Saturday, November 22, 2008

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COMMUNIST PARTY OF VENEZUELA revolutionary options
Building Popular Power Rumbo al Socialismo
Defending Workers Struggle for their Claims
Workers' Solidarity Sidor
Nationalization of the Banking already!
Monopolies Nationalisation of Food Distribution and Consumer Staples!
Voting is easy: Just Playing Cards of the Red Rooster

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Here's your card, the Red Rooster, to accumulate strength left for the advancement of the Socialist Revolution, the creation of People's Power, Communist Party of Revolutionary Venezuela Option.

By: Faustino Rodriguez Bauza
How we vote? Is the question that in the final stretch we often do many people. For all is very simple.

A Communist vote us is easy: just look at the card ballots and vote red rooster eggs that are attached. No peeling. They are the only ones with legitimate RED, full, complete, white patches. Full red with the image of the rooster and the initials of PCV. Unmistakable.

That for all comunistas.Nos say some what about those who say they are communists who are in other parties?. For them too. It was classic crossover voting, where crossover voting is one which looks to the red rooster as one of its components.

And for many people, too. For members of the Working Class. For all workers. Youth. Women.Most professionals. The Red Rooster independientes.La card is therefore guarantees of compliance with ofrcido, loyalty to the people in their struggles in the worst conditions. Why

RED ROOSTER? Because the vote, this time in this election, vote red rooster is the defense of the revolutionary positions, but rather a guarantee against unilateral and exclusionary machinations of the domestic right to be manifest and sectarian, and in developing anti-political intentions.

Red Rooster is a vote for the nationalization of the banks now, before it rots, before its commitments and foreign banking combinations to mean that as of 1994,

Red Rooster is a vote for the nationalization of monopolies of power that every day more expensive, hoard and make scarce basic goods basket

Red Rooster is a vote for the resolution of the problems of workers with no prisons, no pressure and no violations

Red Rooster is a vote for a socialist program and subsequent collective leadership of the Revolution, with the main participation of the working class and all revolutionary forces to ensure the forward thinking and defense of the revolution in all 'circumstances

Gallo Rojo Communist Party of Venezuela is a guarantee loyalty and internal endogenous right result without disturbing the revolutionary process and exclusivity

A subsequent vote is a vote Gallo Rojo accumulation of forces to the left and progress of the revolution .-

why we say: Vote for Governor Miranda Gallo Rojo card, ensuring strict and consistent monitoring to fulfill election pledges on a regional scale.

why we say: Vote for the Legislative Council to the Red Rooster card to carry the body to the communist John Stone and Ribero Argimiro

= guarantee Bills presentation for opening the way to development popular power up to Socialism,

= vigtilancia guarantee revolutionary enforceable power in regional and local state authorities,

= facilitation guarantee the functioning and achievements of communal power
= warranty and claims to irregularities in the implementation of the objectives and judgments in favor of population, in terms of services, initiatives and grassroots organizing.

= guarantee the use of legislative positions for the struggle for peace, for the Global Crisis of Capitalism and the monopolists Pay no Peoples

= guarantee in the struggle for the deepening and expansion of measures Socialists in the Miranda State

= guarantee daily participation in the organization of Community Power and the Councils of Workers

= guarantee of study and struggle for support measures for the efficient administration of the companies management workers

= assurance measures to rescue struggle for land and deliver them to farmers with all the facilities to produce

= guarantee to work on solving the problems of housing, education and improvement of schools, sports facilities for

= security in the fight against drug trafficking

= security in combating corruption wherever it is present

For these and many other reasons to vote call the card of the Communist Party of Venezuela, the Red Rooster

also call to vote for mayors, with RED ROOSTER's card, will be the first to enforce the promises and programs our candidates presented themselves, and be vigilant and act next to the town who claims to support, if not satisfied with the programs and agreed policies for which we gave our support.

deepen In the struggle for socialism, for the efficient and honest in all scales of power, corruption and bureaucracy, for the solution of problems of security services for the nationalization of the banks and monopolies which are challenging the domestic right, for the foreseeable measures to safeguard the crisis of capitalism that is spreading throughout the world, COMMUNIST PARTY OF VENEZUELA insurance is a factor of participation by the people, as it has done in his seventy years of fighting in all situations.

In the fight against fascism processes that occur in the Miranda State, with local power sectors dominated by fascist coup forces that manage processes of penetration of paramilitary covered by them for use against the people who prepare stock outright, the Communist Party calls for unity and organization of the people, and to ensure consistency in the fight by voting for Gallo Rojo.

Communist Communication Network Mirandinos (REDECCOMI), with its spokesmen digital newspapers Regional, Sectoral, all Municipalities Municipal, Parochial and Mobile will be the first to denounce as they affect the people, it leaves elected officials who have received our support, and next to the village will be our contribution to the claim and the achievement of the corrections accordingly.

We say to our readers, friends, voters vote for the Communist Party is to help build up strength to the left, on the progress of the Revolution, the Unity of the People, by the Revolutionary result, Loyalty, by the People's Power Construction.

Card Communist Party of Venezuela - Option Revolutionary "is the guarantee of struggle. Vote with the eggs for her for Governor, Legislature and Mayors.

Source: Miranda Communist Prensapopular_Solidaridad

Brent Corrigan Everett Blog


COMMUNIST PARTY OF VENEZUELA revolutionary options

Building Popular Power Rumbo al Socialismo

Defending Workers Struggle for their Claims
Workers Solidarity with Sidor

Nationalization of the Banking now!
Monopolies Nationalisation of Food Distribution and Consumer Staples!

Voting is easy: Just Playing Cards of the Red Rooster

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Why call people to vote for the Red Rooster?

Tribuna Popular TP / Edgar Lucena Director .-

On November 4, 2008 cleared the expectations the world with the election of Democrat Barack Obama as president of the United States North America. We can say that Obama will implement a National Plan International and the service of finance capital and protecting the interests of the American Empire through the policies of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and free trade agreements.

note some hope left wing and they expect a difference in Obama's performance in relation to George Bush, because for the first time a black man comes to the bench of that State. From this fact we can only hope the sharpening contradictions between black communities to feel the negative impact on the development of social policies of the new government, this would trigger increased participation in popular struggles.

In Colombia, a country protected by imperialism are common human rights violations, political, social and economic measures covered in the Democratic Security Policy implemented by the discredited government of President Alvaro Uribe, with the pretext of eradicating drug trafficking.

know that your real goal is the creation of narco-paramilitary groups equipped with military hardware and technology, to address the progress of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP), the National Liberation Army (ELN) and other insurgent movements that exist today.

At the present time we see how farmers and indigenous communities were massacred, repressed their struggles by the Colombian army and paramilitary groups to serve landowners and drug cartels, which are protected by international agencies like the DEA.

The fighting capacity of communities and indigenous peoples specific actions occur as the march made to Santa Fe de Bogotá in order to vindicate the dignity of their peoples and to demand the government of Alvaro Uribe's statement UN on the rights of indigenous peoples.

subjective conditions existing in Latin America are maturing by the accumulated history of revolutionary struggles, the example of unyielding resistance led by the FARC-EP in Colombia, the struggle of the heroic people Cuba, whose revolution achieve its fiftieth anniversary next January and the freshness of the Bolivarian revolutionary process, have enabled people to reject the imperial domination of the U.S. government and transit route of Latin American unity under the principles of spontaneous cooperation, reciprocity, complementarity relations economic, political and social development and the creation of a new international order in relations with mutual benefits.

All these changes in consciousness, in the forms of participation will continue to attract people through the democratic process of popular elections. Nicaragua recently completed an electoral process to choose local government authorities, deserved congratulations to the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (FSLN), who conquered most of the mayors of the country, the Salvadoran people held their elections next year which portends a victory for the Frente Farabundo Martí.

In our country this November 23 will also be a democratic election process, by universal, direct and secret ballot to elect governors / as, legislators and Mayors. Have made efforts for the unity of all political factors on the left by the Patriotic Alliance, space need not be managed in accordance with criteria strategic.

However, the PCV in bilateral talks and agreements consistent support to ensure the revolutionary cadres in the new governments locales.Justo is that this diversity of ideological positions within the parties that support the process aimed at our people to form a correlation of forces left more consistently and consciously expressed by the truly revolutionary option that allows to keep fighting and making further contributions to the Venezuelan revolution, that this progress in the transfer of power to the people. Therefore, we call upon all our people to join us on November 23 vote by the board of the Communist Party Red Rooster Venezuela's PCV

. We recall that the Communist Party of Venezuela PCV, as part of the Patriotic Alliance, and in accordance with all the strength members, has given its support to 17 candidates for governor of the PSUV, including the Capital District, Anzoategui , Apure, Aragua, Barinas, Carabobo, Cojedes, Falcon, Guarico, Lara, Merida, Miranda, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Tachira, Vargas and Zulia; to 3 independent candidates, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro and Trujillo, to a candidate PPT Portuguese and 2 candidates from our ranks in: Sucre and Yaracuy Armiche Eduardo Padrón Linares.

addition, nominations for the municipal government, the vast majority are candidates of the PSUV, but also of other forces and the Communist Party. And nominations for the Regional Legislative Councils and Councillors Metropolitan, we VCP 28 candidates, but mostly to support other law revolutionary process.

therefore very high raise our sense of unity in diversity, beyond the speeches, in practice we build this process should lead to strengthening the Bolivarian Revolution led by President Hugo Chávez Frías and be a contribution concrete to the construction of socialism.

Source: Tribuna Popular TP-Digital Journal of Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)

Editing: Miranda Communist Solidarity Prensapopular

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


By: Alcides López

Guatire The Communists have followed closely approaches on attacks several times in rapid succession, the President Hugo Chávez Pesuve against our organization, the glorious Communist Party of Venezuela, which constiutuye our collective polí through srtículos of our press, the national digital daily newspaper Tribuna PCV People, our Digital Daily Press Popular Mirandino Communist newspapers on Miranda and the Municipalities Mirandinos, whose publications have made clear the comrades of our Party's position on the matter.

We must begin by saying that the Communist Party of Venezuela has distinguished itself throughout the history of its actions, the party that in all situations has been characterized as a bastion of all popular unit. It is written and everyone knows it. You can not accuse antiunitario VCP.

We have seen in the digital newspaper Tribuna Popular VCP in digital page statements PSUV leader Jorge Rodriguez about the issue and it is said that:

"While support" in its entirety "the words of Chavez, Jorge Rodriguez, PSUV leader and candidate for mayor of Libertador said that persists in the unit PSUV revolutionary allied parties' .- Strangely enough this because home supports all what has been compromised unit, such as Chavez's words precisely. We do not consider it a basis for a unified position, although the intention is good.

information Tribuna Popular TP of the statements to the press in which Rodriguez said: "The PSUV is willing to persist in the unity of the revolutionary process against 23 November, we insist, on behalf the party, not to play into enemy sectors that insist on creating discord ".-

is not exactly the PCV that is making the game the enemy. Since the PCV not match any statement that may make the game the enemy, that demonstrates that it believes discord. Viinieron all know where the volleys, and what we do is use our right to state our opinions. Then we can not pandering to the enemy that wants to create discord. We appreciate that at least we try not revolutionaries and counterrevolutionaries who were going away.

is important to note the statement of Rodriguez, which the letter says:

"" The National Socialist United Party of Venezuela (PSUV) persists in the revolutionary unity with political organizations that make up the so-called Patriotic Alliance, facing the electoral process that will take place come what noviembre.Así 23, said, at a press conference held at the headquarters of the Red party in Caracas, the member of the National Directorate of the PSUV, Jorge Rodriguez, who argued that the unity of the organization is vital for the construction of the revolutionary process led by President Hugo Chávez Frías. "

Up here we are in perfect agreement .- Rather we have said and worked for unity in this municipality and here we are in unity.

Rodríguez also says in the statement:

" The PSUV is willing to persist in unity of the revolutionary process against 23 November, we insist, on behalf of the party, not to play into enemy sectors insist on creating discord. We have signaling domes, but despite that we call the alliance, "said Rodriguez.

This part of the statement is to ratify the above it has a double message and Psychiatrist Dr. Rodriguez is known about it .- He insists on "not to play the enemy" and then says they have done signs of "dome." Domes of what and whom? Communist Party of Venezuela? Go there and talking to other "core communists" to leave your address and go and vote for candidates Pesuve or Chavez, and mostly they say.

Is that a spirit of unity? Is that persist in the unit? What would happen if other way around, if from the PCV was calling Cogollo Dome or her address, and calling its members to vote for candidates that we back where we are less than perfect unit? The Communists are like most of the unit. We know its importance and we have always worked for her in all circumstances, and in this process even more .-

But would a question: How is anyone going to join a group or someone - other person - or another group to which it disappeared? Will join with a vacuum? That is a contradiction .- If you keep attacking the Real Address - no Dome - VCP is the most democratically elected in Venezuela, as you will join with him?

Clearly, unity is a necessity of great importance today for the revolutionary forces, but achieve part of having a position of respect and appreciation of all the forces of the current situations in each state and municipality, and conducting the process with respect and spirit of unity and not to dart hidden .- In the PCV is clear that at all levels, from National to the militant cell in its entirety.

We organize and move forward in our work with all publación, with a spirit of unity, and working on the basis of our campaign slogans: For Socialism, People's Power! Communist Party of Venezuela, the Revolutionary Option!

And Miranda also presented in a consistent struggle to guarantee our candidates for the Legislative Council: John Stone and Argimiro Rivero Miranda representatives, with the card of the Communist Party of Venezuela, the Red Rooster.

For a communist communist militancy seems to understand the position of leader Hugo Chavez Pesuve against the Communist Party of Venezuela, position and approach if it is counter-revolutionary and totally unacceptable to be attacking the So what has made to its allies, and we hope to cease such behavior.

Source: Communist People's Voice Guatire

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

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By: Ferrebé

The political landscape Miranda State is governed by the fact that they constitute two realities: a state within a state. A Governor

real power over all municipalities outside the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bCaracas.

But this metropolitan area is a virtual "Miranda State" dominated by the Opposition, and the most recalcitrant coup.

This obviously reflected in the conspiracy plans permanent opposition. And it will influence the progress of the campaign.

All of the Bolivarian forces should take this into account for the development of its electoral strategy, including forms and time of onset, organization of partnerships and other components

. In the previous article, the Speaker "" Rescue Centre Miranda Communist People ", the Communist Organization of this sector - the five municipalities governed by the opposition - we have identified as Mayors of these five municipalities Mirandino Center:: "" "coordinated act as if they were a different state, putting all their forces within their conspiratorial efforts of destabilization and support any action against Venezuela .- The

action of the municipal government of this sector is linked to its permanent coup plans against our country .-

Plan that directly affect those living on the territory controlled by the opposition, conspiratorial action of Mayors, who are working together as a different kind of state within the state act Miranda .-

a permanent coup planning, which continues its preparations for fascism and domain "territories" with the Nazi SA bodies, such as "redespopulares" leading Leopoldo López .-

grant all possible facilities for the installation of paramilitaries in these municipalities, conspirators take the care to illegal movement of arms and other anti-national conspiracy tasks, performed in public before the noses of police, who more well serve as their caregivers and guarantors of their security to the conspirators .-

real basis of those factors is that we propose as, at present, the state of Miranda has two antagonistic political realities and permanent shock, and have very important factor into account in the formulation of revolutionary politics in this State .-

Source: Communist People's Press

Saturday, January 5, 2008

How Often Does Yukon Change It Body Style


By: Faustino Rodriguez Bauza

In a wiretap - modality used by President Chavez to make some announcements lately - mentioned several issues which I believe the fundamentals are: 1.-

References to beat that keeps calling --- --- soft. term which I think is not successful, and the actual description of what would happen as the President and that he himself enunciated in his invocation of the program is confirmed, and then it is inexplicable to continue calling it "soft" - which is what looking for the enemy to cover up best - when it is admitted that come with carnage, prisons, persecution, liquidation of progressive measures, closure of programs and resources, etc.

should not continue to make Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf is clearly in the vista. "The blow is violent, fascist, there is no other. Do not be fooled and deceived by this "soft"

the assassination still planteado.En such Tribuna Popular sense we have talked enough to tema.En several articles there are references to it since it appeared in the costume and theme of the coup " And soft

. reproduce below the latest :."""" written about in previous articles I said we can not see as a blow "new" to each mobilization oposicionista.-There is one and the same stroke on the imperialism which works through the CIA and the various organizations that serve intermediaries, both in the U.S., as in other countries and in Venezuela itself, all unified in a common plan of permanent destabilization against the Revolution and the Venezuelan Government.

A Plan to comply with a very clear objective: to overthrow President Chavez, to end the Bolivarian government and the Revolutionary Process and mount a counter-revolutionary fascist government to liquidate the gains made by the Venezuelan people and also push back progress popular movement in Latin America.

The shock is permanent, constant, work on it every day, and handle different opciones.Y is not new. Nor is "soft" as some proclaim, by confusion, or inadequate assessment of the reality that arises, thus falling into the enemy's maneuver to talk about "soft coup" to conceal and disguise their real intentions and plans

.- That of "soft" is merely a mask for deceive, and thus reduce the level of preparedness and "to" prepare the revolutionary movement required and when unarmed truth and be able to find the beat with ease .-

must not fall into this deception and requires make the preparation of the revolutionary organizations and people in all fields, and everyone knows what I mean by this. There should be not an inch of land left in this regard .-
preparing the destabilization and conspiracy began imperialism and the class enemy in general since Chavez appeared in the political arena .-

is a blow that is mounted always, work on it every day and try to intensify with Most often, using the inflections of violence that they themselves can create or presented by the dynamics of progress and profundizaión the Revolution and the political discourse.

is a blow which the array of options are all kind of disruptive and violent criminal activities using the imperialismo. "Just to fool now invented the word" soft ", which some youth policy, while others quite old, and eat it to talk about "soft coup" .-

That is an impossibility in Venezuela, that the so-called "soft coup" good to fool fools .-

not square with venezolana.Y situation believe that President Chavez must be clear on this and not to swallow the bait, the enemy uses to stop people adequately prepared for combat against real option of violence is

.- In this case the enemy imperialism and its lackeys Creoles are perfectly clear about the use of all components of the imperialist arsenal usar.-assassination. Coup. Destabilization. Media campaign against Revolution and the Revolutionary Government in the country and abroad. Hoarding. Sabotage Agencies and State Enterprises. Shortages. . Closings and move abroad. Terrorist actions. Sicariato.-Guarimba. Violent marches in the streets .-

permanent job for the army coup and attracting militares.Todos components and conspiracy to destabilize previously mentioned and others not listed here but are detailed in previous articles of imperialism and Arsenal the oposicionismo.-For everything said must be prepared .- 2 .-

emails and other communications we have received from various organizations popular have referred to this, as I always say, we must continue to prepare for the worst, in every sense, as we have held "ready from now and offensive"

.- 3 .- In contrast to the opportunities above supports the need for anti-imperialist National Front, and the grouping of forces. Okay. What defines who is presently in the field of the Bolivarian Revolution is the position before the Imperialismo. "But that in no way should lose sight of the goal of building socialism and popular power

.- 4. - On the election of the President's reference to calling alliances and choice of candidates contains interesting idea unit, but made a notable lack of reference to participation and choice from the grassroots and elections for the candidates, so it will not resubmit the vice of dedocratismo from cogollo. "That poses to handle a popular movement great movement from the base to not smuggle again - as on previous occasions - the relevant item of popular participation and involvement and is not consumed another deception of the people fixing it as in other times with an "in the upcoming elections be chosen by the base ", and impose other kind of kino candidatural again with a few tailing

5 .- Finally, neither the result of referendum, or amnesty, or elections, or to be admitted his language vile and misleading of such "soft coup" was deleted in any way the ongoing planning and Swat - not smooth - .-

still moving on it, creating all conditions .- It is simply a consequence of class struggle and imperialism can not allow this process to progress beyond where it is today .-

They are very claros.Y now no longer a single blow against Venezuela, but in fact against all countries with progressive governments of Latin American orientation .-

And beyond even with moderados. And against popular movements in all countries but their governments are kneeling imperialism, cases of Mexico, Peru, Colombia.Esa is the base for the preparation and organization of the working class and popular movement for all possible events .-

That as noted above includes very important international solidarity with the struggle of all peoples and the struggle for peace as a way to strike powerfully imperialism .-

These observation may be extended according to developments we permanentemnte alerts posteriores.Los Communists to work for the organization and advocacy of the working class and the people fighting for national liberation and the march to socialism .-