Friday, May 6, 2011

Funny Acrostic Friday

Dominican archaeologist hopes to find Cleopatra in Egypt democratic

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo aims to become the twenty-first century temple of the great treasures of antiquity with its new headquarters, which is now built alongside Pyramids of Giza and is scheduled to open in 2015.
Located next to the side of the great plateau of Giza, on which rest the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, the future Grand Egyptian Museum will be a huge complex of 85,000 square meters that will house 100,000 pieces , an antiques store and a laboratory restoration.

Minister of State for Antiquities, Zahi Hawas, today unveiled to the press, along with the team that runs the museum, detailed drawings of the complex and said the goal is for the new center has nothing to envy of giants like the Louvre in Paris, the British Museum or the Metropolitan in New York. For now, only a few laboratories are built antique restoration and a store, and works in the exhibition halls.
The new headquarters will have nothing to do with the current, located in an old building in downtown capital dating back to 1902, and dusty corridors which are stored dozens of sarcophagi and statues to be identified, or labeled in disparate languages \u200b\u200branging from Arabic, English, Italian or Japanese.
The first images of the project to be unveiled today show large rooms with high ceilings and galleries with natural light: "They are designed so that visitors feel they are entering an archaeological site," said one responsible for building the new museum, Maria Ducianti.
Hawas confirmed that the colossal statue Ramses II (1304-1237 BC), which until 2006 stood in the plaza of the same name of Cairo, and is now being restored, will chair the main lobby. Also revealed that in the coming weeks we will study the transfer of large solar boat of Khufu, which is currently shown in a special facility next to the Pyramids, inside the museum.
treasures from the tomb of Tutankhamun (1336-1327 BC), discovered in 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter, will be the stars of the new facility and will occupy 30 percent of the galleries.
The pharaoh's gold mask a large living room chair, just as they do the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris and the bust of Nefertiti at Berlin's Pergamon, Ducianti said, adding that "the visitor will follow the steps Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun by real-size models. "
to the 100,000 pieces that will add the new museum antiquities displayed in facilities around the world that Egypt hopes to recover gradually. Thus, Hawass announced today an agreement with the Metropolitan in New York to return to Egypt nineteen pieces, and reiterated his intention to retrieve icons of Egyptology as the bust of Nefertiti, as stated in the Berlin Pergamum, or the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum.
Despite the many delays that have been building new plants, which initially should have been inaugurated in 2009 and then in 2012, Hawass said he was convinced that the opening will be in March 2015 and justified delayed by efforts to "make a decent museum world."
A whole fanfare, Hawas, this time without the hat appeared to Indiana Jones that characterizes him, explained the details the project before a crowd of local and foreign journalists who endured the heat was relentless today in Cairo.
Accompanied entourage of journalists and staff of the museum, Hawass visited antique restoration laboratories that work for a year on the esplanade of the Pyramids and in which 150 scientists and archaeologists have been restored and 10,000 parts.
This complex of six laboratories will "classify and scientifically study the antiquities from archaeological sites and other museums," the director told Efe Department of Archaeological Science Museum, Mohamed Gamal, within one laboratory.
outside the bustle of photographers, journalists and Personnel Committee, the archaeologists were careful to brush painting vases, ancient statues and sarcophagi that one day rest in the windows of the future Grand Egyptian Museum.

-SOURCE: Agencia EFE

11,500 secondary school students from many parts of the country are participating today in the European Youth Festival XV Greco-Roman Theatre of Mérida

This has been pointed out, told EFE, Professor of Latin in the Secondary School (IES) "Santa Eulalia" Mérida and coordinator of the Festival, Luis Argüello, at the Teatro Romano, shortly before at the opening. According to Arguello, whose Institute organized this cultural activity, which will run until next Friday, Day 6, "the kids come to see the plays, they have been read by their teachers as they are given copies of the works, they know a Roman building, visit Merida and are engaged in the Greco-Roman world, the ancient world and at the origin of our culture and our civilization. "
He added that the participation this year is mainly Extremadura and that this evidence "in Extremadura is doing theater, good theater and Greco-Roman theater, which will continue in this line." In cycle Merida youth represent three works of Plautus, two of Aristophanes of Sophocles and Euripides other.

The inaugural show was "Antigone" by Sophocles, and was performed by the theater group of IES Santa Eulalia, a work which, according to Argüello, represents "the fidelity to convictions deeper than the protagonist. This afternoon the School of Dramatic Art in Malaga represent "the passion and jealousy" of "Medea" by Euripides.

"Son-Argüello-milestones as flagship in the universal drama is a curious fact that this Festival opens with Antigone to Like the Summer Festival, which opens with three Antigone, as the stones of the Roman Theatre will be four. "He added that the classical texts have been respected" scrupulously "but there are innovative touch as" the singing and dancing, "which has been merged with" Medea. "

morning I offer a work of Aristophanes," La Paz ", in which the actors break down the myth of" if you want peace, prepare for war "as well as a work of Plautus cacereño represented by the group" Cambaluz-University "," The Persian ".

other, other planned activities are the performance of the group Teansari "IES Miguel de Manara" San José de la Rinconada (Sevilla), with the play "The Birds" by Aristophanes, and the theater group IES Virgen de Gracia "Olive de la Frontera (Badajoz), which will take the stage," Miles Gloriosus "by Plautus.

The festival will close at the shows "The beauty of Babel" that will represent the college, "Giner de los Ríos" of Merida, and "Host" of the group "In Albis Theater" IES "Source New "Morón de la Frontera (Sevilla).

The festival also offers a program of alternative leisure activities called "Ludotium", which will provide the "lighter side" of the event with workshops and balloon twisting percussion, among others. For its part, the general director of Education Policy, Felipe Gomez, "it is clear that a successful claim the Greco-Roman culture, the contributions of Greek and Roman world" and stressed "the importance" of this festival, so the Junta de Extremadura the "spoils".



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