Monday, May 24, 2010

Different Size Of Indain Boobs

Film 2012 and the prophecy of the Maya

What awaits us in the change of cycle in 2012, according to Ambassador-Indigenous Peoples Wakatel Utiw / Cirilo Perez Oxlaj.

Published by Prensa Libre, Guatemala.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wedding Thank You Slogans

Ambassadors seek to strengthen indigenous rights and indigenous peoples

In order to share experiences and concerns about indigenous issues, Ambassador of Norway in Guatemala, Lars Vaagen today held talks with Ambassador-Indigenous Peoples Oxlaj Cirilo Pérez, with whom he discussed various aspects pertaining to the Maya, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala and the challenges of a state and society to assert compliance rights of native peoples.

During his visit to the Indian Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Norwegian diplomat said that last a decade after the signing of peace accords implemented the Maya from the embassy which he chaired, which seeks the full exercise of the rights of peoples Indians in Guatemala in the areas of human rights, education, political participation of the Mayan people, mining and hydroelectric consultation, land rights and land, among others. This program is coordinated with the Organization of the United Nations in Guatemala and three of its agencies: United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

For his part, Perez Oxlaj appreciated the efforts and contributions offered by Norway in Guatemala, especially for indigenous peoples. "Historically we have suffered marginalization and dispossession. I welcome and thank you on behalf of my people, because this confirms that we are not alone and that only by joining the values \u200b\u200bthat we left our native peoples consciousness and courage to defend our mother nature and natural resources, "he said.

Meeting for nature
As Norway territory of the indigenous culture Sami, Vaagen ambassador reported that a delegation will come to this town and representatives from other countries to Guatemala in June to participate in an international seminar organized by the Guatemalan government, which includes issues such as environment, indigenous rights and implementation of Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization (ILO). For the event, the hosts Mayan, Xinca and Garifuna shared with other indigenous peoples of the world their struggle to protect Mother Nature and the violation of their rights by national and transnational corporations.

Parallel to the seminar will schedule meetings with government leaders and assistance to the UN Special Rapporteur on indigenous peoples for a better advocate for collective rights, not to mention the protection of natural resources. "One of our biggest concerns today is the deterioration of the environment, because that game is in everyone's life," said Ambassador-indigenous peoples, who in turn points to the mining companies to fool people Indian grounds that invest their capital in communities, where the gain for the indigenous population is more pollution, disease and poverty. Embassy

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Soul Silver Komplettlösung


Indigenous Listen United Stations currently the difficulties faced by indigenous people in offices and service provided by the National Registry of Persons-RENAP. 15:00. United Stations 89.7 FM.

Friday, May 7, 2010

300k Pixels Digital Camera Binocular

RENAP: A threat to the identity of indigenous peoples approved claim

In order to contribute to strengthen and improve our service to the National Registry of Persons-RENAP-paid to the Guatemalan indigenous population, authorities from the Guatemalan Association of Mayors Authorities and Indigenous-AGAAI, and the Embassy of Indigenous Peoples Travelling held a close, amid concerns expressed in the Maya, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala, where complaint from poor attention to the rejection of names and place names own indigenous worldview.

The AGAAI Executive Director, Carlos Guarquez indicated that it has opened a space for dialogue and legal analysis, political and administrative law regarding the National Registry of Persons, which provides preliminary results of linguistic irrelevance cultural and indigenous peoples, lack of recognition in the practice of political exercise of indigenous leaders who are perceived by the RENAP as a sort of colonial servitude, denial of the 23 different peoples who live together as the country to give ladino or indigenous features only in personal identification.

add to the above complaints from indigenous communities in several departments, which highlight the terrible personal care, lack of bilingual human resources, wear too much time and money to obtain a Personal Identification Document-DPI-imposition of a electronic system does not recognize indigenous names or linguistic communities recognized as such, inhabited by 65% \u200b\u200bof the Guatemalan population. More complaints

chiefs gathered in AGAAI councilors have expressed their own concern in finding the books of the Civil Registry and Neighbourhood cultural heritage, they who were under his custody for 133 and 77 years respectively. Also, the mayors are concerned that the cost of IPR suffer further increases affecting the pockets of the population already experiencing some municipalities to see diminished revenues from the operation of RENAP.

For its part, the Presidential Commission against Discrimination and Racism against Indigenous Peoples, CODISRA, "after investigation set position and filed a complaint against RENAP, arguing that the entity incurs in discrimination and racism against indigenous peoples Guatemala.

During a space for dialogue and reflection between Traveling Embassy of Indigenous Peoples and midwives from different linguistic communities, the latter demanded more respect for indigenous peoples and their own forms of organization. There was testimony to outsource contempt and harassment RENAP offices, where they have faced numerous difficulties in registering newborns. Conflict prevention

"The RENAP is driven to a wrong path looking to lose or delete the identity of indigenous peoples. I urge everyone to join us this ethno-cultural persecution not consumed, "said Ambassador-Indigenous Peoples, Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj. The Indian official pointed out that one should not forget that there are national and international legal instruments that support the culture and worldview of indigenous peoples.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the AGAAI regrets that the recommendations given to the authorities of RENAP since 2006 to date, are ignored. "We believe and argue that reform must include not only how to make the record, but also the law and its regulations, as well as the Admin. Not addressed the problem could generate local lawlessness as has happened in some municipalities, not to mention general elections approaching, the ingredient that many people have in their hands DPI and the card, which could be because of fraud, "the Executive Director AGAAI.