Monday, May 25, 2009
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Candidate 1 of UI for the European elections called for "fighting the commodification of University "at the close of the discussion day entitled" The Bologna process and the future of the public university, proposals from the left "organized per IU which was held in Madrid today. The candidate also participated in the rally began to campaign for the European Left Party (IPP) held this morning in Barcelona. Meyer praised "the militant efforts" of the participants in the conference, which followed a marathon program from 10 am, and raised the need to extend these discussions to the rest of the organization during the election campaign and after the appointment of 7-J. The Day
attended by representatives from all sectors of the educational community with a significant plurality of views on the Bologna Process, although the dominant trend has been the rejection of his application or criticism of much of its contents. In a resolution adopted recently by the Federal President of IU, it claimed to "halt the process in the absence of participatory debate on the reform" and the "remarkable rejection" of the student body
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the campaign of Izquierda Unida in the message forcefully and enthusiastically in the proposed program, but also-especially-would say that working. Work. That's what Willy Meyer and Cayo Lara asked "women and men of IU." The general coordinator sent the message that "if every activist of IU is able to convince 20 people, 7-J will have a million votes.'s In our hands."
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In the last press conference before the official start of the campaign, which have been presented electoral spot, both the candidate Willy Meyer as the general coordinator of IU have shown Cayo Lara a firm intention "to make the campaign a popular mobilization against the crisis and face the voting abstention and useful.
"No tactical voting. The only useful vote is the UI" is so directly expressed the general coordinator of IU in the last minute of the fundraising. Lara drew Cayo PP and PSOE as "responsible" for the high abstention Eurobarometer polls predict, while held responsible for the situation of crisis in the European Union and Spain specifically to the "neoliberal model supported by both PP and PSOE. On the government considered "not successful or one? In the diagnosis and solutions to the crisis. "
Lara called" sharper "the mobilization of the left in the extent that these elections" all votes are equal "to be single constituency. In this sense, the coordinator warned IU the importance of the European Union's policies because in his view are those that have been generated in part the current economic crisis.
manchego leader brought up the "foundational" UI "with only two members" has expend the adoption of resolution between CiU and PSOE agreed on labor reform. Finally he referred to the IU campaign launched today, calling it "clean" and focused on criticism of the neoliberal model. On election videos, which have been admitted for the first time during the press conference, highlighted the "clear and positive message against a campaign of fear" of PP and PSOE.
"The joint program covert PP and PSOE is the Lisbon Strategy and its candidate, Durao Barroso" No candidate lacked forcefulness UI Parliament, Willy Meyer, noting that the cause of the high abstention that Waiting is the fact that PP and PSOE largely share the program, despite the "virtual debate" between "conservatives" and "liberal." Meyer found that both political parties share what funamental "non-intervention del Estado en la economía" y la "fracasada" Estrategia de Lisboa.
En este sentido ironizó sobre el origen de la crisis al comentar que "la situación económica no es un accidente meteorológico" sino que se debe al "Consenso de Bruselas blindado por PP y PSOE". Meyer anunció que durante la campaña van a "señalar a los culpables de la crisis", especialmente al gobierno del PSOE que en su opinión "tras 5 años en el poder ha demostrado no ser garantía de solución a la crisis". El candidato acusó a Rodríguez Zapatero de no apoyar nisiquiera mencionar al hiperquerellado alcalde de Seseña, Manuel Fuentes, acosado judicialmente por El Pocero.
Meyer se dirigió "And 4,010,700 to stop and stand, one million families without entitlement to benefits - and with special emphasis as to Cayo Lara and PSOE voters disenchanted who called for" building a left output to the crisis. " You suggested that the campaign serves not only for people "concerned" but "to explain to people what is happening" and to convey the central proposal of IU against the crisis: "retrieve the strategic sectors of the economy in Europe and Spain to bring the benefits to the service of job creation. "
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Faced with a public hot in the auditorium of the University of Murcia, Meyer has been called "to recover the alliance between the forces of culture and the working classes to address the economic crisis we are living. "
United Left candidate for the forthcoming European elections, Willy Meyer, visited Murcia, where he has been accompanied by Pedro Marset, former MEP and candidate for the Murcia region to Europe. Faced with a public hot in the auditorium of the University of Murcia, Meyer has been called "to recover the alliance between the forces of culture and the working classes to address the economic crisis we are living. "
For his part, Pedro Marset, who presented the head of the UI list, wanted to note the position Izquierda Unida held against the Bologna process, calling for a genuine dialogue between the government and the student community about the European Education Area. "United Left have been supporting students in all the demonstrations against the plan Bologna - Marset said. Willy Meyer in this regard has explained that "what is happening in the field of university education is the result of the implementation of specific recipes that are embodied in the Lisbon Strategy, enthusiastically signed by both the PP and the PSOE and developed both in the failed Constitutional Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty, which consists in putting the market rate of interest of the citizens. "
"In Izquierda Unida understand the university as a public service and have always gambled and bet on a public, free and quality, for knowledge, not the commercialization of it," said Meyer.
IU's candidate said that "Europe is at a crossroads: we can choose to keep the same model that has led to the current crisis, based on the privatization of public services, deregulation, and ultimately work in non-government intervention in the economy, or we can vote with our reverse this situation and vote for a change of model, which ensures that public authorities instruments to put in the center of all politics the public interest. "
Meyer wanted to appeal to citizens to go to vote," according to data from Eurobarometer, 73% of English will not vote on 7 June. Not voting "continued Meyer-means delivering a blank check to the PP and the PSOE, which are responsible for the current situation."
"Both the governments of the PP and PSOE voters opted for a model of economic development based on the brick in residential construction and real estate speculation, instead of betting on industrial production sectors, which are those that generate wealth and employment. "For this reason it is not credible when Zapatero calls for less brick and more computers, because now they are criticizing their own economic model. In saying this looks like it had not been ruled for 5 years and it was a newcomer to the Moncloa, "Meyer joked.
" Izquierda Unida For the solution to this crisis is not going to inject money into banks to keep their benefits astronomical, but getting the money to those in need, to workers, small and medium businesses and self-employed through the creation of a public bank to ensure that the money reaches the real victims of the crisis. "
"We must rescue the strategic economic sectors as energy, steel, telecommunications, part of the automotive sector and invest the profits of these companies in R + D + i in order to raise, for example, a solution postpetróleo society, because if this debate does not address the government will do the multinationals in their own benefit. "
MEP and candidate for IU has exposed the "hidden agenda that share common PP and PSOE, which goes beyond economic policy and also affects foreign policy and EU security. The two bet on the contingency NATO and the increase in military spending, as proposed in the Lisbon Treaty ".
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The PSOE and PP agreement to limit universal jurisdiction of the High Court contradicts international human rights agreements signed by Spain.
Today in the Congress of Deputies supported a resolution of PP with the votes of the PSOE which limits the scope of the principle of universal jurisdiction of the High Court in cases where there are English victims, whether the perpetrators are in Spain and provided that the country where the offense does not have an ongoing case.
For Willy Meyer, MEP candidate Izquierda Unida, "pursue acts against life and the integrity of the people is the greatest challenge facing the international community in the area of \u200b\u200bsecurity, and indeed how it should be for the EU and Spain. "
For this reason, the wheel Alicante press, came out against the agreement of the PSOE and the PP to limit the universal jurisdiction of the Court. recalled that "international treaties for the prosecution of crimes especially objectionable signed by Spain, such as the Convention for the penalty Genocide, the Convention against Torture or the Geneva Conventions imposed for crimes of war, forcing the English authorities to the pursuit of these crimes, without foreseeing cause excuse. "He argued that the Audiencia Nacional" has opened several reasons to investigate and punish these heinous criminal actions wherever these crimes have gone unpunished by the inaction of the international community ".
In this regard, he recalled that "the International Criminal Court (ICC) has just opened to investigate crimes cases, as it is kidnapped by the blockade of the great powers to prosecute crimes when committed by citizens of powerful states." Alleged role of some judges, said, "have been individuals and groups, among them many times Izquierda Unida y nos los jueces, quienes están impulsando las investigaciones".
El candidato de Izquierda Unida denunció el cambio de posicionamiento del PSOE respecto a la posición defendida por este partido en el caso Pinochet o en la elaboración de la LOCCPI cuando gobernaba Aznar. En ese momento, "el mismo López Garrido -en aquel momento Secretario de Comunicación y actual Secretario de Estado para Europa- manifestaba claramente que el TPI es subsidiario y complementario de los estados partes mientras que ahora manifiesta lo contrario".
Este cambio de posicionamiento "lo que realmente pone de manifiesto es la supeditación del Gobierno de España respecto a las grandes potencias y, especialmente, el miedo que tiene Zapatero a enfrentarse a los Estados Unidos, incluso para la defensa de los derechos humanos más básicos como en el caso de la agresión del ejército israelí sobre Gaza".
Willy Meyer denunció la hipocresía y el doble rasero del PSOE y el PP: "lo que estos días está quedando meridianamente claro es que la verdadera piratería, la del estado de Israel, que bajo los galones de un ejército regular realiza actos de bandidaje tales como el bombardeo, el secuestro, la tortura o la aniquilación, paraliza la acción de gobernantes e instituciones salvo para poner en cuestión la jurisdicción universal para juzgarlos, mientras que la piratería de los africanos desarrapados pone en marcha, with incredible speed, the English international judicial machine. "
Willy Meyer, IU MEP and candidate for European elections of June 7, today visited the Autonomous Community of Valencia with a busy schedule.
Morning has
visited the region of the Vall d'Uixó, particularly affected by unemployment in the porcelain industry, linked to the construction sector. Meyer, accompanied by the General Coordinator of the País Valencià Esquerra Unida Marga Sanz, met with the committee companies of Arcelor Sagunto, a company affected by a redundancy to all staff, and where 300 aid workers have been fired. Meyer, that the week last met with the Committee of the steel company in Gijón, has said that "the status of Arcelor ERE is a symbol of what happens when companies are privatized strategic sectors such as steel, dependent on the automotive and construction The two most affected by the economic crisis. "
"The State" continued Meyer-should keep part of the productive sectors in order to curb the predatory logic of the market. Unlike Asturias, where IU in government makes the problem of the steel industry is a priority for the government in Valencia the PP seems to be more concerned with their problems of corruption or the Formula 1 over the crisis affecting the productive sectors such as steel, which contributes 30% of GDP in the Valencian Community. "
For its part, Marga Sanz has decided to call participation on 7 June," because this time all votes count, and the only useful vote is the United Left. We are the only ones who are proposing a paradigm shift that breaks with the logic of consensus in Brussels between social and popular, based on utility privatization and deregulation and labor flexibility. Izquierda Unida want to regain citizenship policy, putting workers, small and medium businesses and self in the center of European politics. "
the afternoon, in a public ceremony in Alicante Meyer has been accompanied by Esther Lopez, candidate for the European EUPV, Joseph A. Cabello, local coordinator EUPV and Consuelo Navarro CCOO district secretary. In his speech Meyer stated that "based on Eurobarometer data, in Spain provides the highest abstention from the story: 73%. Of course, what citizens feel excited about going to vote for a Europe that is saying you have to increase their working hours, that he will cut their pensions or to be flexible in their working conditions?. This is not Europe citizens, not the Europe that defends the United Left. "
" We propose a Europe that addresses solutions to the crisis from the point of view of the problems of workers. And it is necessary to rescue strategic sectors such as transport, telecommunications, metallurgy, energy sector, water, mail, as security for these policies in the interests of citizens "- defended Meyer.
Meanwhile, Esther López explained that "the crisis situation in Spain is even worse for the case of Valencia, since their governments have prioritized the development model based on the brick instead of betting on the productive sectors. In this regard he referred to the recently approved in the European Parliament Auken report, which condemns all English authorities about the serious environmental consequences caused extensive urban planning in Spain ".
Lopez has shelled the main proposals UI program for these election special emphasis on "the consequences that this has on the mercantilist logic university model. IU demand reverse the Bologna process and opt for a free, quality university. ".
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Zaragoza today takes place in a meeting of the United Left parliamentary groups to bring together the various initiatives being carried out against the economic crisis in the various regional parliaments, in Congress, Senate and Parliament.
primary campaign in the context of the European elections of June 7, Willy Meyer IU candidate, has been enveloped by hundreds of parliamentarians from several regions, including Agnes Sabanés, Member of the Assembly of Madrid, Joan Josep Nuet senator IU, Gaspar Llamazares, Member of Congress and Adolfo Barrena, a deputy in the Cortes of Aragon and host of the event.
At a news conference, Meyer wanted to emphasize that "UI in this campaign will focus our proposals with citizens and stakeholders European construction. Spain is paying the consequences of the governments of the PP and PSOE. For them the state was the problem, for this reason launched a process of liberalization and privatization of public services. In this we were the smartest students. "This model," continued Meyer-is what has led Spain into one of the worst crises the EU, doubling the level of unemployment in the EU. "
" It's very implausible change model proposed by Zapatero, when it takes 5 years to the Government of Spain, and in these 5 years has continued and even expanded this aggressive policy against the workers and basing economic growth in the construction residential real estate speculation? "Meyer explained," In this there is no difference between the PP and PSOE.? "United zquierda we will not only address the consequences of the crisis, but we will highlight the causes, are going to the root problem.
We are proposing that the state is not a problem but the solution, the state must intervene and rescue the strategic sectors such as banking, automobile, telecommunications, postal services, water, sectors that were privatized during the administrations of PP PSOE and interchangeably.
And it is also necessary at EU level, we need public consortia of strategic sectors, to to avoid situations such as the Renault company, where aid to the French government has granted the company leave at a distinct disadvantage to workers in factories in other countries like Spain. "Willy Meyer argued that" European aid must be globally and must be accompanied by public presence in the boards of these companies in order to ensure its future. "
The candidate ended his speech by challenging Zapatero:" If this change is real model proposed to come to Aragon and is positioned against Gran Scala project, the English Vegas, located in the Monegros, "the largest operation utime speculative, even legislating a la carte. Zapatero challenge to go to Seseña and make it as an example of good work in urban area.
For his part, Gaspar Llamazares Zapatero has drawn a "disguised as Robin Hood, a strong advocate of change in words, but practical commitment to the continuity of policies that have led to the crisis. "Inés Sabanés
wanted to stress the importance of this conference to coordinate the response to the crisis from the United Left, which is based on" the requirement an increase in social protection to more than 4 million unemployed and stops and the million people who do not receive any benefit, investment in renewable energy as a strategic sector, the change in fiscal policies, which should be progressive and the creation of a public housing stock to absorb the housing problem in the Autonomous Communities.
Throughout this afternoon are expected to work each of the parliamentarians from the different Autonomous Communities with the presence of the General Coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara.
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United Left candidate to the European Parliament, Willy Meyer, began yesterday afternoon his round of visits Arousa Galicia. Meyer, after an emotional visit to the monument erected in Vila Xoan Comrade Moncho Patiño, attended a public meeting in the Youth House Vilagarcía, accompanied by John M. Fajardo, councilor and county Coordinator of Izquierda Unida de Arousa.
Meyer said during the action "feel at home, surrounded by comrades in difficult times" and summarized the 5 years of work in the E uropean Parliament saying that "a legislature has been very backward in relation to social and labor rights , because the philosophy of non-intervention has permeated all lead to this serious crisis. "
"However - he continued - Galicia has been very present in my work in Parliament, but I'm not going to defend Galicia to speculative, or the big banks, I am defending Galician workers, the sailor, the shellfish, small and medium businesses now suffering the consequences of the crisis. "
United Left MEP was mention the debate on the state of the nation, "PP and PSOE did not want to talk about Europe, because on the model of European integration remain a common agenda unseen, that fifteen years ago resulted in the Lisbon strategy. Have been agreed, therefore, in a building model based on non-intervention in the economy, wage moderation, precarious employment and the privatization of public sectors strategic areas: water management, energy, transport and telecommunications, post office. "
For Meyer, the debate of State of the Nation," focused on partial solutions to the crisis, but no one laid on the table the origin, the causes of the crisis, which is the economic model. "We have considered measures of intervention in the economy, to ensure that it meets the general interest and not the interests of large fortunes. It is necessary to distribute the profits of companies creating jobs. "Said the head of the UI list. This morning, Willy Meyer has visited Vigo, where the first time has participated in a meeting with the press, prior to meeting with union representatives.
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United Left's candidate for European elections after meeting with the CCOO union of yesterday noon, went to Coruxo to visit near treatment plant located on the banks of the river Lagares, before meeting with locals and environmentalists and neighborhood associations Vigo.
During the meeting with neighbors, representatives of the Platform in Defence of the coast of Teis, discussed the need to prevent the privatization of the coast, through "boundaries a la carte and the sale of public land for the construction of facilities and private marinas. Meyer promised the neighbors to consider selling the ETEA (Vigo) and the proposed construction of the City of Mar.
Willy Meyer, accompanied by the group of people affected by the treatment plant Coruxo visited the vicinity of these facilities observing the degradation of the area and heard the voice of those affected live the serious consequences for the quality of life and human health that the proximity of the sewage involved. Coruxo neighbors, at war since 1999 against a facility, which they say are "inefficient, leading to direct untreated discharges the Ria de Vigo, are a source of contamination that is destroying an area recognized as a priority by the Habitats Directive, which have devalued their property and are the cause of a high rate of allergic diseases, skin and stomach, among others, " MEP has asked to boost their demands in the European Parliament.
After the tour with neighbors, Meyer noted the degradation of the area and the damage that the current expansion project would, standing a few meters from the houses and door door Coruxo institute, and ending with the forest and the rushes that have always characterized this beautiful area of \u200b\u200bthe Ria Vigo. Meyer recalled "The Court of Justice of the European Union has condemned (the 7th of May) to Spain to detect breaches of the European Water Framework Directive in the laws of Galicia, Basque Country, Andalusia, the Balearic and Canary Islands" and pledged to defend the petition brought before the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament, and his struggle to get through to the national parliament of the United Left group.
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MEP and candidate for United Left today gave a lecture at the Royal Elcano Institute in the context of the forthcoming European elections. Meyer explained that "in the current global economic crisis Europe is at a crossroads: continue to maintain the current model has led us in Spain to more than 4 million unemployed, a model based on non-public intervention in the economy, privatization of public services and labor market flexibility, or take a 180 degree turn towards a European public instruments to place the interest of citizens in the center of policy.
"I was surprised that the discussion on the state of the nation Europe was largely absent seven months ahead of Spain assumes the EU presidency." "The French and Dutch noes Constitutional Treaty and the Irish no to Lisbon Treaty represent a rejection of European citizens to European integration as has been done," Meyer argued.
"In this regard, the United Left propose a real constituent process, where citizens are to pick a European parliament with real legislative power to draft a constitution for all and all Europe, not a text as intended by the Treaty of Lisbon drawn between European leaders back to citizen. "" Europe has been guided by the liberal theory of Thatcher and the U.S. 70-80 years in which the state was the problem and was left to market regulation of all activity. This model has failed, "continued Meyer.
Candidate IU Izquierda Unida has explained that" we believe in government intervention to rescue those sectors that were privatized by the governments of the PP and the PSOE as energy, tough naval, through the European public consortia, whose profits go toward the social benefits, investment in alternative energy and fuel efficiency. "
" This logic marked by the Lisbon Strategy has affected all sectors: automotive, steel, or agricultural policy, designed to prevent the production aid where multinationals are benefiting at the expense of small producers. "In the automotive sector Izquierda Unida "we disagree with the injection of direct payments without the possibility of participating in the boards of companies, if they did not have occurred blackmail situations like the SEAT Martorell. Bet on a public bench, you do get the money to small and medium businesses and self-employed, instead of giving it to banks and large companies to keep their huge profits. "
Regarding foreign policy, security policy and the Neighbourhood Policy Meyer has referred" to the controlled blasting of international law with preventive war outside United Nations, recognition of the unilateral independence of Kosovo, or impunity for the violation of war crimes by the State of Israel. All of this creates a framework of uncertainty because the rules are broken. Europe at the international level plays a limited role and connected to the Atlantic Alliance. Izquierda Unida still bet more than ever by the dissolution of NATO, because it is a product of the Cold War. IU advocate for demilitarization of security and make the use of force to the UN mandate "
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Willy Meyer, IU candidate for European elections has today called on Zapatero to implement the alleged change of model "less brick" that starting yesterday appealed "to provide support to Manolo Fuentes, mayor of Seseña and symbol of struggle against real estate speculation." He did
Seseña today, where it has been moved to visit the disaster caused by urban various urban developments made before IU accesses the municipal government. Manuel Fuentes, who accompanied Meyer in the press has reported the persecution that is under it and all by the Izquierda Unida Pocero constructor with the complicity of the regional government of Castilla la Mancha.
"There is a conspiracy and complicity between the PP and PSOE in all communities where rule to prioritize economic interests in return for mortgaging thousands of young English people." "The report Auken" continued Meyer-approved by the European Parliament gives us the reason we have been proclaiming the disaster of urban development model in Spain.
This report is a rebuke to all the English government, local, regional and central government about the dire consequences to build housing for speculation, rather than to guarantee the right to housing. "Zapatero has no credibility when it asks less brick and more computers. I guess it must refer to the 3 most Autonomous Communities have based their growth in construction and oddly the 3 are governed by the PSOE: Andalucia, Extremadura and Castilla la Mancha.
Zapatero has suddenly become the opposition to Zapatero. Not seem to take five years to govern Spain "- Willy Meyer said. In assessing the debate the state of the nation Meyer was surprised by the absence of Europe," Mr Zapatero is the President of the EU in 6 months and only yesterday referred some to Europe. This is not surprising when both PP and PSOE agree on the same economic model that has beaten the generating 4 million workers unemployed in our country. "
Meyer explained" that the two agreed to approve the Strategy Lisbon, which aimed for 2010 growth of 3% to 20 million jobs by applying neoliberal prescriptions such as wage restraint, job insecurity or the freezing of pensions. "
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Willy Meyer, the head of list IU in the European elections, Marta Pulgar, number 3 of the European Parliament and Jesus Iglesias, General Coordinator of IU of Asturias, held this morning a meeting with the CCOO union section of Arcelor and works council members that served to give an overview of the situation of crisis in Gijón and ERE of Arcelor.
This meeting was also attended by Secretary of the Regional Union of CCOO in Gijon, Juan Sanchez. Union members at Arcelor, Angel Diaz, Secretary General of the CCOO union section of Arcelor, John Smith, Secretary General of CCOO Arcelor in Gijón and Theophilus Stephen, Secretary General of CCOO Arcelor in Avilés, moved the candidate of the IU strategic importance for the Asturian economy has Arcelor. Arcelor is
15% of GDP in the region and their jobs are 30% in the metal sector in our region. Also affect the risk of turning off the furnace and the need to be assured that when the market situation so demands it can start again with the investment needed to update, still pending, despite being involved in the process privatization of the company.
Willy Meyer, the current MEP and candidate for IU, this meeting highlighted the exemplary nature resulting from the current situation in Arcelor in the light of policies from the European Union have been promoted in recent years. It must be remembered as Meyer said that Arcelor is the result of the privatization of Ensidesa and the resignation of the central and regional governments to keep at least one shareholder presence after the privatization process.
"This shows graphically that while neo-liberal theorists advocated the demise of the state in the economy and the inability to maintain participation and planning instruments, from the public was opening the field to make planning the big business groups, Meyer said at the meeting in Gijón.
So today it usually happens Mittal who plans to present and future of a strategic sector for any economy such as steel. Meyer defendiende the need to correct the policies and raise the need to reconsider the presence of government in strategic sectors such as steel. Moreover, the General Coordinator of IU of Asturias, insisted again that the Government of Asturias and Rodriguez Zapatero, who is responsible to approve the ERE-have to intervene politically to Mr. Mittal, largest shareholder and owner 43% of social capital, for the ERE has the least impact in Asturias, to guarantee the labor rights of workers, there is assurance that the blast furnace now stands, will start recovering and production capacity will to address the relevant investment.
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Willy Meyer, MEP and candidate of the Left UUID the next European elections on June 7 Rioja visit today. This morning at a news conference with the Coordinator of IU Logroño and La Rioja candidate Meyer explained that Zapatero, following the statements of yesterday has become its own opposition, "Zapatero against Zapatero."
"The Prime Minister yesterday blamed Aznar's government of the current crisis, but after 5 years of PSOE government, has not only changed the policy of Aznar, but has followed it blindly," has Meyer said. "Aznar in the year 2000 adopted the Lisbon Strategy which recipes such as privatization of strategic sectors of the economy and public services, and labor market deregulation intended to generate a 3% growth and 20 million jobs.
The PSOE, during his years in government has used every one of these recipes, which has led to the crisis we are experiencing. "Willy Meyer explained that the alternative proposal of the United Left in this model involves for "rescue these strategic economic sectors as energy, water, transport, telecommunications, postal and the automotive sector to invest benefits of these public enterprises in social progress. "
" It is ironic that the less demanding Zapatero leaves less brick and more computers when was the PSOE government has based the development model in Spain in construction. The 3 Autonomous leading the construction boom are Castilla la Mancha, Extremadura and Andalusia, the 3 governed by the PSOE. Zapatero yesterday launched a brick against his own management. "
Meyer has criticized Zapatero left use a language with a purely electoral purposes," Mr Zapatero made yesterday a toast to the gallery, but there is no policy change program. It would be if we were proposing as IU's nationalization of the financial sector to bring the money to workers, small entrepreneurs and the self, rather than do what they are doing: funneling money to large companies and banks who have been profiting, even in crisis. "" IU will not tolerate blackmail as the SEAT Martorell, where they are asked workers a wage freeze in exchange for maintaining production while the company ended 2008 with 4000 million euros of profit. Nor
pressure President of Renault, in order to maintain production plants Castilla León requires the Minister Sebastian more labor flexibility "- continued Meyer." Izquierda Unida appeal to all who are suffering the consequences of the crisis with their vote to punish the perpetrators of it.
This crisis can only go two ways: giving priority to the interests of big business and governments have made majority of the two forces, or placing the interest of workers in the heart of European policies. IU opts for the latter. "This day of pre-campaign ends tonight with a meeting with social groups of Logroño and a public event at 20h in the School of Fine Arts, where they will participate, as well as Willy Meyer, Hernan Moreno, Coordinator IU of Rioja and Antonio Fifteen IU candidate for European elections Rioja.
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Federal e Izquierda Unida-IU Madrid held today in key primary campaign of the European elections the central act of the statewide initiative "1000 actions against the crisis, which began in January. Willy Meyer, head of the list in the elections on 7-J and Cayo Lara, general coordinator of IU, agreed to make a clear appeal to voters at the next appointment at the polls give "a strong response to the boredom that caused the two largest parties, PSOE and PP.
a crowded theater in the old slaughterhouse Arganzuela, Meyer appealed directly to voters who "punished with vote for the political forces that have allowed to ruin the economy ", having been using interchangeably the same economic model. In the act, policy interventions which were opened by the coordinator of IU-CM, Gregory Gordon, and was presented by the presidential spokesman in Madrid, Tania Sanchez, Lara and Meyer appealed to the "utility of the United Left vote" against the claim their political rivals.
UI is very clear how to "taking to the streets, being with weaker and not stepping on carpets and comfortable calling from Government offices, as indicated by the general coordinator. In the act could see an example, gave its platform UI Yesterday representatives of workers in Iveco-Pegaso, Arcelor-Mittal and BP-Solar, affected by job layoffs, bringing their claims and accompanying Like this organization IU accompanies them in their demonstrations. In this company, and the youth of the organization, Cayo Lara reiterated his call to go out until the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero "give, recognize their mistakes, give a boost to its policy and start looking at work eyes of the workers and not into the pockets of the bankers.
Willy Meyer, didactic in parts of his statement, predicted that the first socialist and popular candidates only concern in campaign to the "effects of the crisis", but accused both Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar and Jaime Mayor Oreja de no "to question a system that is responsible for the situation." An economic model failure and failure "on the bet on and repeatedly socialist popular Pedro Solbes and Rodrigo Rato, from its financial responsibilities in Spain, as does now the Commissioner of Economic Affairs of the European Commission, Joaquín Almunia, from the EU.
"IU fight that model that has characterized the speculation and the rapid enrichment and has covered the immorality of the great benefits. And we will do with a proposal economic alternative, "said Meyer. In the same vein, Lara accused the prime minister to" kneel "against the powerful, an" indignity "of the United Left wants to" free to make policies for those most in need ". While Lara Cayo asking citizens" not to despair "to believe that all politicians are the same and put IU as an example of" decent, honest and principled, "Meyer said that" now is the time to give the best UI because we felt in society and are able to help resolve the drama that exists in many families. "
Willy Meyer acknowledged that mistakes were made in the past but with equal sincerity, warned that IU will not ask forgiveness for fighting corruption and crime of state ", contrary to statements made by Rosa Aguilar in an interview where the excuses ahead of Felipe González ask him directly linked with the GAL in Parliament. For its part, Cayo Lara, in his criticism of the government, also had words for the bill approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers to stop advertising in TVE and accused the executive of "the English want to remove this public media . We will not consent. "
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Willy Meyer, MEP and candidate for the forthcoming United Left European elections on June 7 visited Huelva, accompanied by the provincial coordinator Pedro Jimenez, calling on citizens, especially the more than 4 million unemployed people "with their vote to punish the perpetrators of this economic crisis."
Meyer during his journey he visited the factory workers Bioxide material for paints that are camped in front of it. Half of the staff of the company is affected by an ERE and a threat of closure. Meyer explained to the workers that the situation in which they find has a responsibility: "These are those who have taken decisions on economic and industrial policy under logic privatization of strategic sectors and deregulation and labor market flexibility, reflected in the Lisbon Strategy, adopted in 2000 with the enthusiastic vote of PP and PSOE.
The current crisis is the result of a hurricane, and those responsible for it should be punished at the polls by the people "In this regard Meyer called for" rescue the strategic sectors such as energy, shipbuilding, transportation, telecommunications and post and put in state hands and invest the profits in favor of social progress. "" Just as IU propose the creation of public bank to put money in the hands of small entrepreneurs and the self, and not big business and the wealthy. "
The workers transferred to the MEP concerned about the situation of unfair competition between firms as Bioxide, which complies with European environmental regulations and other companies despite not comply with impunity continue to occur without the costs of having to implement the acquis communautaire in that respect. Meyer in this regard noted that one of the central themes of the work of the United Left in the European Parliament has been reporting cases in which not being implemented regulations. Fertiveria is an example. are multiple occasions in which we reported that the PSOE's regional government, rather than applying the law of costs and force the company to change the production system, has chosen to expand the licensing of discharges to the company until 2012. "In Spain, and her other EU countries, can not sustain a production system that is not environmentally sustainable."
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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Renault workers MEP explained the situation in the factory the company has in Palencia where a staff of 3000 employees 400 have been affected by an ERE. Meyer has picked up the same concerns regarding European works councils, and she explained that "through his group GUE / NGL MEP has always argued that for companies that are in more than one Member State Works must be binding and enforceable, and not just a mere advisory body. "
On the situation in the automotive sector Meyer has described as" immoral that these large multinational companies have made in recent years multibillion dollar profits, in many cases having received public funding, and now lay off workers. "In this regard Willy Meyer referred to the "blackmail has submitted the SEAT Martorell their workers, asking them to approve a wage freeze in exchange for guaranteeing the production at the plant. It seems that nobody remembers the group SEAT-Volkswagen in the year 2008-and in crisis-registered 4,600 million euro profit. "
Meyer In a press conference stated that "the current recession, the worst since the postwar period, has a cause and a responsible and these are the two major parties, who enthusiastically supported the Lisbon Strategy which envisaged measures as wage restraint, freezing the pension age increase retirement or the extension of working hours. "
Meyer wanted to encourage more than 4 million unemployed to go to vote next June 4 and "vote to punish those responsible for the crisis."
"I publicly challenged the candidates of both parties, PP and PSOE to meet in a public debate and analyze the cause of the current crisis and identify the responsibilities, because so far no one has assumed. I hope that when Mr. Zapatero in 2010 to assume the Presidency of the EU, the first words are "Gentlemen, we have been wrong." Because it seems that the figure of more than 4 million unemployed and projections for 2010 of the European Commission to reach more than 5 million, 20%, do not go with him. " "The current and previous government are responsible for deciding not to intervene publicly, privatization of strategic sectors, postal services, water, electric energy sector." "Since the United Left propose that the current model has proven to have failed, and that the solution is government intervention in the economy and the rescue of these strategic sectors, starting with the banking sector and ending with a part of the automotive sector." "We need a real bench to help the self-employed and small and medium-sized companies rather than pumping money into private banks that has profited profiting at the expense of citizens. "
Regarding the automobile sector MEP has argued that aid allocated to this sector" are comprehensive and address the problem at European level so that workers of a non-compete with another, as happened to Renault, where the French government grants has been to the detriment of workers from other European plants. "
Finally Meyer has analyzed the day, along with several members of the last farmers' union COAG reform of common agricultural policy, where they agreed on the consequences dire for farmers and ranchers have the decoupling of subsidies from production. By giving aid acreage and not the quantity produced is conducive to the multinationals and big distributors and end with small farms.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Labelling Part Of Ship

Meyer made this assessment during the conference and the subsequent responses to questions from those attending the breakfast briefing organized by the Forum Europe event which featured the presentation of the federal charge of External Communication and Electoral Angel Pérez.
IU's candidate and current MEP elaborated on his message that state's two main parties are the European elections with a "shared strategy" and a "common agenda hidden" whose consequences are the "existence of a model that sees the state as a problem and points to the privatization of the company. "
illustrated this view with examples, as the similarities between both parties in its support for policies of moderation room ria l, to complete the process of privatization and divestiture of public enterprises, the sacralization of surplus in times of economic prosperity against social deprivation or to avoid public support for agricultural production, among others.
For Meyer, PSOE and PP will try to use the campaign to "wear each other at national level", ignoring the major national issues and the European debate, while hidden "share the common agenda on economics, foreign policy or European security. If you do a virtual debate and, most likely will not invite the public to vote and there is talk that abstention may reach 60 percent. That's not the way of building Europe. "
Meanwhile, IU focused priorities, "where we are very concerned about what warning indicators in the sense that in 2010 Spain pod would reach 5 million unemployed. Labour Minister , Celestino Corbacho, said that was never to 4. It is striking that has not yet resigned. "
United Left advocates noted that an alternative project for Spain and for Europe as compared to PSOE and PP, "there are more options to bet at a time when Europe is at a crossroads."
"The integration process Europe is exhausted, "he said he can not respond to the demands of citizens. Unlike projects without dominating the political scene in Europe are responsible for the current state of the Union. Below the EU need to, but not on this EU. We say from where we are absolutely IU Europeans. "
In his view, the EU is only able to complete its integration process and social and territorial cohesion by modifying the existing current production model and allows for public intervention. Therefore the EU should opt for market intervention in strategic sectors, with a Stability Pact and progressive tax policy.
added that does not understand that the Socialists, "who say they left", voted as the Directive Bolkestein measures, nor to support Durao Barroso to head the Commission.
also spoke to the Presidency EU to reach Spain on 1 January. He remembered that it is this the planned date to collect the fruits of the so-called Lisbon Strategy to create 20 million jobs work or GDP 3 percent. So said he would like that the first words of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero as president shift of the EU were "we were wrong", while inviting to create a new strategy based on intervention in the economy and the recovery of strategic public sectors have been privatized.
suggested that the Lisbon Treaty "should be frozen and that there are a constituent elections with a European Constitution that is not below that of every nation."
"We have to rebuild the project so that it remains useful, more budget, strengthening the social and economic conditions improve with public intervention. We need a real constituent process emanating from the public. We call for a recasting social, democratic and EU environmental, to correct a course that takes us down the wrong path, "he said.
Willy Meyer called for a European energy public consortium, which would mean "more fuel efficiency, more investment in research into renewable and hybrid engines, thus ruling out commitment to nuclear energy."
In the area of \u200b\u200bleadership, UI MEP appreciated that "we need strong leadership in Europe right now does not exist. This it could lead Oskar Lafontaine. Could lead a change of economic model and, with citizen participation, could build an EU social freedoms, with the core values \u200b\u200bof civilization. "
Meyer was very optimistic with the results in this election and predicted that the coalition 'The Left' that he heads and which includes IU, ICV and Republican Left, you get a "very positive."