Friday, November 16, 2007



By: Faustino Rodriguez Bauza

In a destabilization campaign against Venezuela have recently raised a series of provocative statements that have spread from the U.S. President Bush, Mexican President Calderón Fraud, J. Negroponte, T. Shannon .-

All topped by compulsive liar, a spokeswoman for the dissemination of lies from the White House and government United States, Condoleezza Rice, who comes out again with a statement Venezuela.No lies and slander against this happening is rare that the Rice lie.

are many times that it has in relation to own países.Y Venezuela and other details we refer in their statements because they are more directly related to the coup plans that are seeing in Venezuela by action of the internal coup opposition, under the encouragement, direction, funding and support they receive from abroad.

Rice lied when she said she had to give him two weeks to Israel "to finish the job" in Lebanon.

it was actually deliver to their partners Israel cluster bombs and chemical weapons, to prove that on the people of Lebanon, as reported later when he learned about the effects of artifacts on children, the elderly, women and men who were affected, those who suffered and still suffer serious damage to the skin and metabolic function, as well as the consequences for plants and wildlife.

Rice lied in relation to Venezuela when he announced a transport strike "was taking place in Venezuela." This is relatively recent. Rice

But his lies have always a feature. You will be language and betrays subconsciente.La announced after the strike in Venezuela, in fact, their lackeys of the opposition were seeking it, but as they have to do, nothing they could do. She said something that did not exist.

On Iraq since I was in lower echelons in the White House Rice is tired of lying in Iraq attributed to the possession of atomic bombs and chemical weapons .-

Montan and make themselves terrorist acts that run through CIA and other intelligence agencies to confuse the Iraqi people and the world: lanzanactos against terror ists accuse Sunnis and Shiites, and conversely, make terrorism against Shiites and Sunnis accuse, to provoke a civil war and religious. So

seek to involve other countries in Iraq, out of the quagmire they are and move the issue to the UN, for through this organization dominate, similar scheme to what they did in Afghanistan

. Now in his statements anti-Venezuelan strives to lie. In several parts of his statement he referred to the same "concerns" of those who have already spoken before Bush and his chief previous herself provocative statements against Venezuela, and as always happens the subconscious betrayed, when he says he "believes that Venezuela is under assault "

. Of course that is under assault. Under the assault from the White House want to ride with their support for coup plots identical to those in 2002, with continuous anti-Venezuelan statements Shannon, Ambassador Brownfield country, Negroponte, Bush's own, and now she combined of course with its allies attacks Aznar and Fraudulent sepoys Calderón, and approvals of the legion of paid they have in Venezuela.

symptomatic What, if anything, is the coincidence of their statements with those of internal opponents and actions underway that they try to implement

.- It's a real coup planning to be unfolding, with attacks on the currency, hoarding economic guarimba diet products, heating of the street with the opposition to the rising price of gasoline and so-called riots and attempts have been made in some places

. The campaigns also show RCTV and other TV channels, programs and wedges filled with subliminal messages calling for violence, the attempt to place the Church as a whole front against the government, the insults that rages back against President Chávez .

complemented with the attack on the missions, the emphasis on attacking foreign policy, military linkages to warm the ear and advance planning coup and of course, more dangerously, the renewed whispers about assassination against President Chávez, who have always been on the tapete.Son several aspects that Rice lied.

We have presented the general view in this first part of Article. the second part of this work will be referred to later publish the details and what the real intention is raised all these individuals from the diplomacy and the U.S. government relationship with Venezuela .-

this maneuver is included in the President Bush, they are all in our country to promote processes of destabilization, economic sabotage and other directed everything to a conspiracy in motion planning.

original publication in February 2007 in Bellaciao.orgh ttp: / /

Posted in Tribuna Popular Digital in June 2007 http://www.tribuna option = com_content & task = view & id = 1018 & Itemid = 49


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