropean Parliament saying that "a legislature has been very backward in relation to social and labor rights , because the philosophy of non-intervention has permeated all lead to this serious crisis. "
"However - he continued - Galicia has been very present in my work in Parliament, but I'm not going to defend Galicia to speculative, or the big banks, I am defending Galician workers, the sailor, the shellfish, small and medium businesses now suffering the consequences of the crisis. "
United Left MEP was mention the debate on the state of the nation, "PP and PSOE did not want to talk about Europe, because on the model of European integration remain a common agenda unseen, that fifteen years ago resulted in the Lisbon strategy. Have been agreed, therefore, in a building model based on non-intervention in the economy, wage moderation, precarious employment and the privatization of public sectors strategic areas: water management, energy, transport and telecommunications, post office. "
For Meyer, the debate of State of the Nation," focused on partial solutions to the crisis, but no one laid on the table the origin, the causes of the crisis, which is the economic model. "We have considered measures of intervention in the economy, to ensure that it meets the general interest and not the interests of large fortunes. It is necessary to distribute the profits of companies creating jobs. "Said the head of the UI list. This morning, Willy Meyer has visited Vigo, where the first time has participated in a meeting with the press, prior to meeting with union representatives.
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