Friday, December 25, 2009

Name Of The Car Partes From Inside


was a of their election campaign promises and Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo is serving

Paraguay announces free public health accomplishing one of the promises of President Lugo

Minister Martinez told the media that "we did an analysis and realized that what people pay is more a barrier than a help.

tariffs are not the only services that support the general taxes, "so said that from now on there will be no tariffs or payments for consultations, hospitalizations, diagnostics and medicines formulary. Guillermo

Nova Republic Havana

was one of his campaign promises and Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo is doing, from the December 25 services public health will be completely free.

supplementation is a gradual process that began in September 2008 and in his first year in office has been achieved, as the extension of social security to work ers in domestic service, promises of change that are materializing.

During a ceremony with President Lugo Esperanza Martínez, Minister of Health, said that "health is free in Paraguay by real management of this government" and said it was not before, "because they could not accomplish in 20, 30 100 years of previous governments. "

Minister Martinez told the media that "we did an analysis and we realized that what people pay is more a barrier than a help. There are tariffs that support the services but general taxes ", so said that from now on there will be no tariffs or payments for consultations, hospitalizations, diagnostics and medicines formulary.

Since the beginning of the health plan assistance in public hospitals increased by 23 percent, in a country that according to official figures 19 percent of Paraguayans are in extreme poverty and 37.9 percent live on the threshold of this situation, the result of 61 years hegemony of the Partido Colorado.

Source: Republic. / Popular Voice Http:// Mail:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Slogans For Peditricans


In sas powerful show of force and making clear the back that gives the people of Uruguay, the Frente Amplio , with its candidate José Mujica and Astori is impacting positively to the voters and people who already spoken favorably by to continue the process of emancipation and good governance that gave the organization Frente in his first term in office in the country.

These demonstrations included the information that is collected in digital newspaper of the Communist Party of North UruguayLitoral on the great caravan, with the title:


From 10 am until 19 hours thousands of vehicle traveled s Frente percent of streets in the departments of Canelones and Montevideo, to finish the gully flooding capital.
Posted by Communist Party of Uruguay Litoral Norte.

From PrensaPopularSolidaria_ComunistasMiranda REDECCOMI and salute this great show of force that satisfies us the peoples of Latin America and the world who accompanied the Uruguayan people our solidarity.

Source: North Coast page PCU Uruguay / Edit PrensaPopular Solidaria_ComunistasMiranda / Communist Mirandinos Communication Network (REDECCOMI) Mail:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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SIMON BOLIVAR present ..

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Billard Center Slogan



Thursday, August 13, 2009

Where To Find Beanie Hat Patterns


Community Communication / Bartolo Fuentes

Honduras, August 12, 4:15 pm

Protests against the coup have been suppressed in Tegucigalpa, several beaten and arrested more than twenty journalists including those who have seized equipment, while police and soldiers have militarized the buildings where protesters home and comb the surrounding areas.

Low National Congress has become a prison where detainees an hour after being caught still being beaten.

Those detained journalists, including reporter for Life Magazine Labor and , George Oslin, who took his camera. They also beat the journalist Cesar Silva, a former state employee Channel 8 in the government of Manuel Zelaya.

In the operation has been at the head officer Flores Palma, who for some time was in charge of special battalion of policemen Cobras. The officer personally took the camera to a reporter.

Meanwhile, the police entered the National Pedagogical University, UPN, bursts of live ammunition, engaged the present and unknown number of detainees. Nearby, soldiers and police tracked the streets and arresting those suspected of participating in the protests.

popular leaders complained that other military groups repremir move to the headquarters of the College of Teachers Education and Media COPEMH Workers Union of Beverage Industry and Allied STIBYS, which harbored protesters outside Tegucigalpa.

Last night was declared a curfew in Tegucigalpa from 10 pm to five o'clock.

A human rights personnel have been barred from the underside of the National Congress and then get to where those detainees who at about 3:30 pm they took on a military truck, they were told to the police station four but at 4 and 10 pm to 26 people were in the truck in front of the Cobras special command in the colony on October 21 of the Capital.

of twenty-six detainees are mostly young Tegucigalpa, three gentlemen, two women and a Colombian citizen who was captured when he ate at a restaurant near where he was taken by police.

Deputy to the National Congress of Democratic Unification Party, Marvin Ponce, was attacked by about 45 police and given the severity of the blows was admitted to the Hospital Escuela capital.

HRN and Radio Broadcasters America, with about eighty repeaters in the country, enthusiastic listeners to attend the stadium in San Pedro Sula to the party selection of Honduras against Costa Rica in qualifying for World Cup 2010. Morning news commentators practically call the police to repress the demonstrations.

In San Pedro Sula, 240 kilometers from Tegucigalpa, thousands of demonstrators protesting in the streets even though they have been threatened by police. After two hour blockade of the toll booths east of San Pedro Sula, at 4:20 pm the event is followed closely on the way to the Technological Institute of Business Administration, INTAE, by a police contingent , a tank and a bus without passengers is supposed be used to transfer detainees.

The price of the tickets to enter the game selection has dropped 50 per cent and Figueroa Third Commissioner of Police San Pedro Sula announced the presence of two thousand police and military to protect the activity because they fear protests. Monday August 11 they reached the city of 30,000 people after a walk of sixty miles launched on August 5 from various points of the northwest.

On the police-military movement fear repressive acts also in San Pedro Sula.
Leaders of the National Front have called for renewed protests for tomorrow August 13. Bartolo Fuentes

Source: Media Project, Common

Editing: PrensaPopularSolidaria_ComunistasMiranda. (PPS_CM)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cruising Spots To Meet Men In Nj



The National Front Against the Coup in Honduras, integrated organized by different expressions in the country, in struggle to restore constitutional order, announces: We reiterate that the coup was conceived by the oligarchy and executed by the military in collusion with the Supreme Court, Congress National Public Ministry, Human Rights Commissioner, Superior Electoral Court, the Liberal, National, Social Innovation and Unity Democrats, Christian Democrats, the Catholic Church, the Evangelical Yy.

We demand that the planned meeting between President Zelaya and Roberto Micheletti Bain takes into account the position of the National Front Against the Coup d'etat, which includes the main point the installation of a National Constituent Assembly.

demand punishment for those responsible for the death of our fallen comrades and repression of the protests and local people's movement.

reject the possibility of legitimizing the de facto authorities and reaffirm that the only acceptable outcome is the return to constitutional order.

report the appointment of a committee representing the National Front Against the Coup to participate in meetings of San José, Costa Rica.

continue to demand the restitution of individual rights immediately, as the suspension is a clear violation of human rights of individuals.


Tegucigalpa, July 8, 2009

Source: National Front Against the Coup in Honduras / Edition: PrensaPopularSolidaria_ComunistasMiranda

http://prensapopular-comunistasmiranda.blogspot . com / /

Friday, July 3, 2009

Tendonitis And Drinking Alcohol


In his third statement on the Front against the coup in Honduras acknowledge that the Honduran people continues to increase its resistance against the dictatorship, with the addition of new sectors and elsewhere, denouncing and combating the growing repression and violation of Human Rights by the army, police and civil servants seconded from Dictatorship to government officials, last done in violation of all laws

Until that happens, turn the anti-dictatorship movement occurs continuously in the streets and all the way resistance is manifested, with marches, rallies, propaganda in the streets, and preparing to welcome President Zelaya.

Below is the Press Release 3 of the Internal Resistance Front to the dictatorship. PRESS


developed to the latest developments in the country, the People's Resistance Movement Against the Coup, makes public the facts relating to the repression of the dictatorship coup led by the oligarchy in Honduras and executed by some deputies and deputies in the National Congress, along with the servile judges of the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General's Office. In this regard communicate:

denounce and condemn the national army is conducting forcible recruitment of young people aged 15 and older, we have reports from, Fairfax, Manto, Olanchito, Sonaguera, Columbus and other municipalities, where forcibly enter homes and take the boys, so we demand an immediate investigation of these cases and return these youth to their homes.

communicate that on Tuesday 30 June in a clear abuse of power, has extended the curfew until Friday 3rd from 9:00 pm. At 5:00 am. According to this scenario Resistance Movement believes we are in civil insurrection, because we lost the constitutional guarantees.

inform you that on Tuesday 30 June afternoon a citizen group lawyers, including 3 Public Ministry, as part of the National Front's actions against the coup have filed an appeal before the Supreme Court requesting the annulment of the appointment of Mr. Roberto Micheletti as President of the Republic and simultaneously filed a complaint with the prosecution against those involved in the coup.

denounce that despite national and international pressure the de facto government continues with its plans and has already named a Cabinet made illegal by the oligarchy subservient to the coup. We denounce the militarization

n most of the Secretaries of State the Public Ministry, the Supreme Court of Justice, The National Electric Power Company and the Company Honduran Communications, streets and other sites.

communicate to maintain and strengthen our resistance is peaceful struggle will not cease until the return of constitutional order.

communicate that we maintain our demand for installation of a National Constituent Assembly to draft a new Constitution and is the starting point for building a new country, with participatory democracy and social justice.

invite the people of Honduras to maintain strength and increase pressure on coup leaders until restore constitutional order and the return of President José Manuel Zelaya Rosales.

Tegucigalpa, July 3, 2009

Source: National Front Against the Coup, Honduras / Edit deVoz-Communist Popular Guatire

http://pcvguatire-vozpopular.blogspot . com

Friday, June 26, 2009

Genius F610 With Gimp


By: Lianet Arias Sosa / Cuba Debates

In 1989, the socialist bloc was collapsing and they held then, seduced by capitalism magazine and convinced that history had been there the modern epilogue , begin to question today pasado.Para trails Bulgaria, Eastern European nation which in 1990 ceased to exist a socialist model, the changes that followed the transition was not exactly as expected:

"With regard to education in Bulgaria had not analfabetos.En the present, already schools are closing, teachers are not motivated because of low wages that have, even asking mejoras.Hoy strikes have already illiterate not only belong to the Turkish and Roma minorities, there are Bulgarians whose parents can not afford to send to school. "

Thus spoke in an interview with Granma, Alexander Paunov, general secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party, who was invited to Island by the Party Central Committee and recently attended the XIV International Conference on European Studies. "After the changes, there was high unemployment. Many young people, for economic reasons, had to migrate.

Bulgaria is losing its intellectual and resources invested in calificación.Por other hand, are young people of childbearing age, they are going to Italy, Spain, Greece or Portugal, and (their children) are born English, Italian ... In this sense, Bulgaria is having a regression also in population growth.

"The field of Health did not escape the onslaught fostered more than 15 years Occidente.Lo that was once free, now counted among the possibilities of a million people in the country without access to health insurance. What explains this situation when the Bulgarian Parliament's 240 members, 82 belong to the so-called Coalition for Bulgaria, the left wing of the ruling group? "

This does not give the possibility of a leftist government - explains Paunov- - and led to its having to make commitments on its agenda and its policy económica.De that way, it was a coalition with two liberal centrist parties. "contradictions and competing interests within the legislative changes such as raised reduction 15% to 10% corporate tax paid by the capitalists.

"In the hands of employers were hundreds of thousands of cams, but this money goes to the renovation of production, new technologies, to renew the fleet of machines, the rise in workers' skills or the wage increases; but private consumption, to buy Mercedes Benz, ¼ houses, or do not come directly to the country's economy. "

However, also within the positions left antagonismo.Con verging on a single deputy in Parliament, the Communists just can influence legislative decisions. "We aim to defend our views, our views that differ from those of the Socialist Party. For example, only four members left to vote against our forces were sent to fight in Iraq. (¼)

We were five or six members who were against the installation of U.S. bases in Bulgaria, also in the Bulgarian land sale to foreigners. "In 2007, the gold solution to a slowing economy and corrupt seemed to come into the arms of the European Community. advertising with overtones of salvation, the Union had demanded "political democracy, market economy and efficiency of the judicial system in exchange for a ticket to your club.

However, "this year, which is the first in the European Union, Bulgaria is being as a donor of the EU, because we have a quota of 632 million leva to give; for 2008 are 654 million (about 326 million euros), but we do not currently receive money from European funds. "Moreover," we are entering a common market and are beginning to raise prices of goods, aiming to reach European prices and own income - wages, pensions - are not increasing at the same rate, hence there is high inflation. "

He also Vice-Chairperson Bulgaria-Cuba Parliamentary Friendship considers the relations between the Communist Party of the island and his country as "extremely good" and, finally, points out: "You people make the difference from what existed before and what has now. The political is proceeding in a very quick and Bulgaria will change our country positivos.En people remember what they lost in a time "

Source: Cuba Debates / Edition: Communist People's Voice Guatire

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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Document Review::: Writing: Miranda Communist People's Redemption Center / Ferrebé

The Bushism is the expression of fascism sociopolitical world which will fly imperialism to keep the world as unipolar and under its control .-

is inconceivable a unipolar world under the conditions of capitalism and the domination imperialist, with a single hegemonic power, but a fascist power in the hegemonic power, while a fascist rule spread throughout the world.
As the United Estadfos this process is reflected in the increasing restriction of social rights, political, economic, labor, human rights, repression and persecution of immigrants, laws that legalize processes of fascism in themselves as torture, rape of correspondence, restriction of information and opinion, protection laws like the Patriot fascist and similar measures.

On the outside is reflected in the murderous and genocidal policy mounted on lies - of which the largest is that of the felling of the towers in New York, who prepared and carried out their own clique Bushite to launch wars that had long since had prepared but cowardly hiding under the cloak thrown accusing "terrorists" Arabs so that they would base this lie to start their war against Afghanistan and Iraq, and to strengthen the carnage of his minions Zionist allies of Israel against Palestine and Lebanon .-
had already
Background: The Reichstag fire, the Maine, the Gulf of Tonkín.Política that carries to boost, direct and fund all sorts of lackeys and traitors in the world , seeking to impose a world fascist, fascism developed in large and small.

At home, with all actions taken under the Bush administration, and as political allies, such as with the actions in Mexico against the APPO, the Plan Colombia, Bolivia provocations, financing and preparacióin of stroke and assassination in Venezuela.

And from the small, the fascism that treads step, The crazy facts, advise and direct them from the Embassy process for puppies of Chacao, Baruta, El Hatillo, San Antonio and Carrizal: ie depressed with both feet, fascism and war in large, open, where it already and can dominate do, and hidden - and sometimes not so hidden - but firm step in its progress towards the goal in small, when they deem it appropriate it to the streets.

is the case with cruceñista separatists in Bolivia, which does not even care to walk with Nazi swastikas on their shirts and in their cars, banners, etc.., Also reproduced in the familiar Nazi skinhead groups in several Latin American countries .-

Surely, copies of swastikas Similar symbols and also went to Venezuela, and must be stored in the tanks of the "netroots" of Mayor López de Chacao, an organization with all the features of the fascio in their exits to the street ..-

These fascist policies Each sector should have a rejection of popular movements, democratic, fascist, for peace. In the case of Venezuela, and particularly of Miranda, which has a sort of own area in the municipality where they govern, there is an apparent withdrawal of the popular and revolutionary forces. A and leave the field clear for the implementation of its policies. That must stop.

We need a political offensive revolutionary in these municipalities. Propaganda, political organization, a legitimate organization of Community Power, unmasking of the paramilitary organization that advances in these sectores.De unmasking of administrative nonsense and exclusion in the administration of these municipalities to everyone who is not ..- practices related to

The Communist Party of Venezuela has a policy of direct confrontation with this situation, is what we call Operation Rescue of these five municipalities, which focuses on a group plan to apply here., in these five municipalities.

Is that the goal of our Speaker "" Rescue Popular Miranda Communist Center ": it is a fascist spokesman in every way .-

That will go in the fight against fascism, not only in this sector, but in any other case of Venezuela, where political progress fascism, and even expose - to draw lessons from them - all policies that walks fascistizadoras watering imperialism everywhere, as its last resort to try to dominate the world.

Not only will stay in the descriptive part of the problem, but that will link together to organize for all who are for the bailout to the popular movement and revolutionary, this important sector
expect the support of all anti-fascists in Venezuela and the world that we also can read.

Source: Miranda Communist People's Redemption Center

Monday, May 25, 2009

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In a campaign event held in the morning in Seville, the No. 1 candidate IU European Parliament has strongly criticized the PSOE's electoral campaign. Meyer said that "Zapatero has put a red suit for the election campaign, but under the red dress hiding ZP 5 years of government with the same economic policy than did Rato y Montoro. In an amusing dialogue with the public, Meyer stated that "Zapatero has proposed zero left."
The MP questioned the audience: "Nationalization of the banks?" - "Zero!" said the public "fiscal policy progressive? "-" Zero!, "Rescue of strategic enterprises" - "Zero!".
MEP recalled that in recent years, multinationals such as Total, Banco Santander and Volkswagen have taken multibillion dollar profits, while unemployment affects more than four million people, while more than a million unemployed workers in without any subsidy.
Before an audience which brought together representatives of over twenty works councils in control ERE's, Meyer argued that both PP and PSOE "validated the English economy brick, forgetting about the industrial production" and claims that "the 82 directors of the 35 richest companies earn 365 million pesetas, a million a day. This is the reality of Zapatero and Rajoy.
Finally warned that "the multinationals can not get away with it at the expense of wages of workers and employees." The head of the list of UI reported that the new No. 2 of the Government for economic matters, José Manuel Campa, has proposed cutting wages "punishing the income of the working class" by what he said Zapatero "must be left the 365 days a year. "
At this point the candidate said he will not commit the "error PP and PSOE say the same thing "because although they share" the responsibility for the origin of the crisis, have different proposals. "While he recalled that both parties share a" common agenda hidden, "citing the recent agreement between the Socialists and popular to remove the principle of universal jurisdiction of the Court, preventing it to "prosecute criminals like Pinochet."

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Willy Meyer expressed a position deeply critical of policies of European Union cooperation, denouncing the failure of the EU's Millennium Development Goals on access to healthcare, clean water and education or the fight against infant mortality. The candidate recalled that the FAO estimated to meet the aim of "zero poverty" in 2015 claiming that "with the current investment in such cooperation objective could be met in 2150.
MEP described hunger as "the greatest weapon of mass destruction", noting that the FAO is 1,000 million people suffering from hunger and malnutrition today, while a decade ago was 825. In this regard condemned the "looting" of Africa, singled out for both "African authorities as transnational corporations, many of them European."
For other questions required a "common code of conduct for all European countries regulating the export of arms, to prevent the EU from exporting arms and munitions to countries in conflict or violate human rights "and demanded the immediate repeal of the Directive of Shame" that punishes and Africans who come to work in our country. "Meyer:" The EU and Spain are responsible for the situation of the Sahara "MEP stated that the EU has a great responsibility for the situation of the Sahara, and specifically noted the role of Spain being the country responsible for the decolonization process.
Meyer condemned the violation of resolutions 3437 and 3519 of the UN General Assembly, which brought to Morocco as "occupying power" of Western Sahara, which require the holding of a referendum as a final step of the process of decolonization. Willy Meyer objected to the EU has given the advanced status to Morocco for the "systematic" human rights violation and persecution of Sahrawi activists denounced by Amnesty International, who is in his opinion a violation of rights clause Human referred to in the Association Agreement currently holding the EU and the Alawite kingdom.
The coordinator of IU-Castilla León Garoña requires closing coordinator IU-Castilla and León, José María González, denounced "the loss of jobs and population expulsion" and that in his opinion both PSOE and PP failed to defend the agriculture and mining Castilla y León and Palencia north in the European Union. In another vein González paraphrased the famous motto of the PSOE, "NATO entry is not" - stating that the Socialists are now saying that "Garoña, no input, so I asked the PSOE that" plays with the interests election and then take decisions against the interests and the Castilian-Leonese. "And we demand the closure of Garona, just as we demand to halt the proposed high voltage power network Lada-Velilla," the official Castilian-Leonese.

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Candidate 1 of UI for the European elections called for "fighting the commodification of University "at the close of the discussion day entitled" The Bologna process and the future of the public university, proposals from the left "organized per IU which was held in Madrid today. The candidate also participated in the rally began to campaign for the European Left Party (IPP) held this morning in Barcelona. Meyer praised "the militant efforts" of the participants in the conference, which followed a marathon program from 10 am, and raised the need to extend these discussions to the rest of the organization during the election campaign and after the appointment of 7-J. The Day

attended by representatives from all sectors of the educational community with a significant plurality of views on the Bologna Process, although the dominant trend has been the rejection of his application or criticism of much of its contents. In a resolution adopted recently by the Federal President of IU, it claimed to "halt the process in the absence of participatory debate on the reform" and the "remarkable rejection" of the student body

After A Bang On The Knee


United Left candidate to European, Willy Meyer, participated this morning in Barcelona in the act of the campaign launched the European Left Party, which also involved the Catalan candidate Nuria Lozano, the general coordinator of EUiA, Jordi Miralles, MP UI -ICV-EUiA in Congress Joan Herrera and representatives of the French Communist Party of the Left party and coalition Greek Synaspismos.
Given the more than hundred people who filled the auditorium of the Palau de la Musica Catalana, Meyer referred to the PSC election poster which appear on a red background Bush, Aznar, Berlusconi, Chirac and Kaczynski under label "Are we going to get out of the crisis who have gotten us?" Meyer said that in the cartel "missing Durao Barroso and Almunia Solbes, which it believes to be" responsible for the crisis and the inability of government intervention in strategic sectors, "pointing especially to the two English socialists.
Meyer made "Catalunya, the red" as an example of mobilization metal industry, criticized the fact that the English economy has been based on "land speculation" and that they have "plundered" the productive sectors. The head of the list have been raised that public representatives in the SEAT Martorell board had avoided the "blackmail workers" to whom the management asked to approve a wage freeze to maintain the workload.
Here commented wryly that "Spain has been a diligent student" in the development of neoliberal policies set by the Brussels Consensus, pointing to the PP and the PSOE as the main "implementers" of such policies. The candidate asked for support of "disenchanted Socialist voters who do not have amnesia" and that "they have a memory", with a nod to the electoral video released online by the Network UI Ciberagitadores. Meyer announced that they will not fall into a "fake" election debate between "liberals" Lopez Aguilar and conservatives of Mayor Oreja and if they're going to point to "directly responsible for the crisis" that are, according to Meyer, the Governments of both the PSOE and the PP. IU reiterated the intention of making the European elections a popular mobilization against the crisis.

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During the day the electoral caravan de Izquierda Unida ha recorrido tierras extremeñas. El recorrido comenzó esta mañana en Plasencia donde el candidato nº1 al Parlamento Europeo por IU, Willy Meyer, acompañado por el coordinador regional Pedro Escobar y el local, Luis Ranilla, ofreció una rueda de prensa sobre las vías del tren de la Ruta de la Plata, actualmente en desuso, en la que apoyó la reivindicación de IU- Extremadura de reabrir esta ruta de ferrocarril y denunció el incumplimiento del Plan Oeste, anunciado por Zapatero.
Al igual que en la apertura de campaña Meyer apeló a la movilización del electorado de IU, al que llamó a "salir a la calle y convencer también al electorado desencantado the PSOE. "MEP pointed out that there are fourteen member states in the recession, as a result, in his view, a political choice that was made fifteen years ago by the main political forces, namely not to intervene in the economy, based on speculation , wage moderation and job insecurity.
The candidate told the paper on the crisis issued by the CCOO and UGT which stressed that contains the "essential" to the proposals made by IU in the last debate on the State of the nation as a progressive tax reform, the fight against tax fraud, the creation of a public bank or active policies job creation, that allow "those who have benefited from the crisis provide." Meyer noted that unions and UI agree "end the crisis without hitting the workers and the workers."
He accused the PP and the PSOE and its "common agenda undercover" to be responsible for the crisis. Meyer argue that both parties have "different proposals but do not fall into the causes of the crisis" and instead announced that UI if you are "going into the causes of the crisis: the non-state intervention in the economy" by making privatization as an example. Lopez Aguilar accused of making "toast to the sun", since according to the group Meyer Socialist MP in the last legislature "has supported the strategy that prevented government intervention in the economy," Meyer explained the fact that Germany's worst economic performance of the EU has not destroyed jobs, and Spain with better data is at the head of unemployment, "the PP and the PSOE left the naked state."
During the noon meal MEP participated in fraternal groups of women, with whom he discussed about the campaign to collect signatures for the decriminalization of abortion and a publication on the prevention of gender violence to distribute in the health centers, with ecologists quienres shared his concern about the extension of the operation of the Almaraz nuclear power plant, licensed for operation should be completed in 2010, but will be extended for ten to fifteen years.
During the afternoon, the caravan traveled to Cáceres election where the candidate gave another press conference with Pedro Escobar and Milagrosa Carrero, candidate for European elections IU Extremadura, who also spoke at a public event that put finale to the first day of campaigning. Before a packed auditorium demanded the "re-nationalization of Endesa, Renfe, Posts and part of the steel and automobile sector." Meyer also opposed Fortress Europe claiming that the "Directive of Shame criminalizes people who come to Europe to work" can be jailed up to 18 months passed before a judge, including minors.

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Izquierda Unida kicked out of their electoral campaign in the Madrid municipality of San Fernando de Henares-IU-co-governed by a small audience that filled more than 200 militants and sympathizers. In the act as well as different leaders and candidates of the United Left, was addressed by representatives of Palestinian organizations, Sahrawi and Ecuador.

the campaign of Izquierda Unida in the message forcefully and enthusiastically in the proposed program, but also-especially-would say that working. Work. That's what Willy Meyer and Cayo Lara asked "women and men of IU." The general coordinator sent the message that "if every activist of IU is able to convince 20 people, 7-J will have a million votes.'s In our hands."
In a similar vein, Meyer called the candidate "to turn the polls" in reference to the survey released yesterday by the CIS. As usual the two major parties PP and PSOE, Zapatero's government were the target of criticism, being "responsible for the neoliberal model that caused the crisis. "
intervened First Mayor of San Fernando de Henares, July Setién who focused his speech on what they think is an example of those who strikes the crisis", referring to Arcelor-Vittal ERE affecting more than a thousand workers, many of them residents of the municipality, which were represented at the event. He also argued that social policies carried out by IU in San Fernando de Henares is the example of "why IU worth.
was followed by the leader of the Republican Left, and number 7 of the application, Joaquin Rodero, who exposed the huge overlap between the UI and program training the Republican, explaining his inclusion in the bid. Next came the regional leaders, Gregory Gordon, general coordinator of IU-CM and parliamentary speaker, and parliament also Inés Sabanés which mainly referred to the political situation of the Community of Madrid.
Sabanés accused the regional government of not addressing the ERE's-like Arcelor-for being busy "with other matters" in reference to alleged cases of corruption have emerged in recent months. Gregory Gordon outlined some tax measures, employment and housing by IU-CM in the Assembly of Madrid who were rejected by the negative votes and abstentions of PP PSOE. Lara Meyer and asked to vote to victims of the crisis and the social bases disillusioned with the PSOE to end and when it was approaching midnight, Cayo Lara intervened and the candidate Willy Meyer.
As noted at the beginning they continued raising critical and combative tone of the speech, as they have done during the campaign, while also reviewed dozens of proposals on employment, housing, taxation against the Socialist government held crisis and at least so far, rejected.
Meyer again denounced the "common agenda covert PP and PSOE, in reference to the neoliberal model and the Lisbon Strategy, defended the need to "impose a paradigm shift in Europe" and called for it to make the European elections "a great social mobilization and the crisis" and promote "a grand alliance of forces work and culture "to get it. The MEP pointed out that in this election, "every vote counted UI." When there were a few minutes to midnight began his speech by the leader of IU, Cayo Lara launched a series of messages for the campaign is not lacking in creativity or irony as has been his style.
Lara said, "Although Zapatero says that this game is played in Europe, know that you suffer in Spain ", referring to the severe economic crisis facing the country. He also responded to paraphrase the Prime Minister of the electoral slogans recently released by the PSOE, who said" no green shoots by anywhere because the PSOE and the PP have been planted only bricks of speculation ".
Lara stated that while the government offers big banks 25% of GDP, refuses to allocate 0, 68% GDP to employment creation as proposed UI. During the "thirty seconds of gold as denominated in the short time that televisions connected to the event, the coordinated UI firmly addressed "to the 4 million unemployed and stops, one million workers without benefits, one million families without work, the thousands and thousands of mortgage, the disenchanted voters and the PSOE" who called for the vote to "turn left Europe to build a left exit to the crisis." Lara also spoke to those who do not suffer from the crisis to ask "a vote of generosity, brotherhood and social justice."

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In the last press conference before the official start of the campaign, which have been presented electoral spot, both the candidate Willy Meyer as the general coordinator of IU have shown Cayo Lara a firm intention "to make the campaign a popular mobilization against the crisis and face the voting abstention and useful.

"No tactical voting. The only useful vote is the UI" is so directly expressed the general coordinator of IU in the last minute of the fundraising. Lara drew Cayo PP and PSOE as "responsible" for the high abstention Eurobarometer polls predict, while held responsible for the situation of crisis in the European Union and Spain specifically to the "neoliberal model supported by both PP and PSOE. On the government considered "not successful or one? In the diagnosis and solutions to the crisis. "

Lara called" sharper "the mobilization of the left in the extent that these elections" all votes are equal "to be single constituency. In this sense, the coordinator warned IU the importance of the European Union's policies because in his view are those that have been generated in part the current economic crisis.

manchego leader brought up the "foundational" UI "with only two members" has expend the adoption of resolution between CiU and PSOE agreed on labor reform. Finally he referred to the IU campaign launched today, calling it "clean" and focused on criticism of the neoliberal model. On election videos, which have been admitted for the first time during the press conference, highlighted the "clear and positive message against a campaign of fear" of PP and PSOE.

"The joint program covert PP and PSOE is the Lisbon Strategy and its candidate, Durao Barroso" No candidate lacked forcefulness UI Parliament, Willy Meyer, noting that the cause of the high abstention that Waiting is the fact that PP and PSOE largely share the program, despite the "virtual debate" between "conservatives" and "liberal." Meyer found that both political parties share what funamental "non-intervention del Estado en la economía" y la "fracasada" Estrategia de Lisboa.

En este sentido ironizó sobre el origen de la crisis al comentar que "la situación económica no es un accidente meteorológico" sino que se debe al "Consenso de Bruselas blindado por PP y PSOE". Meyer anunció que durante la campaña van a "señalar a los culpables de la crisis", especialmente al gobierno del PSOE que en su opinión "tras 5 años en el poder ha demostrado no ser garantía de solución a la crisis". El candidato acusó a Rodríguez Zapatero de no apoyar nisiquiera mencionar al hiperquerellado alcalde de Seseña, Manuel Fuentes, acosado judicialmente por El Pocero.

Meyer se dirigió "And 4,010,700 to stop and stand, one million families without entitlement to benefits - and with special emphasis as to Cayo Lara and PSOE voters disenchanted who called for" building a left output to the crisis. " You suggested that the campaign serves not only for people "concerned" but "to explain to people what is happening" and to convey the central proposal of IU against the crisis: "retrieve the strategic sectors of the economy in Europe and Spain to bring the benefits to the service of job creation. "

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Faced with a public hot in the auditorium of the University of Murcia, Meyer has been called "to recover the alliance between the forces of culture and the working classes to address the economic crisis we are living. "

United Left candidate for the forthcoming European elections, Willy Meyer, visited Murcia, where he has been accompanied by Pedro Marset, former MEP and candidate for the Murcia region to Europe. Faced with a public hot in the auditorium of the University of Murcia, Meyer has been called "to recover the alliance between the forces of culture and the working classes to address the economic crisis we are living. "

For his part, Pedro Marset, who presented the head of the UI list, wanted to note the position Izquierda Unida held against the Bologna process, calling for a genuine dialogue between the government and the student community about the European Education Area. "United Left have been supporting students in all the demonstrations against the plan Bologna - Marset said. Willy Meyer in this regard has explained that "what is happening in the field of university education is the result of the implementation of specific recipes that are embodied in the Lisbon Strategy, enthusiastically signed by both the PP and the PSOE and developed both in the failed Constitutional Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty, which consists in putting the market rate of interest of the citizens. "

"In Izquierda Unida understand the university as a public service and have always gambled and bet on a public, free and quality, for knowledge, not the commercialization of it," said Meyer.

IU's candidate said that "Europe is at a crossroads: we can choose to keep the same model that has led to the current crisis, based on the privatization of public services, deregulation, and ultimately work in non-government intervention in the economy, or we can vote with our reverse this situation and vote for a change of model, which ensures that public authorities instruments to put in the center of all politics the public interest. "

Meyer wanted to appeal to citizens to go to vote," according to data from Eurobarometer, 73% of English will not vote on 7 June. Not voting "continued Meyer-means delivering a blank check to the PP and the PSOE, which are responsible for the current situation."

"Both the governments of the PP and PSOE voters opted for a model of economic development based on the brick in residential construction and real estate speculation, instead of betting on industrial production sectors, which are those that generate wealth and employment. "For this reason it is not credible when Zapatero calls for less brick and more computers, because now they are criticizing their own economic model. In saying this looks like it had not been ruled for 5 years and it was a newcomer to the Moncloa, "Meyer joked.

" Izquierda Unida For the solution to this crisis is not going to inject money into banks to keep their benefits astronomical, but getting the money to those in need, to workers, small and medium businesses and self-employed through the creation of a public bank to ensure that the money reaches the real victims of the crisis. "

"We must rescue the strategic economic sectors as energy, steel, telecommunications, part of the automotive sector and invest the profits of these companies in R + D + i in order to raise, for example, a solution postpetróleo society, because if this debate does not address the government will do the multinationals in their own benefit. "

MEP and candidate for IU has exposed the "hidden agenda that share common PP and PSOE, which goes beyond economic policy and also affects foreign policy and EU security. The two bet on the contingency NATO and the increase in military spending, as proposed in the Lisbon Treaty ".

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The PSOE and PP agreement to limit universal jurisdiction of the High Court contradicts international human rights agreements signed by Spain.
Today in the Congress of Deputies supported a resolution of PP with the votes of the PSOE which limits the scope of the principle of universal jurisdiction of the High Court in cases where there are English victims, whether the perpetrators are in Spain and provided that the country where the offense does not have an ongoing case.

For Willy Meyer, MEP candidate Izquierda Unida, "pursue acts against life and the integrity of the people is the greatest challenge facing the international community in the area of \u200b\u200bsecurity, and indeed how it should be for the EU and Spain. "

For this reason, the wheel Alicante press, came out against the agreement of the PSOE and the PP to limit the universal jurisdiction of the Court. recalled that "international treaties for the prosecution of crimes especially objectionable signed by Spain, such as the Convention for the penalty Genocide, the Convention against Torture or the Geneva Conventions imposed for crimes of war, forcing the English authorities to the pursuit of these crimes, without foreseeing cause excuse. "He argued that the Audiencia Nacional" has opened several reasons to investigate and punish these heinous criminal actions wherever these crimes have gone unpunished by the inaction of the international community ".

In this regard, he recalled that "the International Criminal Court (ICC) has just opened to investigate crimes cases, as it is kidnapped by the blockade of the great powers to prosecute crimes when committed by citizens of powerful states." Alleged role of some judges, said, "have been individuals and groups, among them many times Izquierda Unida y nos los jueces, quienes están impulsando las investigaciones".

El candidato de Izquierda Unida denunció el cambio de posicionamiento del PSOE respecto a la posición defendida por este partido en el caso Pinochet o en la elaboración de la LOCCPI cuando gobernaba Aznar. En ese momento, "el mismo López Garrido -en aquel momento Secretario de Comunicación y actual Secretario de Estado para Europa- manifestaba claramente que el TPI es subsidiario y complementario de los estados partes mientras que ahora manifiesta lo contrario".

Este cambio de posicionamiento "lo que realmente pone de manifiesto es la supeditación del Gobierno de España respecto a las grandes potencias y, especialmente, el miedo que tiene Zapatero a enfrentarse a los Estados Unidos, incluso para la defensa de los derechos humanos más básicos como en el caso de la agresión del ejército israelí sobre Gaza".

Willy Meyer denunció la hipocresía y el doble rasero del PSOE y el PP: "lo que estos días está quedando meridianamente claro es que la verdadera piratería, la del estado de Israel, que bajo los galones de un ejército regular realiza actos de bandidaje tales como el bombardeo, el secuestro, la tortura o la aniquilación, paraliza la acción de gobernantes e instituciones salvo para poner en cuestión la jurisdicción universal para juzgarlos, mientras que la piratería de los africanos desarrapados pone en marcha, with incredible speed, the English international judicial machine. "


Willy Meyer, IU MEP and candidate for European elections of June 7, today visited the Autonomous Community of Valencia with a busy schedule.
Morning has
visited the region of the Vall d'Uixó, particularly affected by unemployment in the porcelain industry, linked to the construction sector. Meyer, accompanied by the General Coordinator of the País Valencià Esquerra Unida Marga Sanz, met with the committee companies of Arcelor Sagunto, a company affected by a redundancy to all staff, and where 300 aid workers have been fired. Meyer, that the week last met with the Committee of the steel company in Gijón, has said that "the status of Arcelor ERE is a symbol of what happens when companies are privatized strategic sectors such as steel, dependent on the automotive and construction The two most affected by the economic crisis. "

"The State" continued Meyer-should keep part of the productive sectors in order to curb the predatory logic of the market. Unlike Asturias, where IU in government makes the problem of the steel industry is a priority for the government in Valencia the PP seems to be more concerned with their problems of corruption or the Formula 1 over the crisis affecting the productive sectors such as steel, which contributes 30% of GDP in the Valencian Community. "
For its part, Marga Sanz has decided to call participation on 7 June," because this time all votes count, and the only useful vote is the United Left. We are the only ones who are proposing a paradigm shift that breaks with the logic of consensus in Brussels between social and popular, based on utility privatization and deregulation and labor flexibility. Izquierda Unida want to regain citizenship policy, putting workers, small and medium businesses and self in the center of European politics. "

the afternoon, in a public ceremony in Alicante Meyer has been accompanied by Esther Lopez, candidate for the European EUPV, Joseph A. Cabello, local coordinator EUPV and Consuelo Navarro CCOO district secretary. In his speech Meyer stated that "based on Eurobarometer data, in Spain provides the highest abstention from the story: 73%. Of course, what citizens feel excited about going to vote for a Europe that is saying you have to increase their working hours, that he will cut their pensions or to be flexible in their working conditions?. This is not Europe citizens, not the Europe that defends the United Left. "

" We propose a Europe that addresses solutions to the crisis from the point of view of the problems of workers. And it is necessary to rescue strategic sectors such as transport, telecommunications, metallurgy, energy sector, water, mail, as security for these policies in the interests of citizens "- defended Meyer.

Meanwhile, Esther López explained that "the crisis situation in Spain is even worse for the case of Valencia, since their governments have prioritized the development model based on the brick instead of betting on the productive sectors. In this regard he referred to the recently approved in the European Parliament Auken report, which condemns all English authorities about the serious environmental consequences caused extensive urban planning in Spain ".
Lopez has shelled the main proposals UI program for these election special emphasis on "the consequences that this has on the mercantilist logic university model. IU demand reverse the Bologna process and opt for a free, quality university. ".

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Zaragoza today takes place in a meeting of the United Left parliamentary groups to bring together the various initiatives being carried out against the economic crisis in the various regional parliaments, in Congress, Senate and Parliament.

primary campaign in the context of the European elections of June 7, Willy Meyer IU candidate, has been enveloped by hundreds of parliamentarians from several regions, including Agnes Sabanés, Member of the Assembly of Madrid, Joan Josep Nuet senator IU, Gaspar Llamazares, Member of Congress and Adolfo Barrena, a deputy in the Cortes of Aragon and host of the event.

At a news conference, Meyer wanted to emphasize that "UI in this campaign will focus our proposals with citizens and stakeholders European construction. Spain is paying the consequences of the governments of the PP and PSOE. For them the state was the problem, for this reason launched a process of liberalization and privatization of public services. In this we were the smartest students. "This model," continued Meyer-is what has led Spain into one of the worst crises the EU, doubling the level of unemployment in the EU. "

" It's very implausible change model proposed by Zapatero, when it takes 5 years to the Government of Spain, and in these 5 years has continued and even expanded this aggressive policy against the workers and basing economic growth in the construction residential real estate speculation? "Meyer explained," In this there is no difference between the PP and PSOE.? "United zquierda we will not only address the consequences of the crisis, but we will highlight the causes, are going to the root problem.

We are proposing that the state is not a problem but the solution, the state must intervene and rescue the strategic sectors such as banking, automobile, telecommunications, postal services, water, sectors that were privatized during the administrations of PP PSOE and interchangeably.

And it is also necessary at EU level, we need public consortia of strategic sectors, to to avoid situations such as the Renault company, where aid to the French government has granted the company leave at a distinct disadvantage to workers in factories in other countries like Spain. "Willy Meyer argued that" European aid must be globally and must be accompanied by public presence in the boards of these companies in order to ensure its future. "

The candidate ended his speech by challenging Zapatero:" If this change is real model proposed to come to Aragon and is positioned against Gran Scala project, the English Vegas, located in the Monegros, "the largest operation utime speculative, even legislating a la carte. Zapatero challenge to go to Seseña and make it as an example of good work in urban area.

For his part, Gaspar Llamazares Zapatero has drawn a "disguised as Robin Hood, a strong advocate of change in words, but practical commitment to the continuity of policies that have led to the crisis. "Inés Sabanés

wanted to stress the importance of this conference to coordinate the response to the crisis from the United Left, which is based on" the requirement an increase in social protection to more than 4 million unemployed and stops and the million people who do not receive any benefit, investment in renewable energy as a strategic sector, the change in fiscal policies, which should be progressive and the creation of a public housing stock to absorb the housing problem in the Autonomous Communities.

Throughout this afternoon are expected to work each of the parliamentarians from the different Autonomous Communities with the presence of the General Coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara.

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Izquierda Unida presented his electoral campaign for European elections on June 7. This morning Sevilla hosted the presentation of the election campaign of Izquierda Unida for the next edition of July 7. Juanjo
Tellez presented the event, along with Jose Antonio Nunez, United Left candidate Andalucía, Pedro Chaves, Director of the Europe of the Citizens Foundation, Jaime Aja, a member of the electoral commission, Diego Valdez, General Coordinator Izquierda Unida-Los Verdes-Call Andalusia, who accompanied the candidate training, Willy Meyer.
Pedro Chaves presented the program, which he said "is a domestic contract with society. The green left has been driving the process of European integration, but the question remains what the European Union we want?".
"We have built a program to provide concrete answers from Europe to the biggest problem facing us today: the crisis." Pedro Chaves developed the backbone of the program, emphasizing the democratic re-foundation of the Union and the commitment to "a pact of solidarity and employment pact against convergence." Diego Valdez commended the work done by Meyer during the previous legislature, who "from the lack of means, has entered the European Parliament debate the defense of labor and social rights, land use planning, agricultural policy, environment and sustainability, the fight for equality and international solidarity. "
Valderas said "Izquierda Unida has a speech invincible, but invisible. We must make visible our discourse in the battle between David and Goliath, which are the next European elections." Izquierda Unida's bid to make his address visible passing through "door to door campaign, mobilizing and direct contact, and where cibermovilización imaginative takes on a role." Jaime Aja presented the general guidance and communication tools of the campaign. "Our campaign is focused on participation in the mobilization of the people, of our membership, our supporters, of all working people who see their rights endangered the crisis. "
As the newest element is the creation of" a cyber network to forward the proposals and campaign materials for IU, but also generate their own content and make us reach the people's concerns which are reflected in the network. "Willy Meyer, MEP and the United Left candidate, closed the event, saying" The left can not miss a vote on Europe, we need to recover and unite all real and anti-capitalist left, and United Left is the only useful vote for all victims of the crisis. "For the candidate, IU should go for Victims of the system" do not have to turn to those who know and denounced for years the causes of this crisis, but those affected. Izquierda Unida is the voice of workers in Europe. "

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United Left candidate to the European Parliament, Willy Meyer, began yesterday afternoon his round of visits Arousa Galicia. Meyer, after an emotional visit to the monument erected in Vila Xoan Comrade Moncho Patiño, attended a public meeting in the Youth House Vilagarcía, accompanied by John M. Fajardo, councilor and county Coordinator of Izquierda Unida de Arousa.

Meyer said during the action "feel at home, surrounded by comrades in difficult times" and summarized the 5 years of work in the E uropean Parliament saying that "a legislature has been very backward in relation to social and labor rights , because the philosophy of non-intervention has permeated all lead to this serious crisis. "

"However - he continued - Galicia has been very present in my work in Parliament, but I'm not going to defend Galicia to speculative, or the big banks, I am defending Galician workers, the sailor, the shellfish, small and medium businesses now suffering the consequences of the crisis. "

United Left MEP was mention the debate on the state of the nation, "PP and PSOE did not want to talk about Europe, because on the model of European integration remain a common agenda unseen, that fifteen years ago resulted in the Lisbon strategy. Have been agreed, therefore, in a building model based on non-intervention in the economy, wage moderation, precarious employment and the privatization of public sectors strategic areas: water management, energy, transport and telecommunications, post office. "

For Meyer, the debate of State of the Nation," focused on partial solutions to the crisis, but no one laid on the table the origin, the causes of the crisis, which is the economic model. "We have considered measures of intervention in the economy, to ensure that it meets the general interest and not the interests of large fortunes. It is necessary to distribute the profits of companies creating jobs. "Said the head of the UI list. This morning, Willy Meyer has visited Vigo, where the first time has participated in a meeting with the press, prior to meeting with union representatives.

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United Left's candidate for European elections after meeting with the CCOO union of yesterday noon, went to Coruxo to visit near treatment plant located on the banks of the river Lagares, before meeting with locals and environmentalists and neighborhood associations Vigo.

During the meeting with neighbors, representatives of the Platform in Defence of the coast of Teis, discussed the need to prevent the privatization of the coast, through "boundaries a la carte and the sale of public land for the construction of facilities and private marinas. Meyer promised the neighbors to consider selling the ETEA (Vigo) and the proposed construction of the City of Mar.

Willy Meyer, accompanied by the group of people affected by the treatment plant Coruxo visited the vicinity of these facilities observing the degradation of the area and heard the voice of those affected live the serious consequences for the quality of life and human health that the proximity of the sewage involved. Coruxo neighbors, at war since 1999 against a facility, which they say are "inefficient, leading to direct untreated discharges the Ria de Vigo, are a source of contamination that is destroying an area recognized as a priority by the Habitats Directive, which have devalued their property and are the cause of a high rate of allergic diseases, skin and stomach, among others, " MEP has asked to boost their demands in the European Parliament.

After the tour with neighbors, Meyer noted the degradation of the area and the damage that the current expansion project would, standing a few meters from the houses and door door Coruxo institute, and ending with the forest and the rushes that have always characterized this beautiful area of \u200b\u200bthe Ria Vigo. Meyer recalled "The Court of Justice of the European Union has condemned (the 7th of May) to Spain to detect breaches of the European Water Framework Directive in the laws of Galicia, Basque Country, Andalusia, the Balearic and Canary Islands" and pledged to defend the petition brought before the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament, and his struggle to get through to the national parliament of the United Left group.