Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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Equinox held in the birthplace of the Mayan culture

singing melodies and harmonies of animals living in the Peten jungle, were the only witnesses yesterday in the footsteps of friends and strangers who were driving at dawn to the old city and sacred Mayan Uaxactún, located in the department of Petén , north of Guatemala. The mission: get together Grandfather Sun with various acts, characteristic of the Mayan culture.

Mayan spiritual guides and community leaders peteneros, visitors from North and South America, Europe and representatives of various linguistic communities of Guatemala met in Uaxactún to receive the first rays of the sun and experience the spring equinox in brotherhood as one day I did the grandmothers and grandfathers. Flores, pom, incense, candles, chocolate, honey, among other Maya ceremonial materials were offered to the Creator and Maker, allowing once again the sunrise and the continuity of life, thanks to the land planting and hugs based communities.

roving ambassador of Indigenous Peoples, Cirilo Perez explained that the equinox Oxlaj announces land preparation and planting seeds for the next because "the Maya not only observed the movement of the stars and the behavior of Mother Nature but reported to regulate the way of life, linked to the cosmos in search of balance and wholeness. " Among the rituals to celebrate this important event in the Mayan calendar, music and dance highlight native Mayan ball game ceremonies offered by the Ajq'ijab Maya "(Mayan spiritual guides), with the participation of the community and guests to the event .

In time to connect with the energies of the Sun, Ajq'ijab 'Ajaw thanked the Creator and Maker, for life, unity of peoples and peace in the world. Also, the Mayan spiritual leaders apologized for the damage caused by some sectors to Mother Earth, drawing an irrational manner that provides resources.

To continue with the recovery and practice of traditional values, the Ajq'ijab 'and community Uaxactún, delegated to the leader Salvador Cutzal the announcement and invite to join them to participate in a Mayan ceremony of blessing of seeds, which take place on March 30, precisely Belejeb 'Q'anil (Nine Seeds) in Cholq'ij (Sacred Mayan calendar).

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mechanics License London Ontario

Congratulations to the mission spokesman Agro Venenzuela

congratulations to all those agricultural mission spokesman Venezuela ..... especially the Carabobo State ... mostly come from the peasant against simon bolivar ... And the network of producers ... This means that social work has been recognized by the people ....

jose luis santiago lopez
carmen gomez luis muniz

comrades always carry profound ideals of our revolution and the vision of the new man .... The fight is just beginning ... NATION SOCIALISM OR DEATH

Luis E. G. Tovar REDSPLA coordinator