Wednesday, October 15, 2008


By: Alcides López

Guatire The Communists have followed closely approaches on attacks several times in rapid succession, the President Hugo Chávez Pesuve against our organization, the glorious Communist Party of Venezuela, which constiutuye our collective polí through srtículos of our press, the national digital daily newspaper Tribuna PCV People, our Digital Daily Press Popular Mirandino Communist newspapers on Miranda and the Municipalities Mirandinos, whose publications have made clear the comrades of our Party's position on the matter.

We must begin by saying that the Communist Party of Venezuela has distinguished itself throughout the history of its actions, the party that in all situations has been characterized as a bastion of all popular unit. It is written and everyone knows it. You can not accuse antiunitario VCP.

We have seen in the digital newspaper Tribuna Popular VCP in digital page statements PSUV leader Jorge Rodriguez about the issue and it is said that:

"While support" in its entirety "the words of Chavez, Jorge Rodriguez, PSUV leader and candidate for mayor of Libertador said that persists in the unit PSUV revolutionary allied parties' .- Strangely enough this because home supports all what has been compromised unit, such as Chavez's words precisely. We do not consider it a basis for a unified position, although the intention is good.

information Tribuna Popular TP of the statements to the press in which Rodriguez said: "The PSUV is willing to persist in the unity of the revolutionary process against 23 November, we insist, on behalf the party, not to play into enemy sectors that insist on creating discord ".-

is not exactly the PCV that is making the game the enemy. Since the PCV not match any statement that may make the game the enemy, that demonstrates that it believes discord. Viinieron all know where the volleys, and what we do is use our right to state our opinions. Then we can not pandering to the enemy that wants to create discord. We appreciate that at least we try not revolutionaries and counterrevolutionaries who were going away.

is important to note the statement of Rodriguez, which the letter says:

"" The National Socialist United Party of Venezuela (PSUV) persists in the revolutionary unity with political organizations that make up the so-called Patriotic Alliance, facing the electoral process that will take place come what noviembre.Así 23, said, at a press conference held at the headquarters of the Red party in Caracas, the member of the National Directorate of the PSUV, Jorge Rodriguez, who argued that the unity of the organization is vital for the construction of the revolutionary process led by President Hugo Chávez Frías. "

Up here we are in perfect agreement .- Rather we have said and worked for unity in this municipality and here we are in unity.

Rodríguez also says in the statement:

" The PSUV is willing to persist in unity of the revolutionary process against 23 November, we insist, on behalf of the party, not to play into enemy sectors insist on creating discord. We have signaling domes, but despite that we call the alliance, "said Rodriguez.

This part of the statement is to ratify the above it has a double message and Psychiatrist Dr. Rodriguez is known about it .- He insists on "not to play the enemy" and then says they have done signs of "dome." Domes of what and whom? Communist Party of Venezuela? Go there and talking to other "core communists" to leave your address and go and vote for candidates Pesuve or Chavez, and mostly they say.

Is that a spirit of unity? Is that persist in the unit? What would happen if other way around, if from the PCV was calling Cogollo Dome or her address, and calling its members to vote for candidates that we back where we are less than perfect unit? The Communists are like most of the unit. We know its importance and we have always worked for her in all circumstances, and in this process even more .-

But would a question: How is anyone going to join a group or someone - other person - or another group to which it disappeared? Will join with a vacuum? That is a contradiction .- If you keep attacking the Real Address - no Dome - VCP is the most democratically elected in Venezuela, as you will join with him?

Clearly, unity is a necessity of great importance today for the revolutionary forces, but achieve part of having a position of respect and appreciation of all the forces of the current situations in each state and municipality, and conducting the process with respect and spirit of unity and not to dart hidden .- In the PCV is clear that at all levels, from National to the militant cell in its entirety.

We organize and move forward in our work with all publación, with a spirit of unity, and working on the basis of our campaign slogans: For Socialism, People's Power! Communist Party of Venezuela, the Revolutionary Option!

And Miranda also presented in a consistent struggle to guarantee our candidates for the Legislative Council: John Stone and Argimiro Rivero Miranda representatives, with the card of the Communist Party of Venezuela, the Red Rooster.

For a communist communist militancy seems to understand the position of leader Hugo Chavez Pesuve against the Communist Party of Venezuela, position and approach if it is counter-revolutionary and totally unacceptable to be attacking the So what has made to its allies, and we hope to cease such behavior.

Source: Communist People's Voice Guatire