After completing four spaces for exchange, dialogue and reflection in the departments Chimaltenango, Huehuetenango, Izabal, Chiquimula, midwives, traditional healers and indigenous spiritual guides delivered on Thursday July 8 the "Guide for Indigenous Peoples from the authorities and staff of the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare", which contains testimonies of those involved in indigenous health systems in the course of their work in communities, but also the problems faced by indigenous peoples in the various service centers of the health system official.
And in order to initiate a process of harmonization between the formal health system and health systems indigenous peoples, the Embassy of Indigenous Peoples Travelling in coordination with the Unit of Health Care and Intercultural Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala / Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance, based on the Ministerial Agreement facilitated meetings 1632-2009 Indian actors who gave advice and guidance to the health minister, Dr. Ludwig Ovalle to improve relations between the formal health system and the Maya, Garifuna Xinka and Guatemala.
Physicians Health Ministry demanded the respect and recognition for indigenous health systems and public health professionals to service cultural relevance and more human. Also, honorable midwives recommended seeking ways to avoid discriminatory attitudes and practices against the part of health personnel in various medical centers in the country, these actors also recalled that for every 100 births in indigenous communities, 70 are served by them, a community service work that added to the ancient physicians and their different specialties, represent a major palliative for the financial and human resources of the formal health system.
Roving Ambassador Indigenous Peoples Oxlaj Cirilo Pérez, said that among the conclusions of the Guide include: 1. That a law to manage the health of indigenous peoples in Guatemala, so that efforts made in various areas of the State have the legal basis and constitute permanent actions that benefit the entire population. 2. It is important that the health budget has a specific budget for indigenous peoples, because only this way will create strategies that will improve your health. 3. Create effective mechanisms for coordination among existing health systems in the country, looking for complementarity in the health care of the four villages within a framework of respect and dignity.
During a Mayan ceremony, representatives of the people indigenous health authorities and agreed talked about the sacred fire that coordinating efforts to improve communication and coordination of public health service, incorporating and respecting the contribution of traditional midwives and doctors who went to the Ambassador of Cuba, Eliseo Zamora Hernández to acknowledge the solidarity and support that the Cuban doctor gives Guatemala, mostly indigenous people.