Thursday, April 30, 2009

Should A Diebetic Eat Poptarts?


The attack on social Europe posed by the Directive of 65 hours has stopped. The conciliation procedure in the review of Directive management of working time ended yesterday without agreement between the European Parliament and Council. The existing Directive on working hours will continue to apply unchanged.

United Left MEP Willy Meyer explained that "there are many who appreciate this fact a failure to progress in Europe. And no lack of reason is a failure to progress in Europe that some people want: European deregulation and cuts in workers 'rights. The improvement of workers' rights has never been on the agenda of the Commission and Council. On the contrary, his proposals have been aimed at dismantling the Directive current working time arrangements, which already provides a very low level of protection of workers. Have gotta stop this proposal for a directive extending the workday to 65 hours is a victory for workers and unions across Europe. "

" If the proposal of the Council and Commission had succeeded, Annualised hours systems Flexible working could have been enacted by simple administrative arrangements - the Member States have even had to ask the national parliaments, "continued Meyer." The passage of the clause "opt-out" would have undermined the power of unions and was over binding collective agreements. "

" The Commission and the Council also failed in their attempt to eliminate the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Communities on the compensatory time in sectors such as health emergency, fire and emergency services. "
Meyer completed supporting demonstrations proposals by European trade unions from 14 to 17 May and said "that the United Left will continue to work to stall the offensive and proposed Directive of 65 hours and the introduction of a 35-hour week

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Willy Meyer started the day on Tuesday 28 April with a meeting with the Committee for Enterprise Municipal Buses, that he explained both by members of the Committee as part of the management members of Izquierda Unida Canaria, Puig María Martínez Barrios and second, the problem of Municipal Buses that the Socialist Government in the city of Las Palmas is intention to privatize, despite the agreements reached at various times in the Municipal Council in favor of maintaining the character and public service management.

Meyer explained that "the policy of privatization of public services that has characterized the Lisbon Strategy, is what has failed in Europe." "We are in favor of rescuing what until now has been privatized in the transport sector."

Then, the United Left MEP moved to the local dockworkers union in Puerto de La Luz and Las Palmas where he held a meeting with the President and members of the Longshoremen's Union who explained the situation by passing this important group with a permanent staff of 500 employees before the joint venture's decision to dismiss SESTIBA 170 workers, making the port of Las Palmas in the only port in the entire ERE been the subject of a discontinuance, where the downturn is much lower than in other ports of the Peninsula. The President of the Union, Miguel Rodriguez, said that workers were willing to reach an agreement with the entrepreneurs negotiating a temporary ERE suits the needs of staff to the real activity, but that does not include layoffs, benefiting neither workers nor the port itself.

Willy Meyer promised the workers to contact the Government Delegate, Carolina Darias, to consider the proposal for workers to replace the extinct ERE employers had unilaterally and that workers considered illegal, temporal redundancy plan. He also pledged to support the workers' proposals regarding the EU Directive on Port.

During midday, Willy Meyer met with the Platform for Network Security Telephony Mobile, with whom he shared his concern about the health problems caused by these networks, promising to bring together the experiences that exist in the different EU countries through the Group of the European United Left, to present at the next legislature of a parliamentary initiative to halt the indiscriminate proliferation of mobile phone networks.

the afternoon, Meyer met with the Friends of the Sahara and the Polisario members. Willy Meyer said he was at home, the view up the cause of the Saharawi people, and explained to the Association the work being done in Brussels, as Group Vice President Friendship with the Saharawi people to self-determination referendum in favor of explaining the initiatives that could be carried out in the coming months and the possibility of participating again in the next United Nations meeting.