be coordinated Command actions Zamora Caracas, November 19. Tribuna Popular TP .- The PCV and PPT and other social and political revolutionary form, in the coming days, the Command Unit by Si, as reported this morning, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Venezuela, Oscar Figuera. Figuera said that the campaign for the need to address If you work in each community with the aim of raising awareness of the reform and overthrow the media campaign is spreading the lie that opposition, it said "we agreed with the Homeland for All Party PPT and other social and political organizations of regional character, to make the Command Unit of the SI "he said. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Communist Party is to move forward in a united campaign to ensure the great success of the YES on 2 December, but it has its extension in time to articulate defense of the revolution. Because the view of the PCV, the fundamental problem that December 2 will face the two projects will be totally opposite on the right who want to keep the capitalist system and imperialist interference and the other, which embraces the vast majority of people who are moving to independence and national liberation ex step towards socialism. Del Zamora Command have not received a definite answer With respect to the work unit in the Zamora Command, which is constituted mainly by militants of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, PSUV, the deputy noted that this united effort with the PPT does not mean neglecting the proposal of PCV to work in the broadest possible unity and coordination Zamora Command, but can not expect that this process develops, because there is little time for the end of the campaign, "until now we have not received accurate approach Zamora Command, regarding the formation of the National Unit for SI. And we have not received the exact answer, we have considered, because the times are moving very fast, both the PCV and PPT step forward in that direction, "he said. Figuera clarified that this step unit with the PPT and other forces does not mean you stop working to integrate into one unified body Zamora Command and other forces supporting the process, "there are regions where the coordinators of Zamora Command have been in contact with the PCV, as is the case of Zulia where Arias Cardenas Coordinator contacted the political secretary of the CPV, Pedro Eusse "reported that in the coming hours, in this case, the meeting will be held . Figuera added that "if the initiative is widespread in all U.S. states and nationally, welcome." VCP Secretary General said that integration with the Command Unit Zamora and other forces that support the process has not advanced, "There are some levels of contact in other regions, but has not proceeded as rapidly as it should be done" and added "in terms that demands such a short time we have, no progress as it should be done. " Therefore next to the PPT and other social and political forces that support the Yes, have decided to set up the Command Unit of the Si in the context of the fight for the referendum to approve its extension in time to face the tasks of defense of the revolution. Finally Communist leader said the National Coordinator Zamora Command, Deputy Isea, only had informal contacts with the PCV, but nothing concrete to develop the unity of the forces for |
For Fatherland and People, National Liberation and Socialism Caracas, November 17. Tribuna Popular TP / Prensa PCV .- The Central Committee of Communist Party of Venezuela PCV and called on Venezuelans to vote for YES in the forthcoming referendum to approve the December 2. To do this, handed the public a summary of 15 reasons, most important, and so the Venezuelan communists are calling the people to support the constitutional reform. 15 reasons to say YES on constitutional reform 1. WHY DO PEOPLE POWER STRENGTH. The reform introduces powerful mechanisms for the exercise of the active participation of the people, recognizing the People's Power (Article 136), gives constitutional rank to the Community Councils, and provides new spaces and structures of participatory democracy, as the Councils of Workers, Farm Workers and Peasants, and Students (Article 70). 2. YES BECAUSE democratize the economy. The reform clearly and emphatically prohibits monopolies (Article 113) and estates (Article 307), which provides for the progressive disappearance of large oligarchies and favors emergence and strengthening of small and medium economic units industrial, agricultural and service 3. WHY DO DEFINE A NEW MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT. The reform establishes a model of economic development based on humanistic values, social and ecological, which gives priority to community interests over individual rights and guarantees the satisfaction of social and material needs of the people (Articles 112 and 299), which begins to leave behind the capitalist model of uncontrolled exploitation of human beings and nature. 4. YES because it recognizes the various forms of ownership. The reform recognizes and guarantees, for the first time in history Venezuela, the existence of a diversity of forms of ownership: private, public, direct social, social indirect, collective and mixed (Article 115). This means that from now the state is committed as never before to protect and preserve the property and all property of each. 5. YES WHY EXPAND THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC of workers. The reform extends to non-dependent workers, informal and self-employment, benefits and employment rights were never recognized as retirement, pensions, paid vacation and sick leave (Article 87). Also, reduce the workday to 6 hours daily and requires the State to promote mechanisms for the productive use of leisure time for the benefit of education, comprehensive training, human, physical, spiritual, moral, cultural and technical workers (Article 90). 6. YES BECAUSE advance towards true DECENTRALIZATION. The reform directs the National governments, state and municipal, which effectively decentralize and transfer the people organized many functions and powers previously reserved to the traditional powers, including the administration of public services, urban maintenance, security and protection of communities, construction public works, the creation and management of public enterprises, cooperatives and other economic units (Article 184). It also establishes mechanisms for providing generous financial directly to organized communities for the resources needed to undertake these new duties and powers (Article 167). All this translates into the strengthening of the People and the actual enforcement of the old promise of decentralization never satisfied. 7. YES BECAUSE strengthen national sovereignty. The reform establishes effective mechanisms to strengthen and ensure national economic sovereignty. Establishing a preferential treatment for national companies of any kind on their equivalent abroad (Article 301). Venezuelan State Reserve all activities related to exploration, exploitation, harvesting, transport and storage of all hydrocarbons, and ensures that PDVSA and all entities or State enterprises which are active in this field remain the property of all the people ( Articles 302 and 303). In addition, it commits the state to promote and develop agricultural activities with humanistic and ecological criteria in order to ensure food security of the people and the country's sovereignty in this matter (Article 305). 8. WHY DO RESCUES THE BCV. The reform eliminates the ill-fated Central Bank autonomy Venezuela, which we had been imposed by the neoliberal economic doctrines, and redirecting the activities of this entity to the satisfaction of monetary, exchange and financial measures to promote growth and economic and social development of the Nation (Articles 318 and 321 .) 9. YES IT CONTAINS A NEW DEFINITION OF THE ARMED FORCES. The reform defines the Bolivarian Armed Force as a body "patriotic, popular and anti-imperialist" who "is always at the service of the Venezuelan people in defense of their sacred interests, and in any case, the oligarchy or any foreign imperial power" (Article 328 .) This new statement of the character and mission of the BAF, together with the creation of the Bolivarian National Militia as focal point of organized people in arms (Article 329), guarantees its commitment to democracy and its submission to the needs and priorities of national majorities. 10. WHY DO FORWARD TO THE LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN INTEGRATION. Reform the Venezuelan government orders to make the Latin American and Caribbean integration a key objective of its foreign policy with the aim of setting up a regional bloc of political, social economic and capable of holding the imperial pretensions of the great powers within a multipolar world (Articles 152 and 153). This means that Venezuela will be committed as ever to realize the Bolivarian ideal of continental unity and solidarity among peoples in their struggle for real emancipation and collective welfare. 11. YES BECAUSE prohibits discrimination and enhance gender equality. The reform prohibits any discrimination based on criteria of ethnicity, sex, gender, age, health, religion, political orientation, sexual orientation, social status or religion (Article 21). The reform also establishes for the first time the effective equality of political rights for women and men, the sort of parity between them and other charges popular choice (Article 67). The reform also makes mandatory the recognition, respect and promotion of all cultures constitute the Venezuelan nation under the principle of equality among them (Article 100). 12. WHY DO MAKE A NEW ORGANIZATION OF THE TERRITORY. The reform establishes a range of innovative and flexible mechanisms for the organization and administration of the territory, which will allow more effectively meet the needs, strengths and characteristics of each area, and will facilitate the development of People's Power and new forms of direct democracy (Article 16). In addition, a "right to the city", meaning the right of all citizens to participate in the management of their city and enjoy a fairly decent urban environment and quality (Article 18). 13. WHY DO DA LEGAL BASIS TO MISSIONS. The reform gives constitutional rank to the missions, thus ensuring its continuity and permanence as tools for meeting the urgent needs of the majority of citizens (Article 141). 14. YES BECAUSE establishing true democracy in the universities. The reform recognizes for the first time in history, the workers in the universities as members with full rights of the university community, established the principles of participatory democracy for the inner life of universities, and guarantees the equal vote of students, professors, workers, to choose the university authorities (Article 109) . Thus, it satisfies a long-standing demand of the university communities and create conditions for building a genuine democracy in the universities, all without undermining the autonomy. 15. AND WHY TO SAY YES TO RATIFY REFORM SUPPORT OUR PRESIDENT CHAVEZ, STRENGTHENING THE REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT AND GIVE NEW MOMENTUM TO FOLLOW THE PROCESS FORWARD. Source: Tribuna Popular Digital Journal of Communist Party of Venezuela PCV |