opportunity for organizational strengthening the Communist Party of Venezuela
By: Faustino Rodriguez Bauza
From XXXI Meeting of the Central Committee Plenum Communist Party of Venezuela announced the Call for the fulfillment of all the process for the realization of the XIV Congress of our Party.
Regardless of the objectives and the issues raised to study Communist Congresses provide an opportunity for improving and strengthening the party organization. Along
fidelity in the compliance of democratic centralism, next to the application of conscious discipline in the Party work cell organic and individual tasks militant ensure the soundness of the organization is a key factor in the advancement of Communist parties and to achieve the successful implementation of policies decided.
One of the goals it has raised the Communist Mirandinos Communication Network (REDECCOMI) is to assist in the daily organizational task, becoming an important tool to assist in operating and construction and expansion of PCV. Our Blog is brought to a formulation in locations highlighted where it says:
"STRENGTHENING THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF VENEZUELA: CURRENT crucial task for the Venezuelan revolution"
strengthen the Communist Party of Venezuela today becomes a critical task, fundamental, indispensable, necessary and urgent ensure the progress of the Bolivarian Revolution towards socialism and strengthening the fight against imperialism .- Buddy, supporter, friend of PCV, PCV Miranda Contáctate to our E-mail:
And this remark is complemented with another where is called a: BUILD A POWERFUL
"In the present stage of development of the Venezuelan revolutionary process must move forward to building a powerful Communist Party in every sector of the population! Revolutionary inhabitant of Miranda State:: Merge the PCV, to help advance the revolution towards socialism contact us at our Regional Spokesperson Miranda Communist People's Press:, or by mailing our members Digital Newspaper Communist Communication Network Mirandinos located in the heads of each Digital Speaker. "
is a call to be used and implemented with these resources to assist in the task of substantially improving the machinery of party, our organization Communist.
revolutionary militancy of the communists, is framed in key agencies, basic, militant communist cells. Communist militants to go we always start the encouragement of individual initiative - the agencies and the militants to support the enforcement practice, organic, tasks to ensure the implementation of the political line. Because
Communist organizations - in our case in Venezuela, Miranda State, in our town of Miranda Centre location, as elsewhere in the world, the Communist Party as a revolutionary political organizations of the working class, we have a particular organizational strength - very strong, strong or weak - which is always represented by the sum of integrated quality of real political work and bonding with the people we achieve in each of our core agencies, the cells.
In the Communist Parties in the PCV, cells,
a) located in the workplace:: factory workers Unified agglomeration, firm or cells, or
b) located in neighborhoods, buildings , towns, small villages or neighborhood cells are those that are, so to speak, face, image, or rather the reality of our Party.
In turn, the cells as basic Party organizations, are to be in each case, each of them achieve results that comprise the militants through their combined work. Cells are always the result of organic collective operation of its members. An organic collective good, a good result, a good political work.
From there is where we can establish the measure of the quality of our political work, structural, social organization within the population where we stand, as the ability to influence our social organization, achieved as a collective PCV cell, and not as individuals; this, without ruling out the importance in cellular and political work in general, individual participation, but always framed within the community.
is in this perspective from which you must raise the entire life of the Party, the militant revolutionary, planning, organizing and carrying out political tasks organic, direct and permanent contact with the population. It is from the cell where the actual implementation part of the work of the Party ideologically, of revolutionary education, political action, propaganda, agitation, organization of the population, mass actions, organic growth of the Party international solidarity, in short, to ensure the presence and continuous reaffirmation of our Party to the masses.
work is in the cells, where it ensures the reaffirmation of our revolutionary identity to the general population, because each cell is generated from political work, which joins similar actions of political work-in matching up other cells, "whose actions and political work, ultimately, integrate, combine as the global action of the Party among the working class, among workers in work sites and residential sites, and in other arenas of participation population where each cell works.
Although the goal of a Communist Congress is not specifically that of the Party Organization, this is a daily task at all levels of work-all of Congress is, as we stated at the beginning, an opportunity for updating of organization to improve in order to create conditions for future progress, but it has to be made from the cell body, and this is how you can become permanent and secure other progressive improvement, which will result in the end, in a better and more organized and strong Communist Party, in our case, the Communist Party of Venezuela.
In the current Venezuela, Latin America, the world in general - the imperialist offensive in style, developed by the imperialist offensive using all possible means to them to impose the policy of the Bush administration is through government-government Obama prisoner according to their enforceable until now, the most warlike and anti-democratic imperialism --- the Fourteenth Congress will be a very important factor in improving organizational Communist Party of Venezuela, a process of strengthening organic PCV.
Because at this juncture of humanity today, Communist Parties are required increasingly strengthened throughout the world, and throughout the world is getting restrengthening the effort all the Communist Parties.
is to stop, detain, beat, rise of fascism in action leading global imperialism. And for that, "the struggle against fascism as it always has the most solid and resolute in fighting fascist detachments are the Communist Parties.
is to defeat fascism on a global scale, as in every country and every "enclave" within countries - as is the case in Venezuela where the states and municipalities are dominated by the opposition or fascist enclaves fascism under development - is about creating the best conditions for the democratization real world and not the fiction of the shield and bourgeois "democracies", and while creating the conditions for settling the crisis of capitalism and progress of all peoples to socialism on the way to communism.
That requires strengthened Communist Parties ideological, functional, political and agencies, including the Communist Party of Venezuela, whose XIV Congress will be an opportunity for our organizational consolidation.
Source: PrensaPopularSolidaria