By: Lianet Arias Sosa / Cuba Debates
In 1989, the socialist bloc was collapsing and they held then, seduced by capitalism magazine and convinced that history had been there the modern epilogue , begin to question today pasado.Para trails Bulgaria, Eastern European nation which in 1990 ceased to exist a socialist model, the changes that followed the transition was not exactly as expected:
"With regard to education in Bulgaria had not analfabetos.En the present, already schools are closing, teachers are not motivated because of low wages that have, even asking mejoras.Hoy strikes have already illiterate not only belong to the Turkish and Roma minorities, there are Bulgarians whose parents can not afford to send to school. "
Thus spoke in an interview with Granma, Alexander Paunov, general secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party, who was invited to Island by the Party Central Committee and recently attended the XIV International Conference on European Studies. "After the changes, there was high unemployment. Many young people, for economic reasons, had to migrate.
Bulgaria is losing its intellectual and resources invested in calificación.Por other hand, are young people of childbearing age, they are going to Italy, Spain, Greece or Portugal, and (their children) are born English, Italian ... In this sense, Bulgaria is having a regression also in population growth.
"The field of Health did not escape the onslaught fostered more than 15 years Occidente.Lo that was once free, now counted among the possibilities of a million people in the country without access to health insurance. What explains this situation when the Bulgarian Parliament's 240 members, 82 belong to the so-called Coalition for Bulgaria, the left wing of the ruling group? "
This does not give the possibility of a leftist government - explains Paunov- - and led to its having to make commitments on its agenda and its policy económica.De that way, it was a coalition with two liberal centrist parties. "contradictions and competing interests within the legislative changes such as raised reduction 15% to 10% corporate tax paid by the capitalists.
"In the hands of employers were hundreds of thousands of cams, but this money goes to the renovation of production, new technologies, to renew the fleet of machines, the rise in workers' skills or the wage increases; but private consumption, to buy Mercedes Benz, ¼ houses, or do not come directly to the country's economy. "
However, also within the positions left antagonismo.Con verging on a single deputy in Parliament, the Communists just can influence legislative decisions. "We aim to defend our views, our views that differ from those of the Socialist Party. For example, only four members left to vote against our forces were sent to fight in Iraq. (¼)
We were five or six members who were against the installation of U.S. bases in Bulgaria, also in the Bulgarian land sale to foreigners. "In 2007, the gold solution to a slowing economy and corrupt seemed to come into the arms of the European Community. advertising with overtones of salvation, the Union had demanded "political democracy, market economy and efficiency of the judicial system in exchange for a ticket to your club.
However, "this year, which is the first in the European Union, Bulgaria is being as a donor of the EU, because we have a quota of 632 million leva to give; for 2008 are 654 million (about 326 million euros), but we do not currently receive money from European funds. "Moreover," we are entering a common market and are beginning to raise prices of goods, aiming to reach European prices and own income - wages, pensions - are not increasing at the same rate, hence there is high inflation. "
He also Vice-Chairperson Bulgaria-Cuba Parliamentary Friendship considers the relations between the Communist Party of the island and his country as "extremely good" and, finally, points out: "You people make the difference from what existed before and what has now. The political is proceeding in a very quick and Bulgaria will change our country positivos.En people remember what they lost in a time "
Source: Cuba Debates / Edition: Communist People's Voice Guatire
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