Sunday, May 8, 2011

How To Get Rid Of A Dry Mouth

The exhibition "Alexander the Great: the meeting with the East" receives over 162,000 visitors

The exhibition "Alexander the Great . Meeting with East "closed its doors on May 3 after being open five months, from December 3, 2010, after receiving 162,559 visitors, according to the regional government who had access to Servimedia.

The sample was made by the Community of Madrid and Canal de Isabel II, in cooperation with the Foundation Curt - Reiss Engelhorn for Museums - Engelhorn and the German Archaeological Institute, Eurasia Department.

According to the same data up to 40 prestigious national and international museums gave the more than 330 pieces that made up the exhibition which were distributed in ten rooms, following a linear path and coincident with the advance of Alexander the Great on his trip through Asia . In addition, Madrid enjoyed the film in three dimensions, "Alexandria, the dream of Alexander."

Since opening in December, 21,006 people came to visit the sample into groups, creating 843. In addition, 8,406 students of schools and HEIs in the Community of Madrid also enjoyed the great pieces of art Canal.

But also for "Alexander the Great. Meeting with East ", Canal de Isabel II organized three free workshops, puppet shows" The Library of Alexandria ", aimed at younger children between three and six years," Greek genius "to children between 7 and 11 years, and, finally, to all visitors hosted an event to be held in the lobby of Art Channel, consisting of an animation as an introduction to the exhibition. In these activities, involving about 12,000 children.

view of the regional administration, this "new hit Expository Canal de Isabel II reinforces the commitment of the Community of Madrid Madrid bring all a culture of quality, achieving further bring the Community of Madrid and Art Channel, at a museum of national and international reference.

Since its opening in November 2004, the Canal Art Exhibition Centre has hosted eight exhibitions with more than two million visitors since then. These eight samples were "Warriors of Xi'an" (2004), "Pharaoh" (2005), "MC Escher. The Art of the Impossible "(2006)," Roma SPQR "(2007)," Madrid, May 2, 1808-2008. A People, One Nation "(2008)" Star Wars. The Exhibition "Treasures of World Cultures and finished yesterday" Alexander the Great. Meeting with East. "

-SOURCE: Agency Servimedia

Archaeologist regretted that the Egyptian revolution, which began on Jan. 25 and ended with the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak on February 11, forced to stop mid-season excavations and expressed his hope your team to resume work at the start of next season in October or November.

"The Egyptian revolution has stopped the project, but I am convinced that there will be no better time to discover the tomb of Cleopatra in Egypt democratic," said the archaeologist, who in 2005 directed the excavations at the site of Taposiris Magna, near Alexandria, on the Mediterranean coast. Cleopatra VII (69 BC-30 BC) was the last link of the Ptolemaic dynasty that ruled Egypt for three centuries.

woman of great culture, who knew nine languages, according to Roman historical texts, managed to fascinate first Caesar, who bore him a son, and al general Marco Antonio después, con quien tuvo dos vástagos.

La experta dominicana enseñó imágenes de la evolución de las excavaciones, durante las que descubrió hasta dos kilómetros de túneles subterráneos, varias monedas con la efigie de Cleopatra y fragmentos de estatuas. Junto a Taposiris Magna también encontró un cementerio donde se calcula que yacen un total de 2.000 cuerpos, lo que, según Martínez, es una señal de que en algún lugar cercano se encuentra la tumba de un soberano.

Martínez se declaró fascinada por el personaje de Cleopatra y por la forma in which he died to be a prisoner of the Roman army: "He committed suicide using an asp, an Egyptian cobra, and this is an image that has hypnotized archaeologists, writers and filmmakers throughout history," he said.

archaeologist and lawyer was convinced that the suicide of the Queen "was not an act of desperation" but was "a ritual of deep religious significance carried out in a very strict ceremony," where represent the death adder. On lighter note, Martinez told some anecdotes of the excavations with the snakes as protagonists.

"The galleries were narrow, there was little air, and we found snakes and scorpions," said the expert. Finding workers who would lose was very complicated. " On occasion, the only ones who dared to fall were the Minister of State for Egyptian Antiquities, Zahi Hawas, and herself.

"Mr. Hawass had two serious accidents," she said Martinez, adding that "one of them a 25-ton stone hit him on the head, close one eye and had to travel to the unit to operate, with the risk of losing their sight. "

On another occasion, the crane was Hawas down to the depths of a tunnel was damaged, and the minister was caught in a narrow chimney underground 35 meters deep.
Despite the risks posed by this type of excavation, Martinez was adamant that the goal of the team that is "finding the structures of the temple and discover the mysteries", but admitted to a certain romanticism that never unravel "all the treasures buried in the sands of Egypt."


Friday, May 6, 2011

Funny Acrostic Friday

Dominican archaeologist hopes to find Cleopatra in Egypt democratic

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo aims to become the twenty-first century temple of the great treasures of antiquity with its new headquarters, which is now built alongside Pyramids of Giza and is scheduled to open in 2015.
Located next to the side of the great plateau of Giza, on which rest the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, the future Grand Egyptian Museum will be a huge complex of 85,000 square meters that will house 100,000 pieces , an antiques store and a laboratory restoration.

Minister of State for Antiquities, Zahi Hawas, today unveiled to the press, along with the team that runs the museum, detailed drawings of the complex and said the goal is for the new center has nothing to envy of giants like the Louvre in Paris, the British Museum or the Metropolitan in New York. For now, only a few laboratories are built antique restoration and a store, and works in the exhibition halls.
The new headquarters will have nothing to do with the current, located in an old building in downtown capital dating back to 1902, and dusty corridors which are stored dozens of sarcophagi and statues to be identified, or labeled in disparate languages \u200b\u200branging from Arabic, English, Italian or Japanese.
The first images of the project to be unveiled today show large rooms with high ceilings and galleries with natural light: "They are designed so that visitors feel they are entering an archaeological site," said one responsible for building the new museum, Maria Ducianti.
Hawas confirmed that the colossal statue Ramses II (1304-1237 BC), which until 2006 stood in the plaza of the same name of Cairo, and is now being restored, will chair the main lobby. Also revealed that in the coming weeks we will study the transfer of large solar boat of Khufu, which is currently shown in a special facility next to the Pyramids, inside the museum.
treasures from the tomb of Tutankhamun (1336-1327 BC), discovered in 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter, will be the stars of the new facility and will occupy 30 percent of the galleries.
The pharaoh's gold mask a large living room chair, just as they do the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris and the bust of Nefertiti at Berlin's Pergamon, Ducianti said, adding that "the visitor will follow the steps Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun by real-size models. "
to the 100,000 pieces that will add the new museum antiquities displayed in facilities around the world that Egypt hopes to recover gradually. Thus, Hawass announced today an agreement with the Metropolitan in New York to return to Egypt nineteen pieces, and reiterated his intention to retrieve icons of Egyptology as the bust of Nefertiti, as stated in the Berlin Pergamum, or the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum.
Despite the many delays that have been building new plants, which initially should have been inaugurated in 2009 and then in 2012, Hawass said he was convinced that the opening will be in March 2015 and justified delayed by efforts to "make a decent museum world."
A whole fanfare, Hawas, this time without the hat appeared to Indiana Jones that characterizes him, explained the details the project before a crowd of local and foreign journalists who endured the heat was relentless today in Cairo.
Accompanied entourage of journalists and staff of the museum, Hawass visited antique restoration laboratories that work for a year on the esplanade of the Pyramids and in which 150 scientists and archaeologists have been restored and 10,000 parts.
This complex of six laboratories will "classify and scientifically study the antiquities from archaeological sites and other museums," the director told Efe Department of Archaeological Science Museum, Mohamed Gamal, within one laboratory.
outside the bustle of photographers, journalists and Personnel Committee, the archaeologists were careful to brush painting vases, ancient statues and sarcophagi that one day rest in the windows of the future Grand Egyptian Museum.

-SOURCE: Agencia EFE

11,500 secondary school students from many parts of the country are participating today in the European Youth Festival XV Greco-Roman Theatre of Mérida

This has been pointed out, told EFE, Professor of Latin in the Secondary School (IES) "Santa Eulalia" Mérida and coordinator of the Festival, Luis Argüello, at the Teatro Romano, shortly before at the opening. According to Arguello, whose Institute organized this cultural activity, which will run until next Friday, Day 6, "the kids come to see the plays, they have been read by their teachers as they are given copies of the works, they know a Roman building, visit Merida and are engaged in the Greco-Roman world, the ancient world and at the origin of our culture and our civilization. "
He added that the participation this year is mainly Extremadura and that this evidence "in Extremadura is doing theater, good theater and Greco-Roman theater, which will continue in this line." In cycle Merida youth represent three works of Plautus, two of Aristophanes of Sophocles and Euripides other.

The inaugural show was "Antigone" by Sophocles, and was performed by the theater group of IES Santa Eulalia, a work which, according to Argüello, represents "the fidelity to convictions deeper than the protagonist. This afternoon the School of Dramatic Art in Malaga represent "the passion and jealousy" of "Medea" by Euripides.

"Son-Argüello-milestones as flagship in the universal drama is a curious fact that this Festival opens with Antigone to Like the Summer Festival, which opens with three Antigone, as the stones of the Roman Theatre will be four. "He added that the classical texts have been respected" scrupulously "but there are innovative touch as" the singing and dancing, "which has been merged with" Medea. "

morning I offer a work of Aristophanes," La Paz ", in which the actors break down the myth of" if you want peace, prepare for war "as well as a work of Plautus cacereño represented by the group" Cambaluz-University "," The Persian ".

other, other planned activities are the performance of the group Teansari "IES Miguel de Manara" San José de la Rinconada (Sevilla), with the play "The Birds" by Aristophanes, and the theater group IES Virgen de Gracia "Olive de la Frontera (Badajoz), which will take the stage," Miles Gloriosus "by Plautus.

The festival will close at the shows "The beauty of Babel" that will represent the college, "Giner de los Ríos" of Merida, and "Host" of the group "In Albis Theater" IES "Source New "Morón de la Frontera (Sevilla).

The festival also offers a program of alternative leisure activities called "Ludotium", which will provide the "lighter side" of the event with workshops and balloon twisting percussion, among others. For its part, the general director of Education Policy, Felipe Gomez, "it is clear that a successful claim the Greco-Roman culture, the contributions of Greek and Roman world" and stressed "the importance" of this festival, so the Junta de Extremadura the "spoils".


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Treatment For Brazilian Wax Burn

The Egyptian Museum Pyramids moves to recover

is sculpted in painted quartzite and measures thirteen meters high and almost six feet wide

Egyptian archaeologists have discovered the largest statue of the pharaoh found so far
Amenhotep III in Luxor city, some 700 kilometers south of Cairo, reported the Minister of State for Antiquities Zahi Hawas

The statue was found in excavations in the area of \u200b\u200b Qurnah, where the temple of Amehotep III (1390-1352 BC), on the west bank of the River Nile in Luxor, the minister said in a statement released by his office. The Colossus, which is carved in quartzite painted, measuring thirteen meters high and almost six feet wide , consists of seven large pieces, accurately Hawas in the note.
The statue was one of the two flanking the north entrance of the temple of Amehotep III
and probably collapsed during the earthquake that hit Egypt in the year 27 a. C. Currently performs the cleaning and restoration of the seven fragments to re-place the Colossus in its original place, but the head continues buried in the sand, so that experts continue to find the excavation, said the minister.

Hawas not rule out the possibility that it found the second statue of Amenhotep III during the current season of archaeological work in the area. This piece was first discovered in 1928 by an Egyptian archaeologist and a German, but was forgotten in an agricultural area until it was covered by earth.

For its part, the supervisor of the excavations, the archaeologist Abdel Gafar Wagdi,

Amenhotep III, one of the most important pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty, was
father of King Akhenaten and Tutankhamun's grandfather
News Agency EFE

These codices and fragments scattered in libraries around the world. Most of them belong to his magnum opus,
Experts from the University of Huelva (UHU), belonging to Nicolaus Heinsus research group has discovered 71 new manuscripts

Latin poet Ovid (43 BC-17 AD) spread across different libraries around the world. Most of them belong to his magnum opus,
These codices
or fragments, "whose existence was unknown," explained the Professor of Latin Philology at the UHU, Luis Rivero, and collect different versions and interpretations of this work from antiquity to modern times.
Metamorphoses. So, to those already known, have been able to add more than 71 manuscrutos, among which the 'Dertusensis 134', "the oldest of the English manuscript dating from the late twelfth century

" said Rivero.
These new manuscripts, together with the 467 already known, expand the catalog to the 538. "Now we are a

From all the source documents, project members now undertake critical commentary textual Ovid's Metamorphoses within the project of excellence 'Critical edition of The Metamorphoses of Ovid and retail operations ', funded by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science with almost 158,000 euros, whose work will be finished by 2013.
"It's an ambitious goal for the claim to include in her comments, issues and variants of
The metamorphosis from its beginnings until today," argues Luis Rivero. The ultimate objective therefore is to light the critical edition of Metamorphoses more complete and informed of how many have done so far.

The Ovidian poem, which brings in 15 books a collection of stories about classical mythology
, has become one of the most popular creations of Roman literature. Well known to medieval writers and humanists, remains influential in contemporary literature, as is clear from different studies of Publius Ovidius Naso.
One of the oldest issues was held in 1471 in Rome by John Andreas. "However, today was just one hundred manuscripts read," says the researcher. "The recent comments of Professor S. Myers, the book XIV of Metamorphoses, in 2009, is mastered to perfection throughout the literature
the past 50 years but has not been read not a single manuscript and not one of the comments prior to 1950, "says Antonio Ramirez de Verger, another group of researchers from Nicolaus Heinsius.
For a detailed study of the 15 books that constitute the work
Metamorphoses "has organized the work so that each researcher will study one of them, with their respective editions throughout the centuries," says Ramírez de Verger. It is a rigorous examination of a total of
12,000 verses in more than 500 versions that correspond to each of the manuscripts and critical editions made from antiquity to the modern era.
-SOURCE: Andrés Marín
Cejudo has long been seen in the Museum of Zaragoza
, without revealing the source, a design that places it among the existing streets of captain Portolés, Marceliano Isabal, Bilbao, Albareda and Avenida César Augusto. Arguably, in light of the drawing, the geometric center of the amphitheater would coincide with the current hotel Palafox. But occupy a much larger space.
The issue of historic importance, has remained muted because the person who prepared the plan and sent it to the museum wants to remain anonymous, so the drawing reflects the remains that allegedly appeared in the latest urban intervention in the area and if they were destruidos, han pasado ya casi cuarenta años. ¿Quién envió el documento? Desde el Museo de Zaragoza se guarda silencio, se insiste en que la información es confidencial, pero facilitan el plano que acompaña estas líneas, en el que se ve con precisión el supuesto trazado del edificio.
«Lo explicaremos todo -ha asegurado a HERALDO el director del centro,
Miguel Beltrán
- en un artículo que se publicará en la próxima edición del Boletín del Museo de Zaragoza». El artículo lo firmará junto a
Juan Paz
, pero no saldrá de imprenta hasta después del verano. Aunque el hermetismo en torno al asunto is total, since the museum lends credibility few days ago, Miguel Beltran had the plane in an academic context, the 'testimonia Urbis', a seminar of the Open University in Tudela.

The alleged remains of
Caesaraugusta amphitheater.
Zaragoza Urbana
In the business group which includes the hotel Palafox, long known as the plane not only exposed at the Museum of Zaragoza, which depends on the Government of Aragon, but also Forum of municipal ownership.
"is a theory of some archaeologists, but it does not seem grounded in hard data, the agency sources said. When the museum announced this level we ask for information to the architects who built the hotel and sought technical reports. And we find that what were once found the remains of a modern headquarters, the convent of the Carmen and an Arab tank. But nothing major. " "From Roman ruins, nothing"
García and José de Yarza Nordmark not opened until 1982.
"From Roman ruins, nothing at all. That is a fantasy that has been playing in Zaragoza years, "says José de Yarza Nordmark. Appeared remains of the barracks and some, of limited scope, the convent before it. But nothing more. "

Most experts consulted by the Herald did not want to comment on this matter, pending the said scientific paper. To
Guillermo Fatás
, "was missing the Roman Amphitheater. In a city the size of the Roman Zaragoza, veterans of three legions that made their home, it is logical that they have been. And surely great. " The building had to be built in the first century of our era. According to the plan of the Museum of Zaragoza, had about 100 meters diameter, which is not much when compared with those of Rome (187), Italic (174), Cordoba (178) and Merida (126). According Manuel Martín-Bueno, Zaragoza not only had an amphitheater, also had a circus. "It was equipment that distinguished the cities of other settlements. But used less than what is believed. "
The issue has again been a rumor that circulated today when he began working in Fleta
, close to the area. But the archaeologist who led the excavation disproves appeared yet again Roman remains. "We found the foundations of a Moorish tower possible, but no more," says Francisco Javier Gutierrez. No other Roman. "


Mariano Garcia

agents discovered an underground tunnel with a crane to dig the 58 tons of filth
of Pozzuoli, macro town of 80,000 people leaning to Naples, has discovered a Roman mausoleum buried under the rubble of an illegal landfill. "I am a great scholar and lover of ancient art: I still can not believe what I saw," he exclaims. What he saw and left him without words is a room of about 15 square meters, with loops and arches, decorated with stucco and traces of color on the walls. According to the provincial Superintendent is a monument built in the II century AD. Right in the Neapolitan style, the commander has all richly detailed and granting several blows theatrical effect. Without haste and without pause.
"There are things that can happen only in Italy. For better and bad. " Michele Ciarlo's voice gets excited on the phone. The Commander of the Guardia di Finanza
"The area is a field where today is forbidden to build because we know who was passing by an old road, the road Domiziana, which led to Rome, and the bow is still perfectly preserved Felice Vecchio." Archaeologists estimate that the citizens of ancient Rome used build tombs for their dead along the way, to move in the journey to another world. The neighbors of the current Pozzuoli know that under your feet doze Roman remains, probably of great value, although currently there excavations. So some have organized themselves. This is the case of 64 years old lady, under the clearing of 1,700 square meters has, found, looted and hidden, the mausoleum rescued today by Ciarlo and his men. The area is now seized and the lady has been reported.

Police at the site of the discovery

"We went to control the area. We found a pile of old tires, dangerous waste that can not be dumped just like that. And next door was a large country house half destroyed. But you could tell he had been collapsed on purpose. Its bricks (58 tons) were used to hide even more underground access to the monument. " Removing the debris, Major found an opening and a hideout ten feet deep down to the local permitting. "Until there was a wooden ladder. I was immediately clear that there had been the tombaroli
[antique thieves] had many stucco figurines been removed and the room was empty. " Superintendent of Pozzuoli
now hopes that this mausoleum was built according to architectural rules of the time, ie with three bedrooms. If - as argued by the superintendent - the local ' saved 'today is the court, missing two rooms that carry light. "Having regard to the antipasto, if we arrived before the tombaroli, will be precious. A real discovery, "said Ciarlo.


Lucia Magi

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mtx Thunder Elite Amps

11,500 young classical culture at the Teatro Romano Merida

historical Nebula hangs over the civilization of Tarshish may be clarified by the conference organized by the Universidad de Huelva (UHU), which meet in one of the cities where these people settled in the major international experts on the subject.

The academic appointment has promoted the editor Manuel Pimentel (Almuzara), who calls "civic duty and social" better explain Tarshish, a town that was "a source of knowledge and issuer of wealth." Pimentel justified the conclusion of the conference in Huelva
this being a city "with obvious attributes tartésicos and host the moral capital of this civilization. "
This is precisely one of the issues to be discussed at the conference, since it is an issue that has caused much controversy among scholars." We do not know what was the Tartesos capital, perhaps by chance one day lead us to it, what is clear is that Huelva was one of their major cities, "says Juan Campos, who noted that some researchers have come to situate
" even in Bilbao "

This first international conference on Tartesos entitled 'The metal emporium', as this is one of the main event: the exploitation of the iconic
northern mines
provinces of Huelva and Sevilla and marketing of mineral wealth that led to Tarshish to be "the first Western legal civilization," in Campos words. The conclave will seek to vindicate Tartesos in the collective imagination throughout history, humanity and the historical and archaeological relics that abound in the provinces of Huelva, Seville and Cadiz.

The scientific meeting will be divided into several working groups in which they will discuss issues such as political models of Tarshish and its borders, the structure of their society, the construction of identity of this civilization, its relationship with other Mediterranean peoples, metal production and trade relations and habitats, and beliefs tartésicos necropolis.
Apart from leading international experts in the field, including teachers participating in the conference highlights the presence of José María Blázquez , professor emeritus of ancient history and academic of the Royal Academy of History, who give the inaugural conference.
-SOURCE: Andrés Marín
The beneficiary is the employer Diego della Valle, owner of the shoe company Tod's, in exchange for paying the cost of restoration work, 25 million euros, kept for 15 years, extended the exclusive global image Roman monument.

Berlusconi's first hour, then distanced himself from the prime minister and now again affine, Della Valle, who is also a partner in Saks stores and RCS, the group editor of Corriere della Sera and World , seems to have one of the best business of his life.
return to cover the 25 million cost of restoration of the amphitheater of the first century, Tod's managed exclusively rents and image rights of Flavio inside and outside Italy, you can put your logo at the entrance and on the scaffolding, and build a "service center" in the protected archeological area of \u200b\u200bthe world.

The agreement was signed on 27 January, and the Government sold it with great ceremony as an act of generous sponsorship by the employer of the shoe entrepreneur. Interestingly, the text was released, and still largely remains a mystery. The UIL union, active in the field of heritage and culture, has submitted a brief to the Rome Public Prosecutor and the Court in which he expressed his doubts about the real scope of the contract and calls for an investigation if there is evidence of crime.
Gianfranco Cerasoli, secretary general of UIL Culture, explained that the agreement was signed at high speed after the official contest was declared void, "and recalls that" will stop for at least 15 years in ministry, and both the state, which the Constitution is responsible for the amphitheater, to freely decide on the use and image of the monument. "
addition, Cerasoli as "the evaluation of the agreement is obviously low, since any economist knows that the transaction will generate at least 200 million euros, because it gives the company during the construction work, the communication plan of the Colosseum and marketing worldwide.
The union says he does not have anything from Tod's. "Della Valle has done its job by closing a business and promotional impact. We are not against private developers but against the state at a low price concessions. "
A partnership must still be established, and in which the shoe company will be dominant, now take decisions affecting the monument. If someone wants to use the image of the Coliseum to shoot a movie, advertisement or make a political campaign, you must request permission from Tod's. I have had to do and those responsible for Volkswagen, which sought to present in the Roman theater a new model.
Sources of the Italian company has replied to criticism with a simple argument: "A listed company that invests 25 million to restore a monument should explain to shareholders that behavior. It would be absurd Tod's did not have the exclusive during the construction work. "

Tod's owner signed the deal with the curator of the archaeological area of \u200b\u200bRome, the architect Roberto Cecchi, empowered by a special decree of the President of the Government. Cecchi is one of the names that the government used since 2001 to undertake his "revaluation of the cultural heritage." His boss, Mario Resca, former CEO of McDonald's Italy, was appointed personally by Silvio Berlusconi to exploit the monuments and museums with a commercial and private. According to critics, a more populist strategy based on heritage conservation to consider a permanent emergency (thus helping to close contracts finger).
The stated aim is to launch projects with high impact and increase visits. Meanwhile, cuts in public funds Templates are emptied dedicated to maintaining and relaxes the care of artistic and historic assets. In parallel, the Government has been giving the private sector much of the cultural and museum management from the organization of exhibitions at the box office business, a market restricted to a handful of companies that get up to 30% of each ticket sold. Mondadori Electa companies as owned by the Italian head of government, have also obtained concessions for public libraries thirty institutions, including the Colosseum and Roman Forum.
the past two years, that trend appears to have exacerbated the that has caused tensions and resignations among senior cultural. First he went number two in Culture, Salvatore Settis, then his successor, Andrea Carandini, and finally the minister, Sandro Bondi, who has been replaced by the former owner of Agriculture, Giancarlo Galan.

Carandini just correct, and is back in the ministry after the Government has finally agreed to limit spending cuts for this year paid under a one cent increase in the price of gasoline.

Flavio History
- Construction the Colosseum began in 72 by the will of the Emperor Vespasian

. The construction was finished in 80, when Emperor Titus
could inaugurate with 100 consecutive days of games.

- Also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, due to the dynasty of the Flavian emperors
it built, hosted shows and fights between gladiators or between man and beast. At certain times, the Romans filled with water and reproduced naval battles in Rome had emerged victorious. The entrance was free. - From the Middle Ages, became a fortress and later centuries in storage of engineering materials. UNESCO declared World Heritage
near the center.

Miguel Mora Europe's largest exhibition to date on the mysterious pre-Hispanic culture

March 20, coinciding with the spring equinox, about 160,000 people went to recharge vital energy for a strenuous climb to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan (63 meters high). It is a superstitious tradition, abounding many unofficial guides that abound in the archaeological site, the most visited of Mexico (2.5 million admissions in 2010) and certainly one of the most mysterious. The magnificent exhibition that opened yesterday at the Caixa Forum in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band in July Madrid close in his long European tour, is the other side of the coin of the esoteric legend of Teotihuacan.

Without hiding the thousand mysteries still hidden in the city, the exhibition showcases over 400 beautiful pieces of different disciplines so little is known about this civilization, between the II century BC and AD VII , became the great cultural and political center of Mesoamerica.

The truth is that this collective experience of men and women in a city of gods we know neither the name. The Teotihuacan is what put the Aztecs (Mexica) centuries after the city collapsed not known if invasion, internal strife, natural disaster or provoked, and that a terrible fire swept through much of its main buildings. In Nahuatl, Teotihuacan means something like "place where gods were made." His legendary status as a center of worship continued until the point where the Aztecs placed there the cosmogony of the Legend of the Suns (the immolation of the ancient gods in a pile to create the sun, the moon, the movement of these stars and hence life) and moved to the place for their rites. Also, as is tradition, joined his best sculptures, jewelry and all sorts of valuable pieces to their own places of worship.

"Teotihuacan was one of the most important cities in Mesoamerica, especially through trade of obsidian, with which they made their daggers, and the V century AD to have 125,000 inhabitants came from distant places, which were distributed in an area of \u200b\u200b25 square kilometers, "says Diana Magaloni, director of the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico, an institution from much of the funds in this sample, the largest to date on this culture. The organization is run by the Institute of Anthropology and History in Mexico.

"We have not emptied the museum, although there are some pieces from the permanent collection, as most come from the latest excavations or this other site called
be in boxes and thanks to the preparation of the exhibition have been restored and documented. " Magaloni not hide his impatience because many of these works can return soon to Mexico. Some of them are included in the new assembly hall dedicated to Teotihuacan in the museum that runs.

Among them will have a prominent place of monumental sculpture

Xalla Jaguar, found 11 years ago Xalla temple, a palace that according to excavation seems to have been an administrative center which is taking major policy decisions. Hard to say at all: almost everything around Teotihuacan are enigmas. Experts are still arguing about the kind of government that could take the city, and that beyond the archaeological references (it has been dug less than a quarter) and unless you can decipher even the ideographs on some pieces have to base their hypotheses on what happened in other cultures. "It is still under investigation, but this figure refers to a jaguar military groups most important place that this animal was a symbol," says Magaloni. "It is carved in stone but it is modular, like many of the sculptures and pieces of this culture, and was lined with fine stucco of lime and volcanic glass on which was painted with natural pigments." In fact, remember, all buildings and sculptures that were in Teotihuacan was painted and the city was dominated by reddish.

To Miguel A. Baez, scientific director of the exhibition in its 600 year history the art of Teotihuacan remained similar lines (Figures rigid with no signs of individuality), although the mural itself to appreciate different stages. Its statism does not prevent them emanate a beauty suggestive and strange, as the endless mystery of the city where the gods were forged.

Catherine Serra for over ten years, and in the final days of Hosni Mubarak came to minister, and then resigned
, toward the president
has returned to the portfolio from which to manage culture in new times
, the agency Mena.

acclaimed for giving a voice to Egyptology native and criticized by media overexposure, Hawass
back to the fore after his absence a few weeks has led to the new authorities of the Nile to consider the need to maintain a reliable control
heritage of one of the greatest powers archaeological world. Among its successes has been the fight against corruption by raising the salaries of inspectors and other measures of greater significance, as well as an international campaign for the return of key players who left the country illegally, but has also been accused never fully tested of malpractice.

The truth is that no one could dig without permission in ancient deposits during the last decade and now, with his appointment as the strongman of the culture in the Cabinet, it will not change.


Unesco was crying because the government needed to maintain control over the protection of the immense heritage of ancient Egypt, especially after the recent riots that toppled Mubarak in February. there were some robberies in the Cairo Museum, and after his resignation, Hawass has published on its website a list of all the looting that occurred during the period of instability in places such as Luxor, and Giza Saqarah .
yesterday again asked Unesco to place armed guards at the sites that are under pressure from the gangs of looters.
Hawas, of 63, is well known internationally for his hunger for publicity and his iron hand in controlling findings that the Council directs centralized decades. But under his leadership has been very demanding international shipments to submit detailed reports of their activities on Egyptian soil.
Among their demands, which have become known as the punishment of Egyptology the colonial era, include
the bust of Nefertiti, which is discussed in Berlin and the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum.

Calero This system of writing and words such as adobe oasis or have their origin in a language and culture, the Egyptian, who has come to us through the Greeks and with whom we have common ground.

is clear that this interest has led to the professor at the University of Jaén (UJA) Alejandro Jimenez to organize an introductory course
Until June 9, about 25 Jaén of the opposite sex and condition will approach the Middle Egyptian (something like the English of Cervantes, we might say) through exercises that will allow them to go decoding obituaries funeral inscriptions on statues, reliefs and paintings .
course Warm welcome

"The idea is to acquire a sufficient level to
to transcribe and simple ideas, even
compound sentences, "said Jimenez, who also confesses a pleasant surprise it has brought him the welcome of course.

" Last year we organized a seminar and people are left wanting more, dig a little. However, we did not expect
have so many requests, "says the coordinator of the course, open to all citizens and often, in fact, the most colorful people.

" We
from housewives
to academics, and also the age range is very wide "says Jiménez. Basically, we could mean that students are divided into three groups: those who want to solve curiosity, a passion for the civilization of the Nile country and people have learned that thirst for knowledge for knowledge ".

hieroglyphic writing

The UJA in Egypt

Besides being coordinator and professor, partly funded by the Faculty of Humanities, Alejandro Martinez leads one of the five English excavation projects there right now in Egypt, a country where, according to him, 90 percent of the existing remains still unknown.

is not surprising, therefore, that now has about 150
international projects, one of which is Qubbet El-Hawa, through which the UJA has been working for three years in a cemetery located in Aswan, southern Egypt.
"On October 29, 2010 ended last season. In three weeks, I'll be doing some bureaucratic work and visit the site to see their status after revolution, "says the professor, who said he has found just one third of the excavation.
" The fourth season, which will take place between November and February, is the most important. We hope you can publish interesting new things that are not discovered every day, "he says.

-SOURCE: Amelia M. Brenes