Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Transpiration Lab Experiment 9 Answers

dignity and fight the "Independence"

Our country derives its name from the Nahuatl word "Quauhtlemallan", meaning "place of many trees." Such as ours, taking into account the many benefits trees provide us with their fruits, leaves, roots, branches, stems, seeds, etc. Unfortunately, today we are in a country ruled by destruction of mother nature and life, as evidenced by the indiscriminate felling of trees, irrational exploitation of natural resources and disregard for the lives of women and men killed daily by those who do not feel love and peace sown by Guatemala.

Guatemala, our beautiful country, where diverse cultures live together, but as the ancient trees provide us with all the benefits I mentioned, we have not managed to weave and build that country that reflects our different colors, customs, traditions, work , contributions, struggles and proposals. Since

1821, each September 15 marks the Guatemalan independence from Spain. But it is necessary to clarify that famous September 15, 1821, marked the declaration of independence of the local bourgeoisie of that time, both politically and economically from the English crown. At that September 15, 1821, the natives took advantage of political turmoil that appeared in Spain, in order to position themselves in power and repeat almost exactly the same as did English royalty against the Guatemalan people, whose living conditions have not improved with success of a movement led by the economic elite, because the interests of this group did not care so much political, but what he implied the new commercial ties were able to conclude from your independence.

For indigenous peoples of Guatemala, sorry to say, but that is the context in which independence was proclaimed on September 15 that tomorrow will be commemorated in schools, public institutions and other places where there are organized groups.

When the people of Guatemala wanted to have their own independence and freedom of decision, it was immediately suppressed by those who always handled the political and economic power to its taste and will, in collusion with outside interests such as the United States. I refer to the Revolution of 1944, when Guatemalans of great courage and bravery, gave their lives for a more just and humane.

Nearly a decade later, war broke out between two factions that vied for power for 36 years. Once again, the dead and missing we put indigenous peoples, while the beneficiaries, as well as recorded history, remained the same: the Creoles or at least their descendants.

After the war in Guatemala, and to date, states that we live in a democratic era. However, this democracy has been the law, money, power and ambition for some, while for others who make up the majority of the population has affected injustice poverty, abuse and lack of opportunities. Democracy is a Western product or commodity is still weak for the interests of the majority in Guatemala, since the common welfare longed not yet reached.

Indigenous peoples have our own forms of social, political, economic and cultural. But our independence and freedom for hundreds of years have been suppressed, but not quiet the voices and deeds of our heroes as Tekun Uman, Atanasio Tzul, Lucas Aguilar, Manuel Tot, among others.

Indigenous peoples love Guatemala, in Guatemala we want true freedom and independence for all its children and daughters. Our struggle continues and seeks to integrate the diversity that makes this beautiful land, unique in the world.

September 15 That this is a moment of reflection for all and all Guatemalans to be a day to think about improving the lives of those brothers forgotten by history, it is a time to join together to express and reconsider the construction of a people more united in its diversity. That is the true independence and freedom you need to Guatemala for their children and grandchildren can have a decent life in peace and harmony.

Iximulew, Wuqub 'Batz' / Guatemala, September 14, 2010

Wakatel Utiw / Cirilo Perez Oxlaj Ambassador-Indigenous

Friday, September 10, 2010

Can I Buy Graphic Card At Mustafa



Thursday, September 9, 2010

High Hard And Open Cervixat 7 Dpo

Che's Farewell Letter to Fidel

Friday, September 3, 2010

How To Adjust The Pressure On A Worcester 28i


Argimiro Rivero, Communist deputy in the Alliance Comunista_Socialista by the PCV, the National Assembly!

A deputy to attend Guatire! A deputy who will accompany us in our struggles!

The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) to deepen the revolution and advance to Socialism poses to workers, workers and the Venezuelan people, fighting for 12 urgent proposals to assume in the next legislative session, for which we Guatire your vote in the Red Rooster on September 26.

Proposal 1:

popular power base of the new socialist state: Promote Popular Power, as the basis of the new state, in which the workers, the rural and urban, are articulated in a planned national system for the production of goods and services, the overall satisfaction of needs and a new model of governance.

In Guatire: A deputy linked to people in the approach to common problems and participation in joint guatireños the "national system planned for the production of goods and services and the overall satisfaction of needs "... within a new governance model.


El Gallo Rojo, Card Members, in the first row, second column!

Source: Communist People's Voice Miranda

Adobe Cs3 Master Insert Cd


By: Ferrebé

For previous elections of governors and mayors, in an article noted as

"" The political landscape Miranda State is governed by the fact that they constitute two realities: a state within a state. There is a governor with real power over all municipalities outside the Metropolitan Area Caracas.Pero in this metropolitan area is a virtual "Miranda State" dominated by the Opposition, and the most recalcitrant coup.

These elements are also present in the current campaign Electoral.Siguen the two realities, this time for opposition forces, we moved from the Interior and the Municipality of Sucre in the previous elections for such positions.

In the Metropolitan Area for the State of Miranda in the opposition gravitate please the powers of the Governor of Miranda and the Metropolitan Mayor, in addition to mayors and municipal councils in their possession, they are not anything. Apart from that, so that he wields the "I will not, and here again. Well take this into account to avoid falling into triumphalism. This raises

statewide effort, which has a triple aspect:

- Winning Elections to the Assembly List resounding success, and the circuits with a significant majority, restoring the situation of those circuits where the elections of governor and mayor, added the votes, the initial situation would be beneficial oppositional fascist.

- Create the conditions electoral good progress in developing a comprehensive regional movement to promote a referendum to the Governor, and to rescue the Interior.

- Create conditions to structure a broad movement in all municipalities, to ensure currently governed by the Bolivarian movement and advance to the rescue of those who have opposed fasci-coup and fifth columnist.

This would be the kind of victory that would help break the situation of two powers, two orientations, which in fact are given in Miranda and revolutionary guide them across the state, or at least significantly reduce the power current opposition in the State.

This is the situation that has indicated the Communist Party of Venezuela in Miranda, and the challenge for the Communist-Socialist Alliance, which in addition to our Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV ), involving the MEP, UPV, Tupamaros, and other political and social organizations.

Given the importance of Miranda, change the current balance of power in the State, a correlation of forces favorable to the Bolivarian revolutionary process, is a victory not just regional - and there in local municipalities where this is the case - but to influence policy reflected national scale in the weakening of the recalcitrant opposition.

Source: PrensaPopularSolidaria
Mail: pcvmirandasrp@gmail.com

8mm 120 What To Play With


By: Faustino Rodriguez Bauza

Very close to opening official election campaign, the Communist Central Miranda, as Miranda State and Venezuela, we are ready to make every effort to ensure the people's victory, the triumph of the Communist-Socialist Alliance, with enough slack to ensure future National Assembly with a solid majority and the ability to pass laws that allow the deepening and development of the revolutionary process towards socialism.

on previous occasions, with analysis of the political situation of the State, noted in a commentary entitled "Miranda, a State, Two Realities," whose title reused as part of the title for this article, as in the Miranda State presented a situation of shared domain, so that there were two realities:

1 .- The sector with a government of the Bolivarian forces, where in addition to the National Power and the Regional - represented by the then Governor of Bolivar - also presented the powers of mayors and municipal sectors governed by members of the Bolivarian forces, ie Bolivarian power on all scales.

2 .- A sector reference Bolivarian National Power, the Bolivarian Regional, but with Mayors and Municipal Councils of the plotters and fascistic right of the five municipalities: - Baruta, Carrizal, Chacao, El Hatillo, Los Salias - which, we note and meet form one unit, since then, a second virtual regional power.

To do this, use all the resources of the municipalities in this area, a unified, integral to making: political economy, in collusion with powerful economic factors in order to deliver large and substantial business generated in the municipalities, police handling unifying the police to use, in addition to repression of the popular sectors, conspiratorial operations in the conch conspirators protection, protection to the entry and penetration of paramilitary and fifth column activities in general, as the organization of the popular networking sites that are not Otre thing prepared for violence groups in the style of fascist and Nazi cheerleaders.

also pointed to that time the situation presented by the strengthening of the right in these five municipalities, while the revolutionary movement in a situation here was almost "withdrawal" by a relatively weak political action. The development of organized political action of the Communist Party of Venezuela in this sector, in our organization Intermunicipal Miranda Centre is due precisely to the self-critical reviews of the subject and the respective correction.

In an article about it earlier, with The very title of today: "Miranda, a State ... Two Realities" note as

"" The consequences in the short, medium and long term, necessarily, that will be comfortable being here, in these five municipalities, the fascistizadores right, can work more comfortably in other sectors - and I have been doing in Petare and Los Teques - as evidenced in the referendum, when it lost in these two municipalities, and the consequences, we repeat, will be to they, here, more consolidated, and where they dominate the revolutionary forces, they move because they work more comfortable and already have a firm foundation. will run in future elections the danger of losing important municipal positions and even the state itself. "

The paragraphs in quotation marks is taken from the previous article, written in connection with the election of governors and mayors. And the final wording highlighted in color, was met with the advance of the right to win the Municipality of Sucre and Miranda State as a whole, which means a regrettable loss of influence regional government as a whole, as Municipal importatìsima the lost time the main municipality of the State, the Municipality of Sucre.

Miranda state persists with the formulation of "Miranda, a State two realities", but now Regional Power instead Bolivarian lies with the fascistic right, and the Municipal Branch, instead of the five former municipalities are now six, including Petare, Sucre Municipality.

placed this new correlation, then, the Communist-Socialist Unity, in a situation of relative initial disadvantage in circuits, including the three largest municipalities: Sucre, one; Baruta, in another, and comprising Guaicaipuro the Capital, Los Teques, in another. Stressing also that it is in these municipalities the right domain where the penetration paramilitrar, efforts to prepare for options of violence, participation and Command Kingdom of Police - the style than they did in April 2002 - the organization of networks, and other efforts fifth column is where you are more advanced and organized.

That does not mean that too, via the action from the Government, such preparations are starting to see in other government sectors, particularly and intensively in Los Teques and other surrounding parishes Guaicaipuro Township, using the same tactics before applied in Petare, Sucre municipality, of which there is already knowledge.

Against all these disadvantages, which must be seen clearly, deal with them, be aware of its existence, without being silly triumphalism, we need members Unit Communist-Socialist campaign for election intense and thoroughly, not just where it dominates the situation so far - Municipal del Tuy, Barlovento and Axis Guatire Guarenas - but, in sectors where the far right has a majority, and mainly in the municipalities where we are in terms mà or less peer and strong dispute to achieve electoral advantage, and other forms of struggle.

We are required to maintain and improve the most on Circuits and list all the municipalities of Tuy and Windward, in the Eje Guatire Guarenas, and recover the circuit comprising the municipality of Sucre, win there and recover, and in the Circuit one covering Los Teques. We
substantial progress in Carrizal and Los Salias, and to maintain and extend the lead in Los Teques.

Here - Carrizal and Los Salias - it is possible to operate with a strategic action, activity at the same time his eye on the rescue operation in both municipalities, where, incidentally, the Communist Party of Venezuela, in both municipalities the Communist Organiozaciones Carrizal Municipality and the Municipality of Los Salias, have submitted separate papers Call for Unity revolutionary sectors, popular, democratic, and anti-fascists, to integrate a unified movement Rescue of these municipalities.

rescue for the people, for the construction of communal power, to combat violence plans to move parallel to the action alectoral, from the right. So it is with our organizations in Baruta, El Hatillo and Chacao, all integrated into Intermunicipal Organization Miranda Centre Communist Party of Venezuela

That is the size of the commitment of the Communist-Socialist Alliance Miranda State: moving a resounding success Circuits and Municipalities in the State where it had been won, sustanciuales up positions to the right in the municipalities where they have advanced and the left has receded, that is, progress on all fronts, increasing the difference for where we are most and recovering and gaining positions where yet. or until now, has earned the right.

And if we consider that, by their geographical location, population and economic development, Miranda unifies a set of conditions that make it critical state - perhaps the most - the commitment of our unity Communist-Socialist Regional, is very big and important. The Communist Party of Venezuela in Miranda, - and their typical situation, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe municipalities located in the Intermunicipal Miranda Center - we are obliged to electoral work, organization of resistance to all events, and general organization all the people to fight on the ground that arise, without fault and with high precision revolutionary Nivek achieves the highest efficiency.

For this work, the Common Communication Network Mirandinos (REDECCOMI), is advancing steadily, and we are confident will help meet the commitment made, and also because, as is characteristic of Communist parties in their electoral action, This does not make us electioneering, but to serve our progress and build organizational and party.

Intermunicipal Organization in Central Miranda and the Municipalities and Parishes we cover we are committed to achieving our objective. We have to fulfill the commitment, progress on electoral, strengthen our unity policy and to the rescue of the municipalities, expanding the degree of confidence that comes giving the population, support and strengthen the communist organization in each of the municipalities, parishes, production sector and housing we serve meet People's Organization plans to reject violence in visitors and readers to expand the influence of our communication network on the Internet and expand the participation of comrades in their development.

And, basically, that we evaluate our electoral action to ensure the existence of a Communist Party more organizational power, quality and quantity of organisms and comrades incorporated and doing work of Communists, high level, every day, it should be.

Source: PrensaPopularSolidaria

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Love Gay People Quotes