Thursday, April 28, 2011

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discover the largest statue of the pharaoh Amenhotep III in southern Egypt Discovered 71

Interview with Eduardo Ferrer
Albea, professor of archeology. Together with Professor of Ancient History Chic Genaro working on a book for the publisher Akal on European History (Ancient). It also has views on Atlantis

"Let me start by Sevilla. Have you been able to visit the Anticuarium of Mushrooms?
-completed works, not yet. Yes I visited several times archaeological excavations and the process Antiquarium construction.
- Is there a majority opinion in his professional and academic circle on that Anticuarium?

"The general perception is the work of the director, Fernando Amores, and his team has been excellent.
"In any case it seems to run better fortune than the water tanks of the Fish ...
-roman tanks Fish have been preserved. Perhaps the problem lies in knowing how to manage the archaeological heritage, and the monumental Seville. better fortune And also that the parking archaeological sample of Murillo's gardens ...
"The debate between the extreme conservatism and shovel as a symbol of destruction is old. The Almohad walls and doors of Sevilla are the best witnesses. Heritage laws, both national and state, are clear in this regard. The problem is not using the same yardstick in the works of individuals in the administration or friends thereof.
- Why archeology continues Seville being a problem rather than a cost-effective solution?
"The perception of the public about the archaeological work is profoundly negative illiteracy and ignorance. If we have no archaeological heritage would be envying the neighbor. Good management of it would be very profitable.

"I say this because in recent years, with the redevelopment of the Puerta de Jerez and Constitution Avenue, was a toothache for the Administration appeared Almohad oven or an Islamic cemetery ...

"The law is clear Heritage, Archaeology firms have a high level of professionalism, and the Administration are highly skilled technicians.

"It's funny, however, how archeology is" pay "in other hands. Are we talking about Atlantis?
terms of profitability, I guess that will be applicable to the sale of books and documentaries, from the scientific point the results are catastrophic. The image of the archaeologists who transcends the media is pathetic, between Indiana Jones and The Da Vinci Code.
- Do you think that what Professor Freund has worked and multidisciplinary team in Doñana is sung by Plato's Atlantis?

not know the work of prof. Freund in Doñana, except the news appeared on ABC. I can assure you no credibility from the views of historical and literary, geological and archaeological paleogeographic.

"But it has been 'sold' notorious as Atlantis and the news was echoed wide with the support of an institution like National Geographic.
"I know not the approach taken by National Geographic to endorse such a proposal, but the trivialization and consumption of news" hook "that is given favorable coverage to borderline issues in line with the" freak. "

"These excavations are not going to lose in the report of a scholarly archive, but have been recorded on television to make a documentary ...
-visual companies and TV networks should be bolder and go for quality products at the same time, entertainment. It aims for the vulgar and the nonsense.

"Honestly, what of Atlantis in Doñana archeology or is it television?

-Lo of Atlantis in Doñana is entertainment, much along the lines of an insatiable consumer society always needs more and more striking themes. Recently was the tomb of Jesus Christ, tomorrow we'll see.

"I have been told that the" tools "team work in Doñana Freund was technologically very advanced and, therefore, worth having on its findings ...
-geophysical techniques and the use of satellites today are essential tools, available to researchers, but the archaeologist who interprets the results. The techniques do not think for yourself.
The complaint

Through its action words, the archaeologist who works primarily on the world Phoenician, Punic and Tartessian, it receives a complaint by the pipeline archaeological news in the media. Atlantis, the tomb of Jesus Christ and other similar popular appeal unquestionably occupy its space in the discussion of a science show that appear to be absorbed outside the laboratories, Indiana Jones and The Da Vinci Code. Eduardo Ferrer, Betis, brother of a holy brotherhood, abhors Seville passivity before the destruction of their heritage and not hesitated to confirm that prefer trades before Thursday and Good Friday and Easter Mass that fried dough indigestible populism that some of our festive events.

-SOURCE: Felix J.

You can view the documentary online that shows an interesting National Geographic research conducted in our country in search of the legendary Atlantis

This week the English media, both newspapers and television news and radio, were made echo of a story that would ensure that leaves no one indifferent.
National Geographic Channel aired a documentary in which he claimed that the ruins of Atlantis were in Spain, in the marshes of the Doñana National Park
. This research has been directed by the renowned professor and archaeologist Richard Freund

, which actually tries to "prove or disprove" a hypothesis of two German scientists, and Rainer Werner Wickboldt Kühne, who claimed that, while examining satellite photos of Doñana, had detected structures that closely resembled those
Plato described in his story of Atlantis in Timaeus and Critias.

This is a touchy subject
, since the subject of Atlantis has become over the story in a more proper subject of pseudoscience and parapsychology that history and archeology. Any historian or archaeologist who dares to speak of Atlantis must know that can being labeled crazy, obsessed dreamer , etc. a series of adjectives that have created a stereotype wrong and tainted the profession of archaeologist. We must be objective and optimistic, and do not despise the work of companies and research professionals with years of experience. It is clear that you are investing time, money and technology in the investigation of a possible field that could have major consequences in our country, as it is being reported worldwide. The important thing is to discover whether or not the legendary Atlantis that Plato described in his texts, but learn more about our past and culture a possible site seems to be closely linked with the civilization of Tartessos (
can understand quite well, sometimes also speak English and who have spoken teachers and researchers from the University of Huelva
. The research seems fairly complete, although those imaginative reconstructions
us show, leave much to be desired and seem destined to enrich the collective imagination that there are around the fabled Atlantis, from my point of view is all about in this documentary. Hope you like it and I find it interesting! Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV